How is Jow Forums not talking about this?

>inb4 we don’t talk about shitholes
>inb4 using BBC as a source

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QRD plz.
Who is Lula, and why are they wanted?

No ones care about favelas shithole country

quick rundown boy?

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>inb4 we don’t talk about shitholes
It's true though + well all know that Brazil politics is corrupted beyond repair, how is this a happening?

What if he doesn't?

Since when is corruption in Latin America newsworthy?

Come on, OP.
Spoon feed us.

No one fucking cares about Brazil.

Lula is former president of brazil, for two mandates (2003-2010) and used his puppet (dilma rousseff) for six morr years (2011-2016), until she got impeached and her VP (michel temer) assumed until now.

Next october we got presidential elections (plus senate, deputies and governors) so this is huge.

Lula currently can be listed among the most powerful man of America, and surely the most influential in Brazil, due to his endless alliances with UN, EU and communist dictatorships across latam (cuba, venezuela, bolivia) and asia (china).

He is going to jail as the biggest achievement of the Federal Police’s “Operation Car Wash”.

The prison of the head of neocommunism in latin america (Lula) opens the road for the ascension of what have been called brazilian extreme right (represented by the leading presidential candidate, mr Jair Bolsonaro).

>No one fucking cares about Brazil.
American soybean farmers as well as the Trump admin beg to differ.

is dilma going to jail too?

Sorry about the delay to reply, I’m now on my job.

Here you have the quick rundown.

I hope it goes well, brother.

Brazils ex-president, total leftwing commie that made Brazil the shithole it is. Caught taking big bribe and easily convicted, sentenced to 12 years. Was going to remain free during appeal, but federal judge said Commies rot in prison. Now all the little lefty commies and unions are rioting because he was gonna run for presidente again so they calling it a coup.

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>socialists being corrupt
Yeah? This is a happening... Why?

Does this affect the world cup? No? Not important than.

>viva o brasil

Probably this will trigger an undoable “cascade effect” and bring several powerful politicians to jail, and mainly allow a truly “right” to born and take the power, giving us absolute guns rights, close the borders, lower taxes, economy deregulations, and so on.

Most of you guys already lives in decent countries.
Don’t underestimate our struggle, efforts and a light of hope we have now. We can contamine with liberalism and conservatism several of our poor brothers, raising the world bar.

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Well that's fukn good news

Perfect analysis

Come on guys, this is huge

good luck Brazilbro. I always liked you guys.

Thanks user!! My best hopes for your country too

Might have something to do with Brazil being central to the US-China trade war going on. Especially since Lula and his cronies sold Brazil down the Amazon to China, especially its soybean business.

Because it’s a novelty the biggest among them facing justice and prison!!!!!!!

>A fucking commie

Quick rubdown with a housebrick.

>Does this affect the world cup? No? Not important than.
This was the country mentality until 2000s.
Today a significant part of our citizens are waking up and start valuing what really matters...

Here, sir:

Good work Brazil. Meanwhile the USA still hasn't arrested Obama nor Clinton. I hear there is lots of helicopters in Sao Paolo, perhaps they can be put to use.

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To have you all understand better, here's some analogies:

Lula = Obama
Rouseff = Clinton
Bolsonaro = Trump

Lula is going to jail, his successor Rouseff got impeached, and with them out of the way, the chances of right-wing candidate Bolsonaro being elected president are very high

>The prison of the head of neocommunism in latin america (Lula) opens the road for the ascension of what have been called brazilian extreme right (represented by the leading presidential candidate, mr Jair Bolsonaro).
Top communist is going to jail while a South American right wing death squad rises? Huge if true.

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Gib back battisti

Brazilian here i want to get my pilots licenses to become a fucking helicopter pilot just for fun

Its in the genes i guess we love helicopters

>Sound of Helicopters approaching in the distance
This is Big

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It is true. Jair Bolsonaro:
>Pro gun
>Against laws that favor minorities, gays, immigrants, drugs and criminals
>Traditionalist, racist to some degree

>hue monkey's doing corrupt subhuman shit
And afterwards you 80 IQ apes will return to doing more corrupt subhuman shit. Go back to flinging faeces at eachother Favela ape.

Not really. Bolsonaro would make a Brazilian Death Squad (something that never actually existed.) as much as Trump is a fascist and would burn transexuals homes after the night he took power. Pure leftists hysteria that many hue Jow Forums users buy it.

For the first time in Brazilian History we get a right wing President...

Yes dude, I’m not even close larping.

See the difference for yourself:
>Lula, pic related
>alcohol addicted commie virgin
>fidel castro and hugo chavez’ best friend (now raul and maduro)

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>Jair Bolsonaro
>do push-ups
>nice hair
>never involved in Operation CarWash

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>Says one of the most corrupt countries in europe’s history
Go back to chaturbate, your virgin neet doritos eater piece of shit!
You would literally shit your pants if faced with one of us, your mongrel
Not everybody are equal, your pseudomarxist faggot! There is 80IQ subhuman in your land too, you brainlet french cocksucker!

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It seems like Lula has no intentions of surrending and the commie army is gathering, this will be good.

Good, send them all screaming into hell. Set the example for what to do with these fucks for the rest of the world to witness.

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Is it possible for Jair Bolsonaro to get congressional and senate seats or will he be cucked by a corrupt parliament like Trump is?

Live stream of the communists?

Almost surely like Trump, he has no support other than his party and brazilian congress and senate are almost entirely leftist. Population started paying much more attention to politics after this corruption scandal, politicians may feel pressured by this, but it will depend on how well Bolsonaro talks, unless he can convince population to back him up the media will put people against him.

