/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Water Filters Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Discussion on Tax Reform in WVa 4/5/18
>Pres Trump comments on Stormy Daneils/Pruitt 4/5/18
>Pres Trump arrives in DC 4/5/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Lewisburg WVa 4/5/18
>Pres Trump greets fans/departs WH 4/5/18
>DHSSec Nielsen speaks to Press on Natl Guard 4/5/18
>DHSSec on F&F 4/5/18
>NECDir Kudlow speaks to press on Trade 4/5/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Mornings w/Maria 4/5/18
>ArmySec Esper on Readiness 4/5/18
>Pentagon Press Brief (Dana, LtGen McKenzie) 4/5/18
>DoD Video: A Floating City 4/5/18
>ComSec Wilburine on CNBC 4/4/18
>EPA Admin Pruitt w/Ed Henry on FNC 4/4/18
>US Amb. Haley @UNSC on Situation in ME 4/4/18
>FEMA DepAdm on Agency Future 4/4/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Tariffs/Stock Market 4/4/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, DHSSec Nielsen) 4/4/18
>WH Video: MLK Legacy 4/4/18
>VAActSec Wilkie Message 4/4/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Anyone got experience with prozac? I was just prescribed some by a doctor, who was (((suspicious))) to say the least. I've heard mass shooters tend to be on them, so i'm not looking to be nikolas cruz 2.0.

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>gross useful idiot edition
Bakerkun messed up.

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>Pawn shop has SKS
>Russian, all matching
>But in a Tapco Dragunov stock
>Has a cheapass scope on a cheapass tacticool dust cover
Why?? Fucking why?!

>nikolas cruz 2.0

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So whats /ptg/‘s guess, which LOTR character will suddenly become black? I think they’ll pick a kang.


Never ever take pills that alter your behavior. You will either become simply sadder or go into a homicidal/suicidal frenzy.

Tax on all russian goods to fund the important mueller investigation

You're in a nogunz country. Just bin your knives and you'll be fine.

It'll be one of the elves or something

>Star Wars characters that would've voted for Trump

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What if they really are poisoning the water supply because they figured out that lower testosterone equals less crime?

Aragorn will be black and the elves remain white.

>taking western medicine
>not working out

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Last one by me for the night, someone else take over

Don't listen to this retard. Use the pills if they help, jsut monitor yourself while on them. I highly reccomend a diary.

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I can go out and buy an ar-15 with 30 round mags right now, lol.

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More like some asshole in the 2000's wanted to make a poorfag's Dragunov out of a pristine all-matching SKS and then sold it so he could buy another gun to bubba.

>Star Wars characters that would've voted for Hillary

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Improving your life is the best antidepressant.

Antidepressant drugs never really work long term if the reality you live in is actually depressing. A very small minority of ppl have legit depression problems where they actually shouldnt be depressed but are and thus have to turn to medication.

>goal is less crime
>"more niggers!"
>"less whites!"

Just don't go shooting up any hobbit holes and you'll be fine. You'll go deaf shooting in such an enclosed space.

And I can't because Commiefornia.
Well I can just get the mags elsewhere but I would never do that Mr. ATF.
Not at least til I gtfo.

Call into gun mommy's radio show for open lines friday, folks.

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I actually have anxiety problems, but i was given an (((ssri))) anyways. Seems suspicious.

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wonder whats on CN...

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a-a ziploc bag?

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Pinned mags are perfectly legal and I am most certainly not in possession of one for my Mini 30.

I always think this is Illyasviel.

Nighty night, /ptg/!

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Quick rundown on this story?
I don't keep up with octo-punch

Did they finally burn out on the Russia shit?

I think some elves will be mexican or asian

Ofc they will add strong black women of color somehow, and make some of the orcs “poor & misunderstood”.

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This is the guy The Atlantic fired for saying abortionists should hang.

>Maybe you don’t know about Kekistan. Here’s the deal, from the website Know Your Meme: “The Cult of Kek, also known as the Church of Kek, is a satirical religion based around the worship of the ancient Egyptian deity Kek (also spelled Kuk or Keku), an androgynous God of darkness and chaos who is often depicted as a frog or frog-headed man in male form or a snake-headed woman in female form. On Jow Forums, the character Pepe the Frog is often considered a modern avatar of the diety [sic], who uses ancient Egyptian meme magic to influence the world, often by fulfilling the wishes of posts that end in repeating numbers.”

