Lol ok

lol ok...

So that means that the NDA is worthless, and he is setting up his lawyer to take the fall.

Also, the porn lawyer is going to get him to testify, and if it turns out he DID know about the money, oh boy....

Trumps ability to fuck himself over is amazing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why does anybody care about this?

This whole thing is literally fucking nothing of value for Trumps current job. If he did this while president and lied about it on top like Bill Clinton it would be a different story.

NDA didn't disclose that a payment was necessary for it to hold up
which is why the lawyer is going with the story that he paid her on the side
try again

>nothing of value for Trumps current job

sure, it only proves that he is a liar and a cheater which is what you want in a president, especially a conservative one

yeah, why would you care about the integrity of your president

>it only proves that he is a liar and a cheater

Are you implying people havent been aware of this for, at the absolute least, a decade?

If the NDA is worthless, then she's legally obligated to give back the money, right?

so you're saying that everyone who voted for him is a piece of shit?

This is so stupid, leftist cant get laid so if Donald Trump got laid 12 FUCKING YEARS AGO! Its a crime somehow. Retards

>impeachment soon
yea right

Thats some Cathy Newman tier logic leap right there. What I'm saying is nobody really gives a shit, partly because the reaction to it is 'sounds about right', and also because it was prior to getting into office. If he was in office at the time then this would actually matter a lot. As of right now its just a combination of some whore violating an NDA for some fame and a fundamentally biased media desperately looking for some kind of win against him. Compare coverage of Obongo shipping a plane with hundreds of millions in cash to Iran to a porn star saying Trump cheated with her. I think he's a shitter for doing it, but I also think the coverage is stroke inducingly overblown. The one saving grace is that its a piece of candy that distracts these idiots from screaming about Russia 12 times a second.

PoPoor poor silly dumb fucking libtard faiure.
Your side is sooooooo pathetic and desperate.
Trump is going no where, the libtards have nada.
The only reality where there is no Trump as POTUS is the one where you kill yourself. Go
ahead, end the insanity silly libtard. It's the only
way you are ever going to be free.

Literally no one cares either way.

Oh no surely this is the end of Drumpf

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because morality is a human concept

Kek has spoken. kys OP.

>if these two adults had consensual sex 10 years ago, boy howdy, hes in for it.

Oh boy this is it! He's going down this time I... I know it!

integrity and presidential aspirations are mutually exclusive. I don't care about any of this bullshit. I only care if he gets the fucking job done in the way he said he would, and you don't need integrity for that because he knows that if he fails he doesn't get reelected.

These stories are actually good for Trump, after spending a two years getting him elected they are now spending four years getting him reelected. It's unbelievable how unaware the media is. They are consumed by hatred and they've totally lost perspective.

I’d care to because a court discovery will really ruin the whole thing for trump.

>implying it will go to trial
What's the charges ?

Don't trust the (((...))) poster.

>the guy who owned miss universe contest likes to fuck women
this will really ruin drumpf this time!

Irrelevant. Trump broke the law. The same thing happened to Clinton when he was president.

according to cnn now the caravan is fleeing rape now. and they are all political refugees.

Nobody ever could’ve imagined trump could be sleazy. He’s never spent a decade on the cover of gossip mags

What law

wow is shariablue paying by the post now or by the thread?

Also, who gives a shit? What does this have to do with anything?

He's lying. (Ah...standard procedure.)

yeah, trump will be sworn in real soon. call me...

Campaign financing laws.

Elaborate which law was broken and how.

You need to go back.

There's no law against sucking and fucking.

what the fuck is he going to be questioned over ? Fucking a porn roastie years ago. WGAF

>Trumps ability

To do what the fuck he wants is what Alpha males do. Fucking deal with it. Life is not a dress rehearsal.

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The president's long-time lawyer Michael Cohen says he used $130,000 of his own money to pay Stormy Daniels. Cohen has said the money was not a campaign contribution.

It's a $130,000 in-kind contribution by Cohen to the Trump campaign, which is about $127,300 above what he's allowed to give. And if he does this on behalf of his client, the candidate, that is a coordinated, illegal, in kind contribution by Cohen for the purpose of influencing the election, of benefiting the candidate by keeping this secret.

