What incentive do I have in today's world to give up the NEET lifestyle and make something of myself?

What incentive do I have in today's world to give up the NEET lifestyle and make something of myself?

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Rent. Gotta pay it.

I can just live with my parents.

Pretty waifu


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If WW3 happens you could do something in the choas, while everyone focus's on it

not much tbph. wages have stagnated for the past half century and inflation has devalued the dollar so much that you're basically a wageslave no matter what kind of work you do. i work full time because i dont have parents to mooch off of but if i did, you bet your ass i would be

And more importantly, ensuing you are on the other side of the fence. Fence here implies segregation from poor screwed by automation revolution and those who cant afford life extension.

You will most likely live to 100s barring accidents or other self inflicted ailments.

Ergo this will concern you, either you will love longer than anyone before with luxury or you will be part of the poor masses. You dont even need to be a hyperrich, just a part of a specialist group that have rare skills, experience and education

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More likely to lose your virginity.

Though you could just pay for a hooker with NEETbux.

Men instinctively desire a struggle. Without something to overcome, to accomplish. Without feeding that a darkness grows inside a man. A depression that can lead to nihilism if untreated. Even if you don't see it in yourself right now, you can make it known to yourself quite easily.
I want you to go do something. There's something broken near you, something that isn't the way it should be. Go fix it. It might be a loose shelf, a squeak when opening a door or drawer. It might be a sink full of dishes, some clothing on your floor. Go wash those dishes. Go clean your room. Go put everything in order, and you'll have a feeling you haven't felt in a long time. Accomplishment. That leads to self-confidence, and that leads to a better life.

women. Unless you live in a feminist dystopia that doesn't allow prostitution

>More likely to lose your virginity.

I'm not a virgin.

The pursuit of exterior rewards is a bad reason to make yourself a better man.
Do it for interior rewards.

>work in shity minimum wage job
>work in shitty desk job and have no free time
Yeah I think I'll stay NEET.

this is a platitude unless you can explain what you meant by "interior" rewards

He can't

The feeling I described in my prior post. Accomplishment.

The NEET lifestyle is the most comfortable lifestyle. Wagecucks will always be jealous of the NEET who is able to stay home. I've done my share of wagecucking and NEETing. Fuck wagecucking.

NEET will lead to suicidal depression.
You need get addicted to challenging yourself and then enjoying the feeling of when you succeed in it.
This process you begin with baby-steps. And they get exponentially bigger. Do you know what Exponential means? That is a good first baby step. See if you can look up the dictionary and work out what Exponential Growth is. It's important to realise this is how people get so powerful, because when you try hard the growth is not a linear climb like climbing up a mountain. it is Exponential. The more you climb the easier it is to climb.

If you don't enter this Game above then you are going to end up with suicidal depression and kill yourself.

Look up the Man Child lecture by Jordan Peterson.

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Make what of yourself? A slave? Stay NEET my friend.

This implies that being on the exponential growth curve means you will never fall off. You never mention that. People hit walls.

So no positive incentives? Only a negative one that is easilly countered. Got it.

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I'm sure they are thrilled over your thought process.

So build a ladder.
All reasons to fail are mere excuses for a lack of willpower.

You could also argue that a NEET with willpower won't become suicidal.

Depends on your capacity for shame/pride. If you don't care what people think, NEET is the way to go.

>I'm sure they are thrilled over your thought process.

They say they like having me around the house and I'm not too much of a burden.

I never said anything about suicidal. I said nihilistic.

>NEET will lead to suicidal depression

That wasn't me.

What do we do now?

Awkward Silence works for me.

Listen, you must have been never born to this world. Nither of us had been. The chances for somebody to appear here is so low, that they almost hit 0. But, nevertheless we're here. And we're here not by accident, no, since we were born nothing else but a human beings, human beings of cetain race and nationality, certain ancestry and certain goal - to make ourselfs, our families, our nations and humanity as whole the one dominating power in this dimention. Millions upon millions of people layed their heads down and spilled their blood so at the end this dream of achieving the triumph of humanity over the stars and galaxies can be finally achieved. Why wouldn't you join them in this struggle? The struggle you're very result of. Why not contribute to making the miracle real? The life of a NEET sucks the precious lifetime from you and gives nothing in return, only the misery, in which you'll end.

Yeah that will work.

>The chances for somebody to appear here is so low
You do not know this at all, jackass.

>Live to 100s
Dude, fuck that noise. Who wants to live to be over 100? I work and do all of the normal shit that a person is supposed to do and the idea of living to be 100 or over sounds horrifying. I'm in my early 30s, so that's at least 70 more years of the bullshit that we're dealing with today (niggers and jews), getting worse and worse by the year. 70 years from now they'll probably be putting white men in camps, if not committing out and out genocide.

No thank you.

While all this may be true, if it wasn't for the NEETs larping and meming all day we might have Clinton.

It was the White, apathetic, wagecucks who got us to this point.

Do you like niggers?

