What did your (great)grandfather do in ww2?
My greatgrandfather fought on the german side against the soviets.
He was taken prisoner and deported to Syberia when the russians began to make gains and the russians overran them.
He escaped and walked all the way back from Syberia to Romania.
What did your (great)grandfather do in ww2?
He fought in Gallipoli against the Turks. Lest we forget.
My grandfather had polio when he was a child, so he couldn't serve in the army. The Germans sent him to a labour camp but he managed to escape anyway, so joke's on them.
My great grandfather put his children (my grandmother and her brothers) in an orphanage and joined the SS when the Nazi’s invaded the Netherlands.
He did some pretty bad shit and served 25 Years in prison after the war for war crimes.
i dont know because my family is all dead and they never shared the knowledge
My greatgrandfather on my mother's side joined the Dutch SS and his son, my grandfather joined the jeugdstorm (Hitler Youth in NL) and killed himself years later.
On my dad's side we had a nothing special, besides being willing to work for the Germans they were rather rich and didn't suffer much.
My grandfather was a fisherman in a quaint little greek island
too young, one became orphan cause of bombings, the other one witnessed student exchange between wermacht and partisans on daily basis. Each time the exchange happend people died. Great grandfather fought ww1 against russian, survived POW camp.
Same happened to mine
He also walked back to romania or moldavia and then came to austria and had 14 children with my grandma
Grandpa was in USSR and send to seberia and died there
And grandpa from moms side was send to ukraine or some shit and got killed there
White george will commence again god willing
Was deployed in egypt and the middle east, other grandfather was a dutch native, saw all kinds of shit during the occupation.
Mine slept in a big bed with his wife.
My Great Grandfather was an Engineer with the RAF. He worked on building Lancaster Bombers. I don't know as much about him as I'd want to
My grandfather was a drunk criminal that got murdered over some card game so nothing lol
Same. Fought for Germans. Got gulag'd when Romania was (((liberated))) by Russians and forced to switch sides
Mine fought Japs on Guam and Iwo Jima and was poised to invade Japan but we dropped nukes and they gave up. He almost strangled my grandmother once while sleepwalking, he thought she was a Jap. He told me a story about machine gunning a bonsai charge of about 1200 screaming men waving swords and bayonets. I inherited his war memorabilia. Some letters home in Japanese were part of the collection, it took three 3 years to track down the family they belonged to and give them back.
Grandfather was in the pacific theatre dealing with the fuckin nips. died in his 40's shortly after my father was born
Long live nippon
>(great)grandfather do in ww2?
Fought in the eastern front offensive (1944-1945) Ended up in Prussia when he got wounded.
He is a tatar so he went full jihad mode and did some crazy things with german soldiers. Absolute madman. And great storyteller. Loved this bastard.
Great Grandfather Died in a Lancaster over Germany
he served in the British army in Egypt and got Tuberculosis.
He said "fuck that noise" and kept on farming instead of getting blown away for the jews.
One of my great grandfathers survived a gulag after a Jewish doctor saved him and the other was fighting in North Africa on the German side. After that he was stuck in Africa and traveled by foot through Spain, France and Germany and found out that Silesia is a part of Poland now.
Well, I don't know it exactly but thats about right.
Mine was drunk while flying an air raid and crashed his plane into a POW camp. Somehow he survived, but was captured. The next day, he was liberated by the rest of the army.
He knocked up a bunch of military wives while their husbands were off dying in combat like a bunch of cucks.
>grampa was in the british army
>stationed in egypt
>muslim street kids would pick pocket him and his mates
>so they went down to the docks they sat on and kicked them into the nile
>street kids would try to rob their army base and take the wheels off the cars
>put mines around it to scare them off
>kids would just send their dogs through to clear a way
>blown up dead dog landed on his commanders tent once much to the lads amusement
>came home with a bad thing to say about every other nationality he met
>other than germans
>a german POW was his manservent and they were good friends
>when he was sent home he gave my grampa his Luger as a parting gift
>then sent to Israel after the war when the Brits are handing it over to the jews
>backstabbing jews weren't being given a country fast enough for their liking
>bombed the Brits in terrorist attacks
>he almost died in the King David Hotel bombing
>had to pull his dead friends he served with in egypt out of the rubble
>came back fucked up from PTSD from this instance
>hated jews
>raised my father to never trust jews
>would tell me as a kid to watch out for them
>would tell my mum that jews ran all the banks so you had to get good at finance to beat them
>would literally get paranoid and worried if he sensed too many jews around him
RIP gramps
My grandfather fought on the german side(he was considered mischling according to the nuremberg laws)
He defended his native land against the Soviet invasion. Killed several hostile soldiers (according to him they weren't human beings, just the enemy and/or Russians). Lost an eye and most of his mobility in the process. RIP in piece, old-timer. It's a shame he died before I was old enough to actually realize the significance of his actions.