The limits on contributions made by persons to candidates is $2,700 per candidate, per election.

See this law:

Holy shit you liberals are fucking delusional if you think this is what will take down Trump after all the shit he's been through

LOL @ all of the shills trying to defend Trump. Did you watch the video of him answering the question? He's absolutely shitting his pants over this. Melania has a prenup! She gets his assets but none of his debt! Hello???

If the NDA itself is invalid, then it means he didn't actually spend the money anyway

You do know that if the lawyer is going down he might sing to the special investigator to save himself, right?Now he is on his way to loose his job and his license to practice law.

Where the hell do you shills come from?
Did you just clock in?

No one who matters has ever or will ever care about this Story Daniels nonsense

All the traitors will be hung

Tic toc

(Depressed trump fan who can't live with 'success')

Literally no one except screeching liberals give two shits about this porn star bullshit

Lawyers fucking give you itemized bills for every damn document copy they make, were supposed to believe this lawyer payed off a prostitute with $150,000 without his client finding out or immediately harassing him for reimbursement?

Fuck outta here with that nonsense.

Lol you people are still pushing this? Nobody gives a flying fuck dude. Get over it. This is not something you're going to come out winning as.

>then it means he didn't actually spend the money anyway
Do you even read the shit that you are typing?
K E K the bank reported the money changing hands and reported them as a probable shady deal.Try to follow up with the story, ok?The money were spent and the NDA is bogus enough to cost Cohen his job and license.

>NDA is bogus
>but she still keeps the money
Sounds like he literally got his money stolen from him


The absolute state of liberals.
Using a 20-year-old rim-job and the integrity of a porn star to destroy a presidency.

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no what we're saying is he's /our/ liar and cheater so fuck you.

leftists have literally zero morals, ethics, or even brains and will gladly cheat, lie, swindle, propagandise or do anything to win so they can keep destroying society further but if our guy fucks some pornstar its armageddon. lmfao gas yourself you fucking twat

>The media wasn't as hard on Democrats as Republicans

Another 1

Nobody does it's shills and never Trumpers. Literally nothing will come of this but they act like it's a scandel. Let the kids be kids and push it I guess.

Trump qualifies as a screeching liberal

Nobody gives a shit. Stormy Daniels is literally a whore whose job is taking dicks in her mouth, pussy, and was, and letting strangers cum on her face. Fucking her is like using a fork in a restaurant, except at least the fork is definitely cleaned between uses.

I still can't get over the fact a dude from CNN took a giant shit on 60 Minutes from the inside.

So whats he gonnna dooo about it??? Lol


A post from the only country to lose a war against CANADA

Fox news and Brietbart were the only ones and normies consider that fake news. Try again sweety.

>dead ambassador
>fucked porn star

Ya, they totally deserve the same amount of scrutiny

I never voted a leftwing party and I don't think this will take down Trump. I'm just explaining the (potential) legal mess this could give for Trump/Cohen.

>lawyer is stupid enough to get his client into trouble
>lawyer is stupid enough to need his own layer
>lawyer is stupid enough to be on the chopping block of the bar association
Sounds like the he threw his money on the wind since he is a retard if you ask me.Now he will drag Trump with him.
>I have the best people!!!
You sure do, Trump oh buddy oh pal!!!

You know this whole thing was orchestrated by trump right?

He made a scandal to get the media digging but it was all a ploy all along and Daniel's was in on it.

Fake news going to get exposed

Trump won't get inpeached by a republican Congress unless they think it will save their seats. The Democrats might if they take control of the Senate, but it isn't super likely because they would just be stuck with pence. Let's just agree that nothing will happen until right before midterms, and probably not afterwards impeachment wise.

>Shoulda coulda woulda not defended this...
You don't get to pretend like muh Christian conservative was elected.

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Opinion discarded

Or since there is ASBOLUTELY ZERO EVIDENCE that this ties in with Trump in any way - maybe Trump really did have nothing to do with it?

>"B-b-b-but do really think a prostitute would just lie like that for money???"

>Clinton get sucky sucky in the oval office
omg libtards are so dumb, Clinton must be impeached, plus he lied!

