If you're not from a red country you're irrelevant
If you're not from a red country you're irrelevant
Bait thread
Haha wonderful thread based OP (original poster) xD
love being irrelevent
Croats sucking EU cock as always
>Crimea red
wtf did russia expel its own diplomats?
but i am from a red country and i'm still irrelevant
leaving gubberment, which halved its votes in the recent election, threw an hissy fit.
we’ll call them back
Ahh yes, kick out the diplomats, this will surely help Russia integrate into the world stage and not all increase tensions with already tenuous diplomatic ties. American influence is truly the system of peace.
>NATO stages false flag so they can expel diplomats (legal spies)
>World is one step closer to war with russia
Thanks for the map, now we know who's on the globalist side of the war
I love figuratively mooning Russia in any way possible.
we expelled janitor from russian embassy, so we're relevant? Top kek
thank god, i'm surviving ww3
I am from Austria. We are neutral like Switzerland and as a neutral country cannot take sides - neither the Russian nor the British side.
Austrians also like Russian tourists and Russian gas.
The only relevant nations in Europe are Poland and Russia. The fuck is this shit?
Incorrect, Belgium Dismissed a diplomat
Hey look, we are relevant!
and how many were expelled percentage wise?
Kicking out russians. No, they have to build us a new nuclear power plant first.
putin has definitely killed more than than 10 of our diplomats, even some high-ranking ones
I think we should get points for that
yes, the peaceful majority is always irrelevant.
Oh look a exyu faggot shitting on croatia again
Who would have thought
>maccos and albos being idiots like always