>Long live nippon
Yeah i hope so...we met some of the family in Hawaii at the USS Arizona memorial (at their insistence) and they were some of the nicest and most gracious people I've ever met. Long live Nippon
My grandfather fought against the Germans but was taken prisoner, he survived the camp mainly because he got a german gf there who gave him food. Fighting didnt last long because they surrendered it was no use.
died in gulag
My grandfather on my Mom's side spoke German fluently and aided the Nazi's when they came to his town in Poland. Also think he was a Volksdeutche, not positive though. And on my Dad's side I have no clue.
Mine was a German who fought against the Allies. From what I can tell it was mainly Americans, since he had a few American field guides he picked up from soldiers he shot. He was taken as a POW and brought to America. When the war was over, he was released and decided to stay.
He was a fanatical communist who created an organization to take care of Italian leftists escaping from Italys Mussolini regime to Brazil.
BTFO nazis in the battle of the bulge
Was the Luger passed down? Cool heirloom to have.
One of my grandfathers fought in WW2
, idk what he did He died in the 80s
My grandad was awarded a medal for helping spot a German U-boat that was subsequently sunk.. now I’m an unironic National Socialist.
>notices bulge
>oWo what's this
didn't know the Russians punished their soldiers for raping German women.
A transport plane pilot in the Korean war. He's now 88 and still walks around the house.
t. studying medicine here
My great grandfather was in the navy, fought in the pacific. The ship he was on captured a Japanese vessel, he took the Japanese flag home, I have it somewhere around here.
So your grandfather was a traitor that supported germans walking all over us
Thats some Cr*cuck tier shit
My Opa was in the Hitler Youth program and later fought in the Russian front. Deserted after being overrun and ran 50 miles (with a bullet in his asscheek) back toward Germany before being picked up by British soilders. He ran so hard blood vessels/veins in his legs were fucking huge like they busted or some shit. But yea he never talked about the war with me, my dad told me this
I dont get it. Volga germans just got deported from their home in winter and then men had to fuck off to gulag.
One was somewhere in Japan working with neighbors to hide food so the family could eat, not sure where the other one was.
My grandfather didnt like to talk about it much, but what he did say a couple of times that the Ukrainian guards were far more sadistic than the German ones.
Does anyone know where there were Ukrainian guards?
One of grandfathers offed bolsheviks as forest brother in 41, despised retarded Germans and joined not into their army, dodged SU repressions after 1944-45 because smart enough. Other grandfather was forcefully conscripted into SU army, "got wounded" and was de-listed.
german soldier fought the allies and shot some planes with a flak
My grandfather was a kid back then.
He was smiling and cracking jokes at the Germans when they arrived in town so he got smacked in the face. Grandpa never gave a fuck.
My great grandfather died on the front during WW1, he got severely wounded by a mortar shell. The sad part is when the doc first saw his injuries he decided not to patch him up as he thought he was fucked and he had many other people to take care of. My great gramps then agonized for several days before the doc decided to send him in an hospital in the backline, he died just as he arrived at it.
My other great grandfather was in Alsace at the start of WW2, he quickly got the fuck out and lived under the Vichy regime with a fake name to look less German (so he wouldn't get targeted by the Resistance and such.). He lived a relatively normal life, became a successful business man (he was running a well company) and then lost everything because of a scam he fell for.
Don't know, both are long dead. Probably did nothing.
Sounds like a movie could be made out of this honestly. Also, I don’t know. He passed before I was born. My great uncle and mother’s father were both in World War 2, but I never asked them about it. I was a young child when my grandpa died, and I never talked about it with my great uncle.
i don't think this nibba even related to me directly but whatever, i'm maximum euromutt
>vojvodina german probably, doesn't consider himself
very german tho
> boxer (i think he was called Rudi Huterer or however that's supposed to be written down)
>his mom pressured him to join the SS
>proceeds to literally and unironically dindu nuffin
>the commies execute him due to administrative fuckup (the letter to not execute him arrived late), he even helped the rebels afaik
Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...
AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, user! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy user?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful: my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!
I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!
S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, user! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look at what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!
>Sounds like a movie could be made out of this
That is a very common story, nobody would be interested in watching that.
Gramp from mother side was taken into Germany as slave in 41.
He lived 3 years with pigs in barn. When soviet army approached owners gave him clothes and food and set him free. He burned their house that night. Was known as harsh man who never thought a second before hitting someone.
Other gramp has a lot of medals, he crossed the Dniepr, fought in germany and apparently fought in Kursk battle.
Never talked about the war unless he was seriously drunk. Hated soviet war movies with passion.