Helicopter rides free for them all

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>PT's only hope of winning the election again is crushed.
>Their idol is going to rot in prison for the rest of his cancerous life
>Bolsomito now first in the presidential polls
Let's go!!!!
Make Brasil Great Again!

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the most important move we could make is capitalize over this arrest and make bolsonaro's propaganda rise to MAXIMUM LEVEL. we must MEME THE SHIT OUT OF IT.

Rise knights of BOLSONARO, and fear no commies!

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There are two congressional houses:
>Senate: upper house
>81 chairs

>Deputies Chamber: lower house
>513 chairs

On senate Bolsonaro already has majority; on Deputy Chamber, however, currently he has nothing more than 15% of “partners”. But this numbers will surely grow as soon as the official campaign starts, in august


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>inb4 we don’t talk about shitholes
A) But we really don't
B) We care so little that 95% of this board will have no fucking idea who Lula is.

yet this is where you are going to run to when the north hemisphere is nuked to hell.

we will gladly take you.

Count on me, fellow patriot

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Heard of this, bump.

So we get a sudaca orangutan fascist country in 2018? Neat.

>Tfw our government will be right wing for the first time in decades
>Tfw all the corrupt politicians are going to rot in prison
>Tfw we will get our guns back
>Tfw PTs commie policies will be revoked
>Tfw Brazil will return to traditional Christian values
This is the best timeline brothers

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Lula just said he is not turning himself in did he?


Well, Obama cared about him, so you know he is pure shit: youtu.be/7vmuSZtiG4A
Big corrupt pals who helped Cuba and other shitholes around the globe (not only Latin America but Africa dictatorships and China) with our tax payer money, also Lula and Fidel built a damn Foro de Sao Paulo a damn commie alliance to turn america into a fucking Soviet Union.

>Tfw Bolsomito and other presidential candidates were invited to an event at my university on Monday over a month ago, but Lula wasn't
>Tfw your university isn't a leftist shithole
>Tfw they always believed that Lula was going to prison so they didn't even bother to invite him
>Tfw they invited Moro instead
Catholic University BTFO leftists.

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>The commies said they would personally shield Lula from the police and resist at all costs.
Let them. Our police force and military are eager to kill some commies

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>tfw nips will flood to brazil again

Because it literally doesn't matter what happens to him

We don't talk about shitholes

What does it mean to be racist in Brazil?

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>T minus 7hs until Lula is in prison
The end is nigh commie scum!

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like in most of south america, if someone is darker than you they are inferior and you treat them like that

Any chance of a civil war

No one cares for this shithole

But most people here are dark... i mean, even people of brown skin call themselves black. And like everywhere in the world they hate themselves and others, fucking niggers.

>like in most of south america, if someone is darker than you they are inferior and you treat them like that
sounds like a wonderful place

No, he is actually communist but people are too stupid to realise so, as expected from mutts

It isn't, though. Most people are stinky niggers, except for the south which has had a lot of Italian and German immigrants who did not have slaves

Happened yesterday, that's why


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>Avidly praised the right wing military dictatorships of the Cold War era
Yeah, he's totally a commie. They just love right wing dictators

Kys faggot

Also avidly praised Hugo Chavez and Lula, stupid nigger
Go fuck yourself

>Trips of truth confirm

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I pray every day for a military intervention. It can even be a communist revolution where we counter-coup, like in 1965, I'm not picky.
All I want is some commies and niggers to kill and throw off helis.

Hail Victory, Hail Pocketnaro


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>Sauce or STFU
Also remember to kys. You are a waste of space

Now eat shit and die

Questionado sobre o que achava de Chávez ser apoiado na época pelos comunistas, Bolsonaro afirmou: “Ele não é anticomunista e eu também não sou. Na verdade, não tem nada mais próximo do comunismo do que o meio militar”. Ele também disse que o venezuelano remetia ao marechal Castelo Branco, primeiro presidente do Brasil durante a ditadura militar, entre 1964 e 1967.

>hue monkey's doing corrupt subhuman shit

You can't even understand the dimension of this shit.

This is the leader of the BIGGEST CORUPTION SCANDAL EVER.

We are talking about billions of dolars being stole EVERY MONTH.

Watergate looks like a little kid compared to this.

Also, Lula had ties with Gaddafi, ahmadinejad, Fidel and all lefties dictatorship in the world.

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I hope it works out well, It'd be nice to see Latin America start to unfuck itself after 80 years of whacked out communists and drug lords.

O'Connor is 100% correct

I thought that mixed race people are easily controlled masses for their jewish leaders?

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Thats why

Bolsonaro is much better than Trump, mate...

I'm rooting for you Brazil bro. Get your right to bear firearms, and never let go

I learned to read your language to be able to understand you while playing Tibia. Some of you are based. Some. Especially those from the South. The hues that are white are probably even more redpilled on race than most westerners, they kept saying that your mutts and niggers are basically subhumans. Hopefully everything works out well for you

É melhor Jair se acostumando...

Thank you, Polska comrade

because we are arresting people for corruption now

>Praised him in 1999 before he went full commie
>Praised his military mindedness
>Compared him to our military dictators to clarify
Stop shilling faggot.
He's pro-military above everything else. So was Chavez back when he first was elected. That's what he praised in 1999 when he was just elected. He never praised his commie bullshit.

>>>>/Quebrando Tabu/ é pra lá, negro puto de federal

Such a weak argument. I just showed him saying he would vote for Lula and saying military is the closest thing to communism as well, not only to say that he sucks Israel's dick.

You can't have it both ways faggot.
Commies hate the kikes.