
Every American citizen deserves healthcare whether they are healthy or ill, skinny or fat, tall or short. The sooner Jow Forums realizes this the better.

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They basically surgically removed his stomach. How the fuck is he is still such a fat ass?

He lost over 100 lbs over the course of months and he's still losing weight.

You don't deserve the free services of highly trained professionals with expensive equipment just because you exist.

no they don't
just like not all canadians deserve it either.
Trouble is both our countries are run by the same people and yours has Obamacare trying to make a ruin out of what was once a proper industry.

Americans live in the only country left on Earth, where you can save up money, working wagecuck job. So if you can't afford healthcare, maybe it's because of your spending priorities are wrong?
Maybe a bit smaller house, a bit smaller car, a bit less food, would be in order?
You take for granted things, that are still a luxury in most of the world.


he put the weight on himself and we're supposed to respect that he's losing it?
fuck off
He should be respecting everyone that didn't go as far as he did

If you don't love me at my fattest, then you don't deserve me at my not quite as fat but still a porky porky pig man. oink oink piggy piggy.

No. Virtually all faggots are demanding free healthcare. Check the polls. Faggot.

>he put the weight on himself and we're supposed to respect that he's losing it?
Yes. He's taking responsibility for his weight gain.

>Every American citizen deserves the money of other citizens

simple exchange of values, you are recieving care from a team of professionals whose cost's between them and the hospital is probably more than any of us make in a life time, and he expects all this for free, with the highly trained professionals recieving no compensation for their work( i know the hospital pays them but if the hospitals isn't getting paid the proper value of the work done then it's not sustainable.

We deserve to barter over qualified medical professionals and select the one who suits our needs.

We let a Jewish medical board decide (essentially) how much healthcare costs and who gets to be doctors. This isnt capitalism, its nothing short of communism and this is why healthcare is fucked in America.


>Virtually all faggots are demanding free healthcare.

The ~75% of Americans who want "medicare for all" with the choice of keeping their private plans are faggots now?

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Considering he's putting in a shit ton of work to lose the weight, yes we should respect him and his efforts

Don't over eat then get out and do some mountain biking in the hills.
Stop watching anime and playing video games.
They kill your time.

If some fat fuck won't even take care of themselves, then I have no moral obligation to take care of them.

go deserve it


Your reading comprehension sucks. That's probably why your opinions on policy are so delusional.

Are you a boomer or something? Boogie is no longer about HC reform. He is about Family Law reform.

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No, my reading comprehension is fine. Don't pretend you weren't implying that anyone who supports universal healthcare is a faggot. Now I know how it felt for Hitler to argue with the Jews in Vienna.

my mom needed hip replacement 'cause her bone lost its density due to old age
nobody wants their tax money to go to gastric surgery for obese people

I had a coworker who had the gastric bypass. He couldn't eat much and started losing weight for about a year, but he would still stuff himself until he puked almost every meal. All of us, as coworkers, would tell him to stop eating until he puked, and he'd tell us we were right, but he wouldn't stop trying.

About a year into the process he learned a new trick. He would eat less, but he was eating every 45 minutes to an hour. This way he could stuff himself constantly without getting to the point where he was barfing. So he ballooned back up to his former, voluminous, form. He died last year of complications from diabetes, at the ripe old age of 60, after enjoying a scant year of retirement.

I've yet to see someone get that surgery and keep the weight off for more than a year or two.

Rofl ......
Yes yes
Temptation is a hell of a thing
But surgery is a hell of a crutch
Poor guy still can't ride a bike without having a massive heart attack or stroke.
Trick is never getting that fat to begin with.
Parents need to be held responsible if the have morbidly obese children

Saying that one group supports something is different than saying that everyone who supports said thing is part of that group. Most niggers voted for Hillary. That does not mean that everyone who voted for Hillary is a nigger. Your education system must be worse than ours. And that's really saying something.

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Free oven tanning and weight loss treatment for everyone

You deserve nothing. You have the opportunity to better yourself and succeed, but no one is obligated to GIVE you a damn thing. Earn it for yourself. You are not my fucking problem.

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you deserve only what you can afford, that is the basis of capitalism

I know that, but keep denying what you were implying, you weasel fuck.

holy fuck she looks like an obese version of a girl I know

like dead on if the girl added 90 lbs she'd look like this what the fuck

Healthcare only became an employer benefit when government established wage caps, prohibiting employers from paying their employees more money. More government fuckery, as usual.

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He is a milionaire.

we already have it piecemeal, hospitals are legally required to service people who can't afford and swallow the costs themselves, this gets pushed off onto drug companies and insurance, so we pay it eventually. With the massive private mergers and buyouts of both hospital systems and pharmacies and health insurers we may see a bit more government involvement, especially if they start going bankrupt from their deals, but we'll never see a NHS-type healthcare system and you're delusional if you think we will

I'm not saying that's necessarily good

First of all, I deserve everything YOU have, because reasons

he honestly deserves it

>mountain biking in the hills
But I live in Kansaa

Ouch ......
Well there has to be a long dirt road worth riding down
Do some energy burns in between cruising by going as fast as you can.
If you do this in a pattern it should get the your heart a nice workout.

So do all men.

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its not my fault some dumbass doesnt invest in their own healthcare before they get cancer, i should have to pay for their mistakes

There's free healthcare here in Sweden. But it's shit. I have episodes of blindness on one eye. They just did a few tests and then said everything is fine. I called them, they just say if you have headache call back.

I hope boogie kills himself

Fats deserve nothing

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Does it look like grey spots when it's happening?
Does it happen more often on sunny days?

>Does it look like grey spots when it's happening?
yes, something like that
Does it happen more often on sunny days?
I don't think so, but usually my eye hurts a little during the day and it gets better at night.

That's not nice. Boogie is a good guy, I hope he makes it.

There is no deserve, only negotiate

very slight respect
but also much disrespect for letting it get that far
he seemed very conscious of what he was doing to himself the entire time, yet