My grandfather was a submarine shooter guy. He was the one who fucked up the german submarines using artillery bombs. Fucking sick mate. I think he got grouped up in gallipoli or some shit and got slaughtered. Just like the other fucking retards who thought with rifles they could beat multiple fucking 50. Caliber mounted machine guns with backup. Going in raw doesn't win @America. Lest we forget.
Im still convinced Japan was playing the long game and has ultimately won the War
Can I haz some thunder from your thread..?....
i hope you didn't just write that out user.
Share a cool story of your pappy or fuck off out of here
top post
Great uncle was the ball turret gunner in a B-17
>he was chosen because he was short
>said that he had to use it
>the view almost made up for being the first thing shot at
>coldest he had ever been
He was deported to Germany as a forced laborer, along with every male in town. Surprisingly little is recorded about this, everyone just mentions the holocaust.
Any stories?
I acutally read this. All of it.
Ctrl+z me please
If I go to LA , can i stay forever without any legal process?
Or only mexican or african can stay with out any legal process?
I might escape this hellhole and heading to los angeles a city of angel
Only what happened (and didn't) to Jews matters, everything else is collateral and not worth bringing attention to.
Nah no koreans atm
Gramps served in Latvian ss and then after germany capitulated he joined wooden brothers and fought amoungs partisans against KGB, eventualy they lost from overwelming numbers and resources of KGB so he escaped to Canada.
My Grandad taught the allied troops how to use explosives and the last year of the war he was sent to Europe because he was fluent in English, Italian,French and German.
He killed a 18 year old German who wouldn't give up after the surrender, he got the 1000 meter stare whenever he thought about it, I think he regretted everyday of his life shooting another Aryan for no reason besides "Muh duty"
I fucking did too. Rock hard rection.
End me.
Apparently was a partisan, died fighting during case White
Oh well
One went missing in Stalingrad like so many men from my home region. Other was of minor noble lineage and became SS officer, fought in Yugoslavia, must jave been nasty business. Later dodged Nuermburg trials.
>escaped to Canada
This explains alot, Janka
My grandfather died in one of the Nazi concentration camps... :(
When he fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck lel
he run away for (((unknown))) motives
oldfag here.
my grandfather was saved by his helmet after being shot in the head in the final year of WW1 (1918)
My grand father was in the US Navy. My wife’s grand father was in Hitler Youth and worked at an airplane factory.
My grandfather too, but I think people who really experienced hardships dont want to talk about it that much.
My grandfather only told me he was in a relationship with a German woman and wanted to marry her but couldnt because of how people felt about Germans and that the Ukrainians were the most terrible people.
Explains what?
please be real
so you are saying that a man with polio was able to escape a fucking German labor camp
My grandfather fought in Stalingrad and got evacuated because of losing all his toes to General Winter just before the sowjets closed the Kessel.
Killeen and Dallas Texas have HUGE Korean communities that will help you with everything.
Do you have any skills or things that would help you get a visa?
Oh and third one was pioneer at Eastern front, building airstrips only for the Russians to bomb them the next day, rinse and repeat, every day. Rotated between front and home several times. Local party man hated his guts, saw he was sent to worst part of Russia. But he had a friend in the Gauleitung who usually transferred him back home after a few weeks only for the local party guy to send him back to the front again. Played that game several times until war was over.
Does that EKII have oak leaves?????? and no sleeve eagle? whats with the botched uniform, atleast show some effort
So you are saying if I heading to LA and hide some place and Local authority Kick me out ?
WTF , LA, California supposed to be Free gibs for everyone
Your sucking up to westerners and praising Merkel among other things.
my great grandfather was a priest, and had substantial influence in the town he lived in. After the Germans occupied Norway they would occasionally have trouble with partly partisan or non orderly Norwegians, so usually this would be solved by bribing or hiring influential people to speak on behalf of Germany. When they approached my gramps he refused. After their field priest was sent to the eastern front they wanted my gramps to preach for the soldiers stationed in his town, which again he refused and was promptly thrown in a labour camp together with Russian prisoners of war. He escaped the labor camp twice to visit my grandfather during his birthday and on christmas. After each visit he would return to the camp as to not cause any trouble for my family.
>the eternal Austrian.
Oy vey, we've been found out! Shut it down!!
Haha, no I'm 100% WASP and Germanic.
But I am glad my grandpa died in the early 90s so he didn't see the absolute state of our country now.
He was the lone survivor of his whole battalion btw.
> fought in Yugoslavia
Oh shit nigger, my grandfather might have fought your grandfather
Did you not hear about the National guard being sent to the border? theyre fucking serious dude you could be killed
You're welcome in Texas as long as you aren't a dirty hippie or a some faggot from commiefornia.
Just don't go to south dallas if you want to live.
West has a lot of good things aside from bad ones, im not one of those retards who ignore some good aspects of others only because i don't like them, as for merkel she did everything well aside from refugee crisis.