>Kek is another silly in-joke from the Dumb Green Frog Gang, the Internet apfelstrudelführers of the so-called alt-right, and it’s a pretty good example of their modus dumbasseri. The flag of Kekistan is a Nazi battle flag with the blood scarlet replaced by Pepe green and the swastika at the center transformed into a Kek cross, four “K”s arranged around a central “E.” When three “K”s aren’t enough . . .

>“It’s a parody!” screams the slightly porky man from Kekistan, who has literally wrapped himself in the flag, wearing it like a superhero’s cape. The crowd isn’t having any of it. “It’s based on a Nazi flag!” comes the response from the skinny little kid in the yarmulke. “That’s . . . not okay!” The crowd moves in on the Kekistani, who insists that he isn’t a racist or a neo-Nazi or anything like that — in fact, he says, he doesn’t even particularly care about the Confederate statues here in the park adjacent to city hall, which, in theory, is what this pageant of rage is really all about — he is, he says, simply here to exercise his free speech. Free speech about what? He either doesn’t know or won’t say.

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>implying a mass shooter cares about his ears
>implying he isn't going for the high score

only two faggots in the whole thread
im impressed as fuck

legolas is HIV positive LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ+++

Is this the thread where we awoo?

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I just started getting into LOTR again and now it's gonna end up just like Nu Wars. Fuck it all.


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>crawls over to you

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post yfw 150 BILLION in tariffs pointed at the paper tiger

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Gandalf will be shown dying but they will make it a happy moment, as his black wizard apprentice is there to take over.

>get into a time machine
>keep fast forwarding weeks at a time
>poking my head out just long enough to see if they stopped with the bullshit

When will I be able to stop time traveling?

As expected, fellow law abiding citizen.
I hate that 10 rd G3 magazines are like $30 USD while milsurp 20 rounders can be under $5 USD each.

I say that because Aragorn falls in love with that Elf princess and I'm sure they wanna push the BLACKED meme on the elves.

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Elves will still all be white, since they are the superior race that formed the old world powers, but everyone who is taking over will be some form of non-white. Dwarves are inherently racist so they will probably stay white too, and be made villains.

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>big event this weekend, khabib and artem both booked
>khabib and ten muzzies corner artem, khabib holds him by back of neck
>goobert hops private jet, shows up at hotel to defend artem's honor
>throws dolly through bus window, general irishness

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At this point star trek, dispite some cuck shit. Will end up seeming more right wing than either of those two.

I can't wait for the poor misunderstood Orc migrants being welcomed into Gondor and Khazad-Dun.

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>allowing the ckinklen to live

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Is this recent?


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There's cheap Canadian surplus AR 5 rounders out there for some reason. Why the hell is the Leaf government buying tiny magazines?

Orcs were just victims of the capitalist mordor system

Merry, or at least one Hobbit. The shire will be a testament to the strength of diversity.
Gimli, Eowyn, and Haldir are plausible BLACKED candidates
Any scene involving many people like the Council of Elrond or Faramir's rangers or the men defending Helm's Deep will become diverse
The hills men (name?) that pillage and attack Rohan will have their straight able-bodied male whiteness emphasized

They're really obsessed with an old whore who was paid to lie most of her career on camera.

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This is just like Trump

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Because they think 5 rounds can't do any damage, lol.

>big event this weekend. ? and ? both ?
>? and ten muzzies corner ?, ? holds him by back of neck
>? hops private jet, shows up at hotel to defend ?'s honor
>Throws ? through bus window, general irishness

Thanks brah

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from Trump's wall visit

Because it's the Current Year™ +3

But Sauron just wants to abolish toxic nationalism and countries so he can unite Middle Earth under one government.

Reverse image search gives me results from March 13th, so somewhat recent.

>tfw soros is basically sauron

>Taking mood altering drugs
(((Chemical imbalance))) is a jewish scheme

She looked like that would be a bad way to get a leg cramp
and her hair might get dirty.
Someone needs to stand her up and get her a shower and a new set of clothes...


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>fucking in a bathroom
are you looking for diseases?

>want quick rundown
>mad with results
google it fag

Morgoth is the religion of peace. Eru is a tool for racist numenoreans to keep minorities down


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For the record i wanted a benzo

My mom believes that shit 100% and takes Zoloft. That's probably why she's such a bitch and never gives me my tendies anymore.

I think I got the jist of it. I wasn't mad
I was just showing you what it was like from my perspective.


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that's exactly what I don't want from people

pft, women.

And Smaug just wanted to redistribute Erebor's wealth.

well too bad

Fun fact: Red Dawn was the first PG-13 movie.

I watched that just last night. Neat!

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