Or you could just have an American standoff

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Oh really?

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We agreed to awkward silence, netherland man



Fuck no, read my post. And as shitty as it sounds, once I'm dead and gone which I hope to God is when I'm in my late 60s or early 70s, it'll be someone else's problem. I'm not one of those people who gives a fuck about how the world will be once I'm gone. I just want it to hold together until that point and after that, I don't care. I'm not going to get married or have kids and I'm down to my brother and sister in terms living family members that I keep in contact with so, once I'm gone there won't be shit for me to worry about.
>B-but what about the white race in a broader context user?
Fuck em. We had our chance to stop the niggering of society, and we blew it. At this point I say do as you will with the time you have left in this life, and whatever happens after that is irrelevant. How's that for an answer?

That's a decent answer. What can we do about niggers though? They hold society back. I don't like seeing them out on the streets instead of the cotton fields.

>didn't get the reference
Sorry lads, I'll leave you to it.
*plays harmonica*

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i did get the reference netherland man

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It's hard to tell

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Do you hold any cryptocurrencies?

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Not being ashamed of yourself.
Don't have a leg to stand on in any discussion if you're a pathetic man child.
Doing whatever the fuck you want
Women will be less repulsed by you

Because if you're just living on neetBUX then you are literally no better than a welfare nigger. Scratch that, you are a welfare nigger.

Not saying you should get some shit tier Burger King job. But at least learn a fucking trade or get an education or at least some kind of certification that will allow you to get a job that pays better than shit.

But that would require getting up in the morning to the sound of an alarm. Fuck alarms.

and that's MEN. neets are not men. wait till your parents are dead, then wut do?

t. r/philosophy

Female companionship and them letting you inside of them.


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Fuck off Jew. Just work for the Jew as pre ordained

inside of their anus* Nothing better than driving your tongue deep inside a cute woman's pink little anushole and then letting her fart in your mouth while you take in all the different flavors.

it's kinda messed up because they put rules on you where it's dangerous to take a risk to make some money our do a lot of things.

Gonna have to step it up. You'll actually be happier believe it or not.



Even if you attain success, anything we build today is going to be destroyed by open border globalist elite.

If it weren't for niggers, things would run pretty smoothly

t. memeflag concern troll

dumb frogposter

>concern troll
Says the guy posting fucking youtube videos on a forum expecting people to watch them. You know nothing.

What a faggot

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You think this now but your friends move on the drugs/drinking becomes more hellish than fun and when you hit your 30s you are going to want nothing more than a wife and kids despite how you feel now and having nothing to offer a family financially IT REALLY SUCKS. Trust me DO NOT FOLLOW THIS PATH IT WILL RUIN YOU!!
W/o Jesus Christ in my life I would have an hero'ed COUNTLESS times by now.
I will add that when the economy crashes my "Chad-ish" looks might be enough to put my SMV back in the top 5-10%, AKA where it once resided, but only once everyone becomes fucked financially. So, for now at least, I am trying to turn myself into a poor man's Bear Gryils(sp?) in the mean time so I have this going for me which is nice. Orrrr I will win the lottery any day now.
So, yes, if you noticed my plan for the future is double pronged and as such it is truly fail proof!
Pic related is me buying a soy latte.

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a neet is just someone who is too weak for society,
too stupid, too lazy, too many health/ mental problems - a tumour on society
making stupid excuses for yourself like you'll be a wageslave
if being a wageslave is all you think you can achieve then you are accepting your worthlessness
most neets have never even really struggled to be something better, they expected life was supposed to be easy and they're too fragile to struggle through to better times
by being a neet you are accepting that you are inferior

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>Clothes, bankrolls and hoes.
Life ain't that complicated.

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There are good jobs out there. You're not going to get one by working for 4months at a McDonald's then quitting because you're "worth more than that", though. All of us with good paying careers started off at shit jobs and stuck it out for a few years so we could get a better job and worked our way up. No company is going to invest a million dollars in training and wages on an applicant that won't stay at a job for more than 6 months. The initial investment in time and money on a new employee is much higher than you might think. Training you will tie up at least one other productive employee for weeks or months, perhaps longer.

I always suggest that you hold a job for at least 2 years and don't quit one job before you secure a new job. Don't have long breaks in employment on your resume. Get to work, user, and stay busy. Make yourself valuable. It's good to be independent and it feels good to own a house and car, or whatever tickles your fancy.

Something else to consider... soon enough the welfare state will collapse, probably within our lifetime, and you won't want to be caught with no life skills.

I was under the impression that the welfare state will only keep getting bigger and more robust, actually becoming more necessary than ever due to automation and AI. Pretty sure the future itself will be one big welfare system.
Either that or a collapse of society and the (long overdue) hanging of our corporate overlords.

Because you'll regret it when you're in your late teens and you finally have to get the kind of job you should have had at age ~20

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Oh, it'll get bigger. Welfare and entitlements already nearly equal the tax income of the government. My point is that it can't help but set off a chain reaction of money printing and money devaluation that ends in a Venezuela style breakdown where all the governments beat efforts can't keep people fed.

