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Other urls found in this thread:


>they darken pepes skin tone and lower his brow
what did they mean by this?
are darker colored things evil?

Its supposed to remember far right NEETs in their basements or something probably

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We /badboys/ now

Rare Pepe.

>anything we don't like is far right
>anything that threatens our cultural hegemony is nazi

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umm do you shitlords have a license for that pepe?

when i spray deodorant on myself i dont even check to see if theres an open flame nearby

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Nice work, saved

im scared of shit lords now

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>not unleashing your manly odors on all who surround you

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Zkylon B wasn't enough to stop the kikes.

"oppressing people doesn't change their minds"

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Nice link, emu fucker

Waaah, (((we))) used to be able to control everything you see or hear and gaslight you into thinking any thought you had outside the consensus either made you a freak or failing that, make you think everyone else's standpoint was so hopelessly and irredeemably alien to your own that you had better keep your thoughts to yourself or die foreveralone.

Now people can debate ideas fairly and we aren't even playing that game. (((We))) need to engage in debate and (((we))) won't have our old friend censorship and social pressure to help (((us))).

We're right aren't we? (((We'll))) win if we bother to argue won't (((we)))?

Maybe it's time (((we))) do that.

> six months later

We're here my niggers:

Discord: jeVTxj9

sync-video: M8vXBKx

Lets have some fun.

So? What does this fagaroo propose?
Lemme guess, "rieducation camps"?

i don't like it delet

Discord is a botnet.

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thanks for rare pepe vice
looks like they failed to censor the frog and now just embraced it too

>are darker colored things evil?
>what does this mean?

It's Jow Forums, it's cheeto sweat and something sticky. Hardly manly at all.

Of course. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone at this point.

Just when I get over the whole kek thing this shit happens

killing the pedophile liberal elites isn't enough to bring divine justice to the earth or stop the apocalypse. nobody stops the frog plague in Egypt and all of Sodom cities get the nuke.


we aren't even socialists though. We have a huge welfare system yes but we aren't socialist

You got no social programs of wealth redistribution?

Holy Shit
/poltg/ moment:
>see the vice article
>talking nerd shit
>search for a Frog God in D&D wiki
>find it
>God of bigotry
>symbol is a Grey frog

What the Fuck is this world. I'm questioning reality itself


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Social democracy =/= socialism

Remember when cnn made a KKK Pepe

Yes, it's a step of that direction, tho.

Alt-right meme. It's just populism and the right. It's not going away anytime this century.

Social programs of wealth redistribution does not equal socialism.

Today terms like socialism, communism, fascism, nazism, racism, neoliberalism ... are just spouted around without any meaning at all which make any debate about it impossible although in their basis they had pretty narrow meaning.

One of worst is capitalism, as is created by Marx to mean any sistem with private property, except hardcore feudalism, socialism and communism and yet many self described capitalists are still using it to criticize welfare programs and social democracy, which are capitalism. What they mean is classical liberalism (because liberalism was taken by the left) or libertarism.

sometimes I wear my undies for 2 days

it is kinda funny how normies freak out and then clamp down on the only place half of them think the internet goes to...and we allow these people to fucking vote and make decisions. no wonder things are this fukt


kek is pissed

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>Yes, it's a step of that direction, tho.
I wish I could slap ever single retard who doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and socialism. Socialism is generally defined as a system where the means of production are owned collectively. Social democracy is a system that opposes socialism and is devoted to free market capitalism, coupled with social programs (welfare) to fix some of the inequities that the free market produces. Social democracy also values individual liberty. And no, it's not really a step towards socialism, it's just that many retards don't understand the difference

far right = anyone that isn't a marxist

Daily reminder that Vice are turbofaggits.

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Socialist or socialism by what definition? The Marxist interpretation? Transplant a worker from 1820 and ask them what system society seems to be, they'll all say socialist. Because before Marx the socialist idea was vague and varied from person to person.

Any kind of welfare state is anti-capitalist
Minimum wage laws are anti-capitalist
free government education and healthcare to citizens are anti-capitalist.

Denmark and other European countries are not Socialist by the Marxist definition, but they are still socialist.

It's real.

See, there's not just trying to shut us down, they also want us gone.

They can't do anything about it though, because they're fags, but still

This always makes me giggle.
>Don't quote us! It's discrediting!
Fucking El Em Ay Oh.

Does not equal, yet societies that open for wealth redistribution and government overreach slowly march into an ever expanding state.

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You little bastards are on notice.

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the article is actually interesting. Basically says they can't do shit amd we are the new jews


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Someone call Doug Funny and tell him Vice used his character without permission.

>Vice advocating for left-wing death squads

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i like how the author suggests that anyone to the right of mao zedong literally wants women and minorities to have no rights and/or be murdered

ohm nooo
censorship isn't effective in age of internet
how could that happen?

spooped and checked

Jow Forums will eventually be shutdown. the site is only running to collect data for profiling people in the future.


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>fix some of the inequities
The democratic systems allow masses to use the vote to expand the power of the state, since there is no defined limit on how much the state is allow to take. All the west is further to the left than it was decades ago.

