We are men going our own way by forging our own identities and paths to self-defined success; cutting through collective ideas of what a man is.
Welcome to the final pill - the MGTOW Pill
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incel isn't a choice, user
For a white person in Sweden, absolutely
No worries user, Ahmed and Tyrone will happily take your place.
Be like Jim
>final pill
Nope, that is transhumanism.
Working up the MGTOW levels
that doesn't make sense
I expected better banter
Sorry I can't write in Somali, only English.
Selfish man foresaking his duty. Typical.
Soon to be level 5
If you subscribe to this you are an extreme radical feminist
MGTOWs are cry babies. I respect a divorced man dutifully making his support payments over a nerd who never took the chance at true love.
And who lied to you that your opinion is important?
But that's not what real men do though?
Jim sounds like a faggot to me.
Same one who lied to the MGTOW telling them the same thing
So wait, you're basically perpetual manchildren then?
Nobody can lie about the fact that my opinion is important to me. Who lied to you that your opinion is important to me?
Just get an Asian girlfriend
>feminism is a foreign concept to them
>cutest of all women
>i just want to have fun
What are you a woman/child?
I literally can't picture you being serious. You cannot be this fucking.. what's the word? delusional? crazy? i don't even know. Pathetic, maybe.
Nah that sucks too, if you can fuck over women you should.
MGTOW is creepy. Like this is not okay guys.
Instead of spewing ad hominems at me how about you tell me why I am wrong.
Grow the fuck up already youtube.com
I mean Asians are human, i guess. Bahahaha. Jesus. You just.. what am i going to say to you? you're far too gone at this point.
You opinions being important to yourself has nothing to do with how important or worthwhile they are to anyone else.
It's just basic shit, you want to question everything like a smart ass? go ahead. Burn everything down. It won't make you happy, i can tell you that much.
I don't listen to this faggy American bands, sorry bro youtube.com
Nobody told you to go MGTOW.
>I have no argument
>10 posts by this ID
Damn bro you obsessed with this thread you should get a girlfriend so you got something better to do lmao
Here you go, european bands
I'm glad i listened
Oh i have an argument alright. I just don't care that much about you. Hmm, you're gonna go fuck some Asian. Jesus Christ, tell you the truth i don't even care. Just tell me this, do you think Asians are basically like White people? because you are in for a rude awakening.
This are fundamental things that i understand at an emotional level, it's like you just don't do it. Back in the day a Hungarian marrying a Czech was like a huge deal. And it was, imo, kinda wrong. Nowadays. Well, you're probably all atheists. It's all in God's plan i guess.
>you're not that smart are you
You would be right.
Tell you this though, my first instinct is to kill you now. You are officially an enemy of our people.
that's more like southeast asia, i guess, as east asia has already been contaminated with feminism
shit forgot taking off a meme flag
I dunno bro, i don't listen to that type of music. It's fine, i mean nothing wrong with it. It's catchy. Just not what i usually listen to youtube.com
I wouldnt expect you to. What kind of tradcuck would you be if you heard music about masculine freedom?
Going back a few decades are we? youtube.com
This is more like it. Why couldn't you have started with this? An impassioned, well thought out argument. It might even convince me if I knew what you were talking about.
What exactly did you not understand when I said soon to be level 5 mgtow?
>mouse defends his Mouse Utopia
Phase D, britbong.
Westerners will cease to exist in my lifetime.
I dunno dude what can i tell you? dude sounds like a faggot, i'm not too fond of this guy's edgy voice either tell you the truth youtube.com
Our society blames men for the behaviour of women today, because their grandparents let feminism win and take over the TV, radio, businesses, news, schools, and colleges.
Mongrel cucks blame men for not "Just sucking it up" and accepting life as a subhuman male who lives to serve a woman and is seen as worthless if he refuses to do so. Because if they aren't doing it, maybe I'm wrong to do it.
