Why should people be allowed to spend $15,000 on a watch when there are people out there who can't afford food?
Why should people be allowed to spend $15,000 on a watch when there are people out there who can't afford food?
Fuck off poorfag
You like Corbyn don't you?
Thats fake you fucking brainlet
Yea? But how are the rich fags supposed to tell time if they don't have kool watch?
People who can't afford food should be shot, they clearly aren't a functioning member of society.
>buy a rolex
>branded with a coca-cola logo
>mfw when rich people are retarded
fuck off commie I'm going to spend my money the way I want
Rolex never made a Coca Cola submariner
You're a brainlet
its not real
go sell your faggot ass to those muslims raping your gf bet that you would stop saying cuck bullshit
You're right. I think you should cut your dick off, cook it into a nice stew, and feed it to a starving nigger in Africa.
There is nothing wrong with a man spending fruits of his labour or money he got through some means however he wishes.
Because they can afford a $15,000 watch.
Who do you think mined the ilmenite, rutile and anatase rock which is used for titanium dioxide (the red pigment on the dial)?
Without that watch those miners would have starved to death.
I dont think you know how capitalism works. Are you a Labour voter?
Youre right OP, thats why we need communism, that way everybody will get food...
why should people be allowed to be idly starving, when i dont have a $15000 watch?
you mentally ill tranny no one cares about you and you will die alone.
Why should people get welfare from my taxes when I don't have a 15000 watch?
What the fuck do you mean "should be allowed"? People earn money roughly proportional to how valuable they are to the free market and spend money on whatever they want. What fucking business is it of yours what individual people choose to spend their money on?
Because they have to support the Jews, and so their own self-destruction but of course most cucks here won't admit it.
Its probably a custom.
Also ,op, what if hes like the manager of a coke factory and the company wanted to do something nice for his 20th year there?
I think its a dumb investment but we are free men here.
Because it's their money. Why do you feel entitled to it?
Don't sweat it. OP is an idiot leftypol moron who doesn't realize that this is how the money owned by the rich dipshit makes its way into the hands of the workers.
>Why should people be allowed to spend BILLIONS on a SPACE JUNK when there are people out there who can't afford food?
Rich people spending their money like this allows poorer people they're buying stuff from to eat.
Why should I be able to spend $30 on a meal? So that the restaurant employees can pay their rent and for their food.
Kill yourself, srsly
Oh so people cared about poverty before capitalism? lol no faggot.
>fake and gay.
Had some hispanic male come into the federal welfare office yesterday. He wanted to know if he could get Food Stamps while living back in his country. Fucking hispanics are welfare parasites. There was a time in this country when a man would not think of taking a hand out based on another man's work, but today, these fucking illegals and immigrants have zero pride and contribute nothing to American society.
Why should people be allowed to attend gender studies and art/music classes when they could be put to work to help feed these poor?
Hey Chinas have social score nao wut do. Humanzye monitor how much time I spend talking to wominz at work.
Am I jailed nao, why communisim not work.
Why social score I did nuthin wong.
No its a well known fake lmao
Why should poor people who can't afford food be allowed to participate in society?
What retard pays that much money for a watch when we all carry phones that tell us the time?
why do you want watchmakers to starve?
fucking commie
What does it matter if a richfag spends $15k on a watch? The money doesn't disappear. If anything, it's giving poorfags an opportunity to get some of the dumb richfags money
Strong devour the weak, it is the natural order of things.
Because niggers shouldn't be able to eat.
I don't know what's dumber: Paying that much for a watch or giving free food to niggers.
The thing most yanks either ignore or are unaware of is that they shouldn't be allowed to without repercussion. People who waste their money on a coca-cola branded rolex should be thought less of, they should be stigmatised.
These morons think that the government is the only factor and that the choice is between tyrannical government regulation and complete freedom.
I just went through the comments in this thread and I have to say I'm fucking disgusted that the people on this board are so heartless.
You don't NEED a luxury watch, use your fucking phone or buy a £5 F91W, people NEED to eat.
If you spend your money on anything you don't NEED you are human garbage who should be buried alive in a mass grave with the rest of the middle class.
>people earn money roughly proportional to how valuable they are
I hope you don't truly believe that.
I don't get why they need a "politically incorrect" board for themselves
Their "arguments" just reflects the mainstream medias talking points. Its perfectly save for reddit.
This, you don't need expensive things just like you don't need a gun.
A human being only NEEDS oxygen, water, food, and, depending on the environment, shelter. Sell your pc, cancel your internet, burn all your excess clothes, get rid of your car, smash your tv, and give up electricity or jump right in the mass grave you stupid faggot
>people NEED to eat.
No they don't.
one results in a sweet watch, the other in even more niggers with their hands out for gibs
Because it's their money to do with what they want and capitalism is so successful we have excess wealth to literally just give food for free to people who can't afford it which only happens if you are so mentally unwell you can't function in society.