Archive that shit. archive.is/7CyUz

The only thing you bastards will have left is BBS boards.

vice is run by gen x retards who still think leftism is edgy and cool. Fuckin faggots.


They will never stop us. Only weaken. But what weakens us, makes us eventually stronget

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>Kek is not rea-

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>still reading (((VICE)))

Considering the historical influence of orthodox marxism on social democracy AND the fact that socialism is a phase of society that entails capitalist means of production it isn't hard to see why your average person says social democracy has socialist aspects.

They want us dead.

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>god of bigotry and self deception

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>Waaaah they talk and the people listen
>Waaaah they keep track of our bullshit
Absoulte state of commies
Day of the rotor can not come soon enough

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>But what weakens us, makes us eventually stronget
My Power Levels are Rising!

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See Also, you seem to be confusing capitalism with libertarianism

>The democratic systems allow masses to use the vote to expand the power of the state, since there is no defined limit on how much the state is allow to take. All the west is further to the left than it was decades ago
Look m8, if you want to make claims about such trends, you can start by showing evidence for those trends. As for socialism, at least in the Nordick countries, social democrats were essential in cutting the commies and socialists out of the political process

Maybe that's true but my kids will be half-white

>((((reputable news outlets)))

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you mean half goblin

Such a cuck media

Checked de rare Pepe

You cant stop the far right.
AS long as people have the ability to think, the far right cannot die.

That scared the shit out of me!

thank you for your service

>Socialism is generally defined as a system where the means of production are owned collectively.

That generalized definition is Marxist in origin. Marx didn't invent the word so he can't monopolize it's use.

Also if your view was the case, it has several holes. Namely that the state has the capacity to nationalize things (de facto collective ownership) and nowhere, even in the original writings of Marx, does it say Markets are a bad thing or that only capitalist can utilize markets.


>Look m8, if you want to make claims about such trends, you can start by showing evidence for those trends.
The history of the US is a example of it. It was a free market society until the late 50's, but when Lyndon B. Johnson took over and it started his war on poverty programs it started a trend, since then more power is giving to the state and more interventionist methods are used.
>social democrats were essential in cutting the commies and socialists out of the political process
Keep that going, don't forget your demographics make a big difference on making it possible.

This will be a nice addition to my frog collection nicely done lad

>That generalized definition is Marxist in origin. Marx didn't invent the word so he can't monopolize it's use.
That's what is generally meant by socialism. You're being an autist trying to apply your own definition which no-one agrees with
>Also if your view was the case, it has several holes. Namely that the state has the capacity to nationalize things (de facto collective ownership)
What do you mean by this. State competing in the free market? Eminent domain? Stealing property? The first two may be against libertarian principles, but I see no reason why they couldn't still exist in a capitalist system. As for the third, can you name some examples of social democracies nationalizing private property, such as companies?
>and nowhere, even in the original writings of Marx, does it say Markets are a bad thing or that only capitalist can utilize markets.
See the definition of capitalism:
>Capitalism is an economic system based upon private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit

>self deception
56%ers BTFO

AS long as people have the ability to think, the far right cannot die.
Sadly the same goes for the fair left, if something more drastic isn't done.

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>The history of the US is a example of it
What does the US have to do with social democracy?

this t b h

That shitty article is just tip tapping around the concept that if "white supremacy" can't be eliminated via censorship, then (((they)) must enable the only practical alternative: the genocide.

This is some Mussolini-tier art. What are they thinking when they supply us with high quality symbols?

come on now

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user please don't refer to white people as goblins that's offensive to my wife

>That's what is generally meant by socialism. You're being an autist trying to apply your own definition which no-one agrees with

>what is Proudhon
>what is Sorel
>what is Syndicalism
>what is Prussian socialism
>what is Mutualism

>What are these obscure things that are very much in the minority

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They gave women the right to vote, allow minorities in the country and in the voting process, they vote for more government interventionist policies becoming a voting block that expand the power of the stated and infringe on individual liberty, all that is done by social democracy.

If smelling of a sweating and sticky Donald Trump isn't manly then I don't know what is.

>That's what is generally meant by socialism. You're being an autist trying to apply your own definition which no-one agrees with
Classic "I don't agree with it so nobody does". If you say so chief. Marxists shit all over the word, but it was in use over a century before Marx was even born. It's not autistic to look into the history of the word for literally 2 minutes before generalizing.

>As for the third, can you name some examples of social democracies nationalizing private property, such as companies?

Yes, this. And even the term "social democracy" was created by literal Socialists who were opposed to the Marxists (those socialists who after the split of social demcratic parties in the 1920's wanted to differentiate themselves from the self-labelled socialist maniacs of the communist splinter groups) who still described themselves as socialist. You don't seem to understand the history of the terms. Social Democracy literally exists as a shortening of Socialist Democracies (to differentiate from non-democratic Marxist-Socialism/Marxist-Leninism being practiced elsewhere). Social Democrats existed to implement socialist through gradual democratic reforms within an existing democratic system.

These countries are predominately socialist and this arguement is entirely semantic.

>See the definition of capitalism:

Literally nothing there that acts as a counterpoint to what I said.