It doesn't matter how big your dick is or isn't, you can't undo a lifetime of any american/british feminist-woman's brainwashing in under an hour. Even if you make her want you, she'll still believe every feminist lie and feel entitled to your money, children, time, cock, and soul.
Say what you will about asians but they're a better option than blacks and sandniggers. If you hate MGTOWs, you're an idiot. A useful idiot who's letting feminism win.
MGTOW for life, until I find an asian woman worth settling down with. Then I'll make sure at least some of my white genes are passed on by having at least six kids with her.
Fundamentally we are similar if we are considered a person. We differ culturally, but that is no reason we should not intertwine with other cultures.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Mostly i just listen to actual military music, this modern bands are 2edgy4meh youtube.com
You're a butthurt faggot with no argument. Are you seriously trying to make death threats against me on fucking Jow Forums?
Why do I still post here? Libtards can't defend their retarded beliefs, so they shill, lie, and shitpost. I know what's up, and I'm not going to redpill any normies on this site.
>Trascendental racial idealism
This is organized incel faggotry.
Can you please Elaborate on this? It's an indisputable fact that Tyrone and Ahmed will procreate with your women in the void you left behind. Are you talking about some kind of cultural barrier? It's proven that women are ideological mimics and will adapt to whatever surrounding they are in, including social ques and religion.
Why don't all you MGTOW fags, just grow a spine and dominate your women as nature intended? Are you simply unable too have a productive healthy relationship with a woman where you maintain household control, or are you just afraid of the consequences of inevitably failing your task of providing.
ill start listening to that when ill want to domesticate myself. Which is never lmao.
Autistic as fuck
Typical religious fanatic behavior.
Bongs, you are already minority in your own capital.
Russkies aren’t breeding either. Your country is in danger of becoming a national wildlife preserve for China.
He’s exposed himself! Quick, smear the queer!
How do i put it? there's so much to say. It's such a fundamental thing. You don't breed with non-Whites, how's that? why? course you would ask why. It's not like picking what you're gonna wear in the fucking morning, for fuck sake. You're breeding with an Asian... Jesus Christ. I feel like i'm demeaning myself for even having to explaing this to you, there's a million little things that i really just don't fucking feel like getting into right now (it's 10:00 am here, i've been up all night and i'm tired).
>you don't have an argument
No i do, and i'm fully 100% convinced of it in my head, but it's hard for me to put into words specially into English. I'm so convinced that Whites shouldn't breed with Asians that i would never do it, and there's plenty of hot Asian chicks out there. It's not about that, it's something... shall we call it.. spiritual? they just aren't our people. Feels filthy to tell you the truth. Not entirely wrong mind you, i mean Asians are people (not all of them, like not all Whites are really people, i'm talking about the shitty low IQ lower classes here) but just because they are people that dosen't make it right.
Something about it is just filthy, i keep coming back to that word for some reason and it's not to demean Asian people either. Race mixing period feels filthy to me. Sexual, more than a relation between a man and a woamn should probably be. I mean why are you going with an Asian to begin with? it's not out of "love". It's a sexual thing, isn't it? i mean at the end of the it really is your/our fault, why wouldn't our women be enough? why can't you tame a White woman and turn her into a respectable wife/mother? maybe you're not man enough?
Actually, on self-reproduction level.
There are still shitload of problems, but we doing something.
Abortions are no longer free, families have rights for dacha and money.
I'm sure that's a common anti MGTOW argument you encounter, but consider that it may actually be accurate. Chad could make this White women do whatever he wants them to do, why can't you? well, maybe you're not a genetic Chad (which sucks) but you can still probably do it.
Saying "fuck everything" and just going out and "having fun" like a retarded manchild isn't an option if you ever want to consider yourself a real man. That's not what real men do. Anyways, i'm rambling.
This all comes down to a lack of belief in God, i'm telling you. Everything is up for debate now, wait a few decades and pedophilia will probably be legal. Maybe cannibalism. Sounds like the end times to me, and i'm not even a Christian. Anyways.
lmao, you fucking newbs, sometimes i wish i was an orator the likes of...uh fucking Socrates (one of those Greeks dudes).