You're right, public sector employees are paid far too much.
> Make a totally average watch that in terms of labor put into it, probably only cost about $45
> Sell it for 5000% markup
> Some actual moron buys it
Why are you against parting fools from their money? I'd understand the complaint if it was something like the world's best AI and everyone else is stuck with shitty Googlebots, but a watch? A shitty dollar store one still tells the time.
Why should people out there who can't even manage to afford food be allowed to exist ? Let alone to recieve anything from the state ?
Why shoukd anyone who dont pay taxes even be allowed to vote !?
>why should people be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor however they want to
You are fucking retarded, the state should own all capital, people can't be trusted to use it wisely.
Private ownership of things is how you get disgusting and greedy people like pic related who buy up fighter aircraft that the military should be using instead.
As if Rolex would do that. People who can't afford food need to take their Rolex's to a pawn shop.
This is disgraceful, people shouldn't be allowed to own weapons of war like that, it's 1000x more dangerous than private gun ownership which is already incredibly dangerous.
Ever considered that the people who cant afford food should just go and die?
too bad buddy, if somes smart enough to get to the top they deserve everything they can buy
Why are people allowed to pump out more mouths to feed on a rock teeming with 7.5 Billion useless eaters & breeders?
You are right comrade. Only high ranking party members should be allowed to wear watches like these
>if somes smart enough to get to the top
More fairy tales please
Because that's the purpose of money, to be able to buy things with it. If you've earned $15,000 then you get to spend it on whatever you like.
If you can't afford food then you should earn some more money.
jesus that's disgusting
when will your country invade the fucking shithole that is the entirety of south america and conolise it again for the greater good?
That rolex is fake
If you can't even afford food, that's your own fucking fault, anyone with half a brain can get out there and work hard enough to get food
then too; anyone that can afford to pay $15k for a watch, can prolly afford to be late to wherever he's going.
because there is no logical reason to give a fuck about the faggot that cannot afford for food?
There are way more than 7.5 billion things that eat.
Also is that really much considering there are 5.5 quadrillion square feed of land, not including the ocean, and "useless eaters & breeders" have built skyscrapers 160+ stories high and vaults 20+ stories deep?
Instead of being such a little bitch for government just go find yourself a bear to whore yourself out to at the nearest truck stop bathroom
>Nazi flag
>Ignoring the fact the Nazi party fed Germans who couldn't afford food
>Ignoring the fact Nazism is literally National Socialism
Why should you be allowed to live when there are people out there who are dead?
Someone needs to be in a forest when a tree falls so it makes a noise.
If the person in the forest gets crushed to death when the tree falls on them, does the tree make a noise?
I'm talking from experience here, the ones who can't afford the watch and food are usually lazy niggers, in Germany, things were different due to the recession you stupid fucking bong
Are you retarded?
>the ones who can't afford the watch and food are usually lazy niggers
>Implying most hard working whites could afford a $15k watch
You're a mega brainlet aren't you
Watches are alien tech.
Not innately valuable as people, but how valuable their skills are to the free market. The rarer or more specialized the skill, or the dirtier or more dangerous the job, the better the pay. Understand this and you can use the free market to your benefit. Or you could remain a childish, resentful communist in which case, fuck you I don't care.
>Why should people be compensated for the value of their labor?
Back to le ddit you literal communist.
I have one. Communism.
Why should people be allowed to spend $200 a week on food for their family when where are people out there struggling to make $1 to buy rice?
i agree, also most westerners have more in debt than in wealth, pay your debts and become a free man before anything
tfw wearing my $9 al quaeda wristwatch
It's fake. Shitty magnification over the date window is a dead giveaway.
Rolex did do a Datejust with a Domino's pizza dial
Who can't afford beans and rice? You mean the meth addict who steals anything not bolted down and blows all their money on scratchers and drugs?
I hate having anything on my wrists, it feels like I have shackles. Plus, why the fuck would need a watch. You have your fucking smartphone.
Poor people are poor because they are lazy.
What are you using to post here while people out there can't afford food?
Why should people and government be allowed to dictate what people should do with earnings and product of their labor?
Why should people be allowed to get addicted to meth when there are people out there who can't get addicted to weed?
Kys commie faggot
If they can’t afford food how do they keep living? Seems like all these poorfags are a problem that solves itself if you just ignore it
Because it's their money and they can waste it as they see fit? Why do you have a computer and see fit to post on Jow Forums when there are people living in thatched huts eating mud crackers?
Get Jeremy Corbyns dick out of your mouth you fucking commie paki dick face faggot.
>why should people be allowed
Stopped reading right there
You aren't "allowing" people to do anything, why would people want your permission to do whatever they want
fuck off you clockwork man
They don't NEED fancy food, there is enough grass on the plains.
Why don't the poor people make a watch and sell it for $15,000?
Rolex is a meme watch, real men buy Breitling