>at school >speaking in my own language >tfw see pencil necked 5'8 faggot, iron cross and red hat; a real triple OG >retard thinks im speaking arabic (Jow Forums double digit IQ at work) says something about a camel jockey >I then proceed to walk towards him ask him what you're looking at, you're not my type faggot etc. >retard begins reaching in his bag >shove him tell him "you aint reaching for shit" and he proceeds to try and sucker punch me with his knuckle filler >whiffs >he shits himself, but i touched him first and not looking to go to jail >told retard I would kill him If I saw him around school again.
Haven't seen him since, two things. Which one of you faggots was it, I want to piss on your face. But my main point being, when will you retards stop your bullshit "muh white 'netics" when you are all scrawny and punch like fruit bowl ass munchers.
>tfw you're so angry at the world because you're a weak bitch >tfw you will never have any glory because you're of small stature and weak will
please feed me your tears, I want more replies like this because this situation, is literally what would happen to you if you tried doing your little "ignorant by choice" schtick IRL (on top of girls thinking you're an aspie). Get bent chubby tits.
hey guys! maybe our IQ's combined can form a single relevant thought!
Juan Young
>things that never happened....
sage this gay shit
Matthew Smith
Nicely done, OP! Keep showing those bigots that the only way to fight intolerance is with more intolerance!
Please keep in mind, however, that you will always lose unless your enemies win. You claimed victory this time when you really suffered defeat. I'm sure you'll do better next time!
Gabriel Wilson
Henry Howard
You invented your own language? How autistic are you?
If that's not what you meant, you probably should stop trying to fight random people and go back to remedial English
Easton Jones
>things that didnt happen
why do you go ont he internet and lie we all know canacucks are to busy playing hockey and getting pucks shoved up there assholes to make fun of people
Cooper Wright
>Get called a camel jockey because you can't assimilate into the country you chose over your old country >sperg out and fight autistic kid
Checks out Must be from Toronto
Luke Lewis
>16 replies Ugh..
Caleb Baker
>speaking in your own language
fucking camel jockey piece of shit invaders Go back to your hell hole, dick sucker
Ethan Lee
Holy shit it seems only retards are on right now. Anyway, nice job OP. I think those types are hilarious.
Isaac Hill
>hey guys! maybe our IQ's combined can form a single relevant thought! Says the baitposting leaf you tried i guess
b8 slide report, hide, don't respond if you do, you have American IQ and your mom will die or whatever
Jackson Brooks
Speaking in a foreign language that isn't the official language of the country is inappropriate and bad behavior. Just because people tolerate it doesn't make it right.
You don't speak English in China to relate to the people there You don't speak English in Russia to relate to the people there You don't speak your own language in Canada to relate to the people there
tldr you are a big fat phony
Ayden Moore
yeah but when a nigger tries reaching for a gun from his book bag the copper dindu nuffin when did I fight anyone?
Colton Ward
What city? Can’t wait for next autism shooter
Benjamin Jenkins
A fucking leaf. You pick on scrawny whites and pretend that projects to the entire race. I can beat up dweeby brown faggots too? The difference is I have the intelligence to realize that proves literally nothing, but in that realization it seems I've proven everything. You subhuman mixed faggot
Blake Hernandez
this can't be real
John Foster
Last time I checked I wasn't fucking walking up to him and trying to be his friend. I wasn't forcing my culture/language on him, your point is fucking retarded.
lmfao, im an ethnically white berber. My people kept out the shit skins and romans preserving our beautiful genetics. You on the other hand are a melting pot of DNA and culture, you should be more accepting of other cultures considering the fact that your white grandmother sucked 5000 native american cocks.
Mason Walker
Translation: >Be beta libshit watching too many Marvel movies >Feel special because I talk to myself >Someone has an autism radar and says something really mean to me >I try to talk to him as he walks away laughing at me with his friends >Gotta tell someone but nobody loves me so I go to Jow Forums to at least be able to rub my e-penis This gotta be the saddest story I've read in a while. Your post belongs to Jow Forums
Jace Morgan
wow dude you literally painted an entire scene from that one post. Whose the aspie with the over active imagination again? Oh wait its the Spanish shit-skin.
Jordan Gomez
what's your native language bro?
Christopher Brown
Go back to sand nigger land, stupid camel jockey
Blake Evans
Come to the reserve, we will show you just how welcome you are.