Breeding with Japs or even worse Chinks. Or even worse yet, Gooks (the southern kind). God have mercy. The world wars ruined everything.
Mgtow is jew codeword for WHITE GENOCIDE
Certainly a Jew. Because a Jew will tell you to have some racial pride and not breed with Gooks like some loser beta faggot. And even worse, a race traitor. Even Pygmies are above such degenerates in my book (not really, but you get the idea).
If you din’t fix divorce laws first it’s like trying to fill a bucket with holes underneath with water.
I remember seeing your divorce rates are as bad as Western countries.
>Mgtow is jew codeword for WHITE GENOCIDE
But the MGTOW losers don't want to face this truth, they want to believe being a vidya game-playing manchild is the True Path kek
Dude, you think gooks are White people with a different skin color. Go with God, and please follow your own advice and don't have children. We really don't need anymore Elliot Rodgers running around.
I get shivers just thinking of breeding with a gook/jap any Asian period. Fuck, i think i'm gonna puke.
You TradCucks have zero answers. Just keep blaming the guys.
Kid, you wouldn't last 10 minutes. Be glad we are around to do the actual man stuff and try not to be a burden on society and for fuck sake, don't breed with non-Whites. Any mongrel will be an enemy of the White race by definition. You're creating more enemy soldiers by breeding with non-Whites.
ikr, bet you can relate bruder
Why would I stay as much as 10 minutes? You can kill yourselves right now. My life will not be affected.
Pic is me evading draft in case it happens.
Never in a million years did I imagine the opposition to MRA would come from Nazis. Crazy timeline.
Now i'm insulting Asians, dammit. I feel like i have to otherwise you fucking idiots won't listen to me.
What the fuck am i even saying? you probably all descend from fucking peasants anyway. Of course you wouldn't discriminate like i do.
You think you can remain neutral and still be a "good person", but that's not the case. I'm sure you aren't a coward though.
Im not neutral
me>not me
Pic related
Yeach, i know.
State Duma recently tightened the rules of divorce.
As long as we resist western degeneracy and SJW - nothing is lost.
Let's see what happens.
MRA want to starve the system of marriages and thus cause a reset of divorce laws. MGTOWs aren’t the same but on that one goal they are aligned.
WNs want to keep whistling by the graveyard and have young guys keep getting married like the 50’s never ended because of some crazy race shit.
They all come to Jow Forums to scream past each other.
And since we're on the topic of Asians youtube.com
The cuck pill
>Too beta to stop going for whores and going for the average 5/10 awkward girl in the back of the room
>Too beta to keep authority in a relationship
>Too beta to pass on your genes and raise a loving family
MGTOW is the ultimate blue pill for those too weak in the head to keep on top of a woman.
Damn, nu/pol/ is blue pilled as fuck. Basic shit like "non-Whites aren't White with a different skin color" seems to be news to this people.
Oh I get it. An MRA trying to become relevant..
Wtf are you talking about you stupid fuck?
You really think you can try and water down MGTOW with your neo-MRA? We are not retarded sorry.
I'm a lonely loser, and even I admit that Mgtow is for fucking fags.
I took the bait. No wonder i see MGTOW threads, it's just trolls. MGTOW is a troll meme
you just stated to be a coward and anti-traditionalism, why are you posting on Jow Forums again? take this to /lgbt/
You MGTOWs dont get it!
A wife will make you happy! Help you complete your life goals and become a better man!
She will always be loyal to you and love you and your many children for the rest of your life! She will cook, clean, pleasure you sexually whenever you want! A woman makes your life so much better! Said no one ever, because its 100% not true. Better keep calling MGTOW faggots, that will help.
Yea even in the photo you are the typical rats. Thats why everytime you try to attach and water down MGTOW you get BTFO.
Little MRA bitch deleted his weasel post