Why do Asian guys rape so many women in the UK? Here in NZ they don't even look you in the eye, let alone rape women in the streets. What is it about the bongs that turns them into sex mad beasts?
Why do Asian guys rape so many women in the UK? Here in NZ they don't even look you in the eye...
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Different meaning of Asian. You mean Orientals, in UK it means mostly Pakistanis.
Lol. Well done mate.
And yeah no idea why TF Brits can't get the term Asian correct.
Because they are creepy and deviant.
We call them Asians because they're from Asia. Why would you limit a huge continent to rice niggers?
Bullshit. You only do that to not sound racist and to try pin paki crimes onto Japs.
If what you are saying was really true then you would call someone from Vladivostok, Riyadh or Tehran Asian as well.
When Britain says Adrian, what they mean is specifically Pakistan. The entirety of Asia, is Pakistan. Which makes India southeast Asia, China is North, East, and Northeast Asia, Russia is Vodka Asia, Thailand is Trap Asia, Vietnam is Eternally Hilarious Only Joke We Have Against America Asia, Japan is Animasia, Iran is West Asia, Syria is Fertile Land Of Masculinity Asia, and Turkey is Germany.
Understanding the bong lexicon is key to communication.
tching tchongs did it das it
>If what you are saying was really true then you would call someone from Vladivostok, Riyadh or Tehran Asian as well.
Not really. The UK simply has a different and long-standing history with the Indian subcontinent than other parts of Asia. This has been common terminology for a while. There are very few Japanese in the UK, and everyone knows what is meant by Asian. Most don’t automatically associate it the East Asians.
We dont call New Zealanders Australians do we? same continent and all.
Fucking retard. Gooks are called orientals. We actually didn't have gooks until the year 2000.
You're retarded. If they'd call one a Pakistani and it turns out to be an Indian, they fucked up. It's the same as calling Moroccans, north Africans here.
>north African
Your analogy is wrong. Calling a middle eastern/paki Asian is like calling a morocan African (without the North). Why not use Middle Eastern instead? Or South Asian?
are these the ((Asians)) with the slanty eyes or (((Asians))) that are brown?
the britfaggots don't have the guts to call them sandniggers, muslims or even arabs. chang is an entirely different invader to abdullah.
They're not middle eastern, but they could be called South Asian, yeah.
As time goes on , the dumb shits invading /pol, /pol becoming more dumber and dumb
rape is very common in china
It's a different type of Asians from your picture.
Dat lack of regret on his face... He's one of us.
East Asian ( Chinese/Japanese/Korean )
Asian ( South Asian )
because of british media's use of weasel language to protect muslim rapists this happens to innocents
this video should fill you with anger if you have any sense of justice
the only people that deserve a bottle to the face are the media and actual offending muslims
>sandniggers or even arabs
Because they’re not Arabs, they’re Pakis. Asian is largely synonymous with Pakis or Indians in the UK. This really isn’t this confusing for anyone in the UK. At worst it keeps people wondering whether the perps were Indian, Pakistani, or Bangladeshi.
because it is legal to rape women who dont have a tv license
nobody in brighton matters
Do you call Slavic Russians "Asian" as well?
There has been, overall, a different relationship with the subcontinent vs Russia, East Asia, and even the Middle East (despite careless misinformation being spread here that the UK considers Arabs Asian) that spawned the current common usage of that term in the UK. It’s a completely different situation. Really the same reason it happen inversely in the rest of the world with East Asians.
>kiwi doesn't understand that the British press has taken to calling Muslims "Asian" so that they can continue to evade the political consequences of being uncivilized subhumans
>tfw the only facist in Brighton
This word has been used for that part of the world for centuries; everyone in the UK knows what they means. The only thing this obfuscates may be the fact that they are specifically from Pakistan or Pakistani descent.
Its been a thing for ever, south asia = asia, east asia = chinese. I appreciate that its a bit silly, but its not some conspiracy to cover up pakistani rape gangs.
You cheeky cunt. All of you are cheeky cunts.
asia is a fake continent, it just greek word for everything east of greece
Why would you not call a paki a paki? It really helps when trying to identify a perpetrator.
>literally not knowing "asian" in the UK means "black/muslim" and nothing else
>posts pic of oriental
uneducated faggot makes post on Jow Forums
wew lad
you need to go to a doctor and tell them your poo looks weired
And not even that. It just refers to everyone from the Indian subcontinent, regardless of religion. It’s a jarring difference in terminology - okay. Accept word usages differ and move on. Jow Forums has to make everything complicated.
dude, they cant even have a dog that salutes without getting 15 years in jail. You expect them to actually give accurate descriptions of rapists? kek
Wrong kind of Asian you dingus.
skewed stats. They could be calling muslims asians. And in NZ you not getting the muslim-asians.