>Trump fuck a fucking pornstar who suck dick on camera while fucking a playmate while having a wife with a newborn son
I don't see the problem, who cares? libtard are dumb

You Trumpanzees are the epitome of hypocrites. What would you say if you learned Obongo fucked some nasty ass pornstar who reminded hiim of his daughter?
>who cares huh?

Whores are known for honesty and integrity. You really think she's getting paid to lie by the DNC? They wouldn't do something like that they're honest and Incorruptible

He fucked a crack addict in chicago in the 80s but the media never ran with it because he's king nigger and can do no wrong. I'm glad journalism is pointing out horrible politicians but they're very selective with who they do it with

Yeah no, let me explain why you're retarded.

>be me
>have friend
>friend tells me he has dirt on Trump
>get friend to sign NDA
>pay him $130,000
>now we can impeach Trump

All these crazy dems have been running around like chickens with their heads chopped off trying to figure out how to get Trump out of office when all they had to do was pay each other 130k and make out like it was an illegal campaign contribution on behalf of Donald Trump.

Clinton rapes women and takes advantage of interns is the same as a billionaire fucking a model. The absolute state of shills.

You folks keep spouting this sort of bullshit and he is still in office, this dude will survive the nuclear holocaust coming up in a couple months while you assholes are stuck melting from the neutron bombs.

Are you trying to slut shame him?

Democrats are just gonna pass universal healthcare and assault weapons ban and trump is gonna say FUCK IT I'm going golfing and sign that sheeeit

>says "why would i sexually assault that ugly looking chick?"
>that must mean he wont want this hot chick porn star saying she fucked him, and probably enjoyed it. -t.some never trumper

I dont see the difference in fucking a crack addict and fucking a public sperm addict
don't mistake my intent i don't support obongo nor clinton
just saying all are shit but for you guys trump is a saint it seems
stop swallowing his dick jesus

In what way does that make a contract worthless?

Must executives are not aware of half the shit they sign. Many of them have subordinates with the ability to sign for them. They still create legally binding contracts.


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If you honestly believe her to be such a dubious character then why do you unequivocally believe everything she says?

Something tells me you don't actually care and you're just trying to apply Saul Alinsky's rule #4.

Only the elites care because Trump likes women and doesn't rape little kids..

1st Degree Having sexy time

>I put my successful dick inside of an attractive girl 10 years ago

JFK cheats (while in office)

Liberals: "He had a legendary sex life!"

Bill Clinton cheats (while in office)

Liberals: "Muh whataboutism", "he's not president anymore!"

DJT cheats (over a decade before he's in office)

Liberals: "Scandal! This reveals his character! Impeach now!"

He said that for a reason. He was quiet about the whole thing so that it would quietly go away and be ignored like it was, then he suddenly says this. Out of all the comments he could say,

He obviously knows something new.

Why do you faggots always want to deflect on that cunt?

Both Hillary and Trump are liars and shit. And both dont give two shits about you
yet you seem to believe i'm a dumb liberal for some reason just because i dislike trump
For you "he's a great president because he is not presidential"

>lack of evidence is evidence

Well actually that's where you're wrong Trudeau.

Sorry i thought you were talking about hillary again

I dont fully believe her, she is a porn star and does it for money and fame
But you got to admit trump side is very disturbing
also he is a fucking billionaire so i kinda believe that he fucked numerous women
and what she says seems to stick with trump character.
there is also physical evidence that they know eachother NDA + photo

Keep telling yourself that as you fall asleep crying into your pillow sweetie. The Stormy story is done dipshit. It'll be long forgotten by 2020 when Trump wins re-election.

>this is Trump's first legal battle
>he's obviously going to self incriminate
is this what you sincerely believe?

There is evidence they know each other, that's all, the NDA doesn't mean shit because it's not linked to Trump in anyway.

But no, we don't judge Trump for what he might have done in the past or even what he does now in his spare time - all we care about is that HE STANDS UP FOR US when no one else will.
That's what really matters.

Difference is Clinton was a fucking retard that did it WHILE he was president, then lied about it to everyone

It’s literally nothing

There is trump name on the NDA...

So i guess if a buffon had the same idea as trump and stand up for you you would follow him
You're crazy