Give me one reason not to end it all Jow Forums

I'm in my mid 20s and I haven't accomplished anything with my life. I work a shit job and still live with my parents. I'm still a virgin because I fear rejection and putting myself out there.

I recently worked up the courage to ask out a coworker and she said she'd get back to me but she never did.

Everyday I see people who are living better lives than me. I see other men who have wives and children and look reasonable happy.

The past week has been hitting me hard. I feel like a failure and hate my life but at the same time it's my own fault. I feel like I'm rotting deep down in the pit of my soul. Some days it hurts.

I know that there is a lot to enjoy in life but I don't feel like any of it is within my reach. I'm not rich or eloquent in speech. I don't have any talents or skills. I don't even have any friends.

The only time I'm content is when I'm sleeping. I just wish I had never existed.

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are those candy? do americans want kids to eat those?

You live in one of the greatest and richest countries in the world and you want to kill yourself because you're scared. Jesus Christ grow up. Realize how fucking easy you have it.

You're in your mid-20s and can still accomplish anything you want with your life.

its suicide pills

I gotta see what you physically look like before I give my two cents

Go google
Kill marxists
Commie politicians
Do somethimg usefull, boi!

you could at least do something "dangerous"

if you want to kill yourself try parachute jumping before because if the parachute fails its absolutely not importanted because you wanted to kill yourself anyway

or bunge jumping

or try to steal some money from gangsters will give you some real adrenaline

it gets better.

Feels, the damn feels.

Join ICE or Border Patrol and go protect your country from foreign invaders. You'll make a lot of money too. 70-100k a year within 6 years. All you need to get a girlfriend is money. Joining either agency will require you to be fit as well so you'll be fit and making tons of money for someone your age. You'll be knee deep in pussy.

>I'm still a virgin because I fear rejection and putting myself out there.
You will never find true happiness until you end this cope. If you were Chad you wouldn't be a virgin, if you were good looking you wouldn't live such a shitty life. You are ugly, face it; Women see you as a subhuman because your face is unattractive.
Until you realize this there is absolutely no moving forward, take the blackpill and move on, boyo.

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Focus on something positive.
Get a hobby.
Read the Bible.

>I'm still a virgin
>I see other men who have wives and children
>I feel like a failure

Listen to me. You need to MAN THE FUCK UP if you're not happy with where you are. Can't get a girlfriend? Exercise, talk to people, become socially well rounded, do anything you can to improve yourself. Get off Jow Forums if you have to. DON'T GIVE UP. That SHIT is for RETARDS.

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it gets better, don't compare yourself to others.

just pay an escort

yes instead of killing yourself just starve to death under communism like this mentally ill tranny.

Jow Forums

or fuck off.

post feet

Dude you’re in your mid-twenties. You have literally the ENTIRE rest of your life to continue to do shit that’s entertaining and productive. And not only that, there are thousands of people in the world right now who feel like complete failures so you’re not the only one. Heck, there are people living right now with conditions worse than your own. Almost 60% of millenials in 2018 still live with their parents and you’re still young enough to go to college to learn shit for the sake of getting a better job. As for romance, stop being a pussy ass bitch and seriously just talk to girls. I hope you read this and seriously reconsider your options here. If this is still not enough to persuade you, than just kys. In the world, only the strong survive, so if you’re not tough enough for it, you’re not allowed to continue existing.

Do not go here, it's fucked


you sound like me except i'm 10 years older than you
>using external metrics as a measure of your own worth
not even once

earplugs and rampant spacing
good post

Clean your room

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This is what failure of fatherhood looks like. Do better by your own sons, /pol. Don't let them grow into useless bags of pathetic cuckery like OP.

>nigger tells OP to fuck off to Jow Forums

How about you fuck off to Africa?


You can just buy suicide pills at costco? Nice!

>I'm in my mid 20s and I haven't accomplished anything with my life.

A little bit early for a mid-life crisis, faggot.

Why due like a far when you can end it in a blaze of glory

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You're only in your mid twenties. Also smarter people usually take longer to get girlfriends/married. My socially awful uncle got his first gf at 45 (she was 35), married her a year later and now has children and a happy family. It does get better but you gotta be there to experience it.

Is there such a thing as a mid-mid-life crisis?

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>"read the bible"
Fuck the Bible. Go read Aristotle. He's incomparably better.

I went through a similar phase, but worse, with Schizophrenia

Think about what you really, really want
For me it is to teach history/classics and Spanish and Russian (possibly Chinese eventually). Travelling East Asia and Latin America really interest me as well

Definitely don't beat yourself up over not getting an Americanized woman. They are pure poison half the time. Think about other options (eg. Peruvians, Thais, Chinese, Iranians etc). If you divorce in Chinese law, the wife loses nearly everything

You sound very intelligent. Don't give up, there are wonderful things in this world, even in our times

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"If the hate for your life is growing bigger,
don't forget to bring with you at least a nigger" - Fassino

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don't do it bro
that shit will rot your teeth

At most he's secondary literature to the Bible.

Try nofap,faggot.

Stay alive to spite the leftists and vote against them.

A quarter-life crisis? Oh yeah.

Candy corn lol

also i lost 50 brain cells from reading the awful reddit formatting of your post so if you could end your life my brain would have some closure

Are you a big fat Pillsbury doughboy with a neckbeard?

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I mean this in the nicest possible way so please don't take offence.

You just need to stop being a pussy and make things happen. Don't fear rejection or failure, because it happens to everyone. Those people you see looking happy, they're the ones who take rejection and failure on the chin, learn from it, and come back stronger.

You're no different from any of those people, you just need to get your ass out of bed, get out there and do it. You learn more from 1 failure than 1000 victories.

Think of it like skydiving. The first time you're gonna be scared shitless. But with each jump it becomes easier until eventually it becomes second nature. You've just gotta have the balls to make that first jump.

Take it from me, 10 years ago I felt exactly like you do right now. But I decided that before I ended it, I was at least gonna make an effort to fix things. Now I've got a sweet job, my own house and am married with 3 great kids. I fucked up loads along the way, but I learned something each time

Looks like corn grain, I remember chickens eating corn grain.

Join the police force OP.

this meme again?
how many times must we post the research showing that, if anything, masturbation INCREASES free T.
>but muh prolactin
real sex increases prolactin a LOT MORE than faping.

Stop whining and come back in 50 years.

Start working out.
Learn an instrument, and become the best musician you can.

>Think of it like skydiving.
A pointless activity?

You do have talents and skills user you just have to find them, have you really looked? I'll lay off the Jesus stuff but know that you are loved a fit into gods plan somehow. The future can be bright if your light shines

everyone feels this way from time to time op exercise is very important and i would suggest becoming a gym bro maybe? Also a trade school degree is pretty easy to get to maybe take you to higher employment? hope it all works out man

You're depressed, seek help. With that being said, there is a larger point: you've got a free ticket. You don't fear death. You can do whatever you want without fearing for safety or risk. Shit man, play Russian roulette, take drugs, mug someone, drive fast, skydive, fight a bear, go hunting. You can do anything - but you won't because you're depressed and don't get any enjoyment ou t of anything. See a doctor, you will get better.


If you have man tits you'll never score.

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I read Nietzsche's books and biographies, no doubt the most potent philosopher to ever live, but I only remember *one* of his hypothesis; that of climate and genius. The bible in contrary, everything just falls into place, I remember it all. There's a good reason why the bible doesn't deprecate, its lessons are timeless.

That is cotton candy dude, unless you are diabetic that will only give you a sugar rush. I hear the suicide hotline has some more effective pills, maybe you should call them and see what they say.