This is part of the Game. You need to account for risk of falling off - Plan B.
But he is right now in the "I won't try therefore I can't fail" - You can also try and never fail, by using the Backup Plans system.
For example, "I am going to do a degree in Physics". You truly can not fail. You might fail to get a job from it but the knowledge is so powerful to have for life in every aspect of life. The brain-power you get from knowing how to approach problems, it is the most powerful degree to have for business, if you just top it off with a masters degree in business systems, then you set for life. Now you only need someone to give you the money to start a business.

Don't you want to get up at 5am and make Mr shekelberg his money? What are you?? Some kind of free spirit????GET A JOB!!

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A good way to be impervious to what people think is to get a degree in physics. I got one, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I know I am more educated than them.

So for example having a degree in physics gave me the confidence to look at the medical industry and see all the fraud and corruption, to know with confidence that Pyschiatry is a pseudo-science. Now if I didn't have a degree in Physics (notoriously the most intellectually difficult degree in terms of IQ (not passable with photo-graphic memory alone, which is what alot of medical students have the advantage of and why you can have doctors who are so stupid)) - pun intended on the double parentheses, Boolean Logic.
If I didn't have a degree in physics when I argue that Psychiatry is a pseudo-science then people can just discount me as a kook.

You didn't say anything about Suicide. You asked what is wrong with just pursuing NEET FOR LIFE.
And I warned you, you will find Suicidal Depression at the end of the rainbow.

>You need get addicted to challenging yourself and then enjoying the feeling of when you succeed in it.

That's exactly why I'm NEET. It gives me way more time to do this. There is no job I could get that would involve anything more significant than what I actually do in my 'spare' time.

Well you are touching on something more here.
How is it that he doesn't look around him and see his ancestry, community, nation? Thank the Protcols of Zion for that agenda.
Anne Coulter talking with Gavin McInnes about her new book ADIOS AMERICA, the current situation in the US now is scarey. I think we need a Hitler 2.0 and need to expel all of the Latinos and all the muslims - Don't matter what laws were passed by traitors for them. We need over-rule them all and use Nazi regime to throw them out and violently if we need to. The only ones that can be allowed to stay will be those who can prove a net-contribution opposed to a net-welfare utility of the state.

I guess you’re ok with being a nigger

What are autismbucks for several hundo a montho?

Liberate urself from the system.

1- get work
2- save muney
3- buy land
4- build ur house + grow ur own food
5- water from river, no need for eletricity
6- be free

>I guess you’re ok with being a nigger

This is the thing that bothers me the most.

Pol hates niggers except when white people act like one and don’t work

Then get a job nigger. Or are you white trash?

My favorite pic of François Hollande.

>Then get a job nigger.

I'm considering getting a job. That is why I made this thread.


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Stop considering and do it. Jesus Christ, don’t ask for advice here.

That is why we have to go to war right now man. Shit has to get serious and NOW.
Check out this interview with Ann Coulter and Gavin McIness. This shit is real, we are being invaded under the radar -

Notice in there we discover that a JEW oligarch donated $100 Million Dollars to the SIERRA Club if they would agree to remove IMMIGRATION from their political opposition.
Of course it is a jew. People just can't seem to get it in their fucking heads that the Jews are active ENEMIES in America TRYING TO DESTROY US like Frogs in Boiling Pot.

No I didn't. I think you're trying to respond to the guy who was trying to respond to you but instead responded to me.

That's my plan when everything goes to shit.
Drive out of the city as fast as I can back to the family farm. There's only grain left on our sections, but a 10 min drive and one cousin's got 400 head.

You need to stay fit and get armed, you be with us in the big jew pogrom.

To be real, I think the nigger problem is getting worse because the latino problem is getting worse, the latino peasants are taking all the niggers' jobs.

Could be could be. I mean, I'm no economist by a long shot, but you should also consider all the extra money that the state will have at its disposal thanks to increased efficiency in many fields that will become automated.
I watched this just today, check it out.
And traffic is just one piece of the pie.

Well you can be in position of power and influence and get to live good if you are smart and learn to jew normies.
But most people are playing losing game something will fuck you over always
It is not worth a shot you will end up with bitter memories.

This. In general, the incentives just don't exist to work minimum wage jobs at all. They're usually something like fast food: high stress and low pay, to the point where you can make more money just collecting government benefits. Minimum wage jobs also have high turnover rates. They have trouble keeping employees and trouble getting new ones, so they become desperate and hire anyone with a pulse.

I have noticed something: about ten years ago, ordering fast food was a more pleasant experience. Now, what happened? A new generation took over that work force, and on top of that, the economy changed. The pay for fast food jobs hasn't gone up to keep up with inflation. There are no incentives. Minimum wage jobs need to add extra incentives if they want better employees and a more efficient work force.