Oy vey le PORN

>the magnitude of prolactin increase following intercourse is 400% greater than that following masturbation

That's why most guys can fuck like 3 times but jerk off even 8 times per day if really horny. They mistake flat dissatisfaction and craving for release with addiction. No motherfucker you are eating cardboard and are still hungry af.
3 fucks and a massage with someone you love and you just want to roll over and die. But fucking virgins don't know this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


all i know is that when my chick leaves, even if we've just had sex minutes prior, i want to jerk off like fucking crazy

Bitch, study esoteric tantra and you can go literally all fucking day if you want to.

You are CHAD!
Change your flag.

Convince her to let you get a fuck buddy, preferably one of her friends so you can have threesomes. Women will never admit but they love it.

I am trans.

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We call them hookers here. It's easier and cleaner too. They stfu and the one's in apartments go to medical checks too.

Pls give gf

All the more reason to give up porn. It's degenerate and addictive, affecting the same regions of the brain that drugs do. If you can't stop watching it you're probably addicted and you should try NoFap to reset your wiring. NoFap is like rehab but for porn/jerking.

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Google search of the image gave me this.

Fucking virgin. Opinion discarded.

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OP what is your point? You seem to just be rambling and drawing vague inferences. Increased prolactin relates to sexual satiety. Okay...annnnd?

He was showing that a study now confirms the obvious: that masturbation is not sex

Here you go. Nofap broscience at it's finest. Faping increases prolactine kills your ambition and hairline. It can turn you gay as well.


Fuck flag.

Obvious to non-virgins.
Nofap broscientists = all virgins
They are skinnyfat and starve themselves. Play vidya at night too. Wreak havoc on their own endocrine system with their habits. No drive, no ambition, limpadicker. It must be le porn. Especially the tranny pr0n.

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What can I say, shemale japan has some quality video offerings.



You literally have to be homosexually gay not to fuck a passable trap.

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This. Spent most of the day in bed, when she left, I couldnt keep my hands off my dick. This is starting to become a bit of a problem.

>Everyone who posts on Jow Forums is a faggot
>"I'm not a faggot though guys, honest!"

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Okay. Gib lover.

Start here.

>This page lists the studies assessing the brain structure and functioning of Internet porn users. To date every study offers support for the porn addiction model (no studies falsify the porn addiction model). The results of these 39 neurological studies (and upcoming studies) are consistent with 260+ Internet addiction "brain studies", many of which also include internet porn use. All support the premise that internet porn use can cause addiction-related brain changes, as do studies reporting escalation or tolerance, and these 14 recent neuroscience-based reviews of the literature & commentaries:

Don't listen to OP, who is an actual faggot

I swear half the threads on this board are about jerking off these days

I get this issue but before she comes over. End up waanking beforehand

Yes I am homosexual and a jew too. I am here to turn you into little cockbois.

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I like traps. That makes me a faggot. Lol.

Good stuff user.

You might be a homosexual

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Kys faggot

Go back playing vidya at 2am, because being a skinnyfat pile of shit who eats pizza and then does yoyo diets on energy drinks while staring at the screen instead of sleeping will not be sapped of all of his drive and libido.
It's the fucking porn. Yes it must be.

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I saw a documentary on this. I think it was called American Pie 2

>his only been with whores.
And birds of a feather flock together. Low quality man right here.

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he is so fucking cute.



Okay you got me there.

Please try to use proper sentence structures next time, this was a pain to read.

Japs make the best trannies. Most of them pass easy, they don't overdo it with surgery, and they don't appear to take hormones which means their feminine penises get super hard.


Legit. Japtrap or death.

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not if you watch really good porn

Post examples. It's for research.


my penis is confused

Mine isn't. Hard for "her".

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I'm not gay but I wouldn't mind fucking a dude that looks so.


does she have nigger genes?

The nose is that of a nigress.

Is she a nigger-mutt?

Nope. But this one does.

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Left or right?

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dude releasing prolactin is NOT a good thing. prolactin inhibits dopamine and testosterone. it can even give you man tits. it's a hormone that is of no use to men, and is only good for women (lactation and shit)


Bitch, I can't even get a single fuck with someone I love.
And no, I'm not a virgin.

Also fuck prolactin. Only pregnant women need it, this hormone just makes people dumber.

Mmmh, i’ll choose your gypsy mom

You are talking of 5 or 6 times the normal. This isn't a medical condition, it falls back after an hour to normal.
These are issues.

A literal low T cuck.


Do you got a copy of the Necronomicon?

I can fuck a girl hours straight, but only wank for 5 minutes. Why.

If yours is high it's because you have high bodyfat. As in you are skinnyfat, normal volume lots of lard on you. Your E2 will be higher as well on the tests. Nothing that can't be solved with a lowfat high carb diet along regular workouts.

Idk I'm a ghey and a virgin too. Autism got to me.

There aren't any elections to win, so fiddling with dicks fills in the boredom. Wait for the mid terms.

Do you wank with the death grip? Vaginas are way too loose to provide same type of stimulation we have accustomed our dicks to.

Mine is not. I'm below 20% bf and do sports. But you were implying that getting more prolactin is somehow a good thing.

>I'm not gsy but...
I hate to birst your mentsl bubble, but you are a fag.

That's a really sad and depressing research finding.

Wait 4 times compared to wanking is not the medical conditions you are implying.
>Males: 2 to 18 nanograms per milliliter
You won't be going over 18 with sex ever. You will never have 18 x 4= 72
Lol now fucking women is bad, how about having sex with guys?

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i'm glad you liked my OC jessu enough to snag 'em. do you want more?

Kill yourself.


A disgusting tranny from Romania who didn't even know what 40k is. Go back to tumblr, freak.

> yourbrainoninstagram

Is there equivalent research studying the effects of prolonged social media use (ie, porn for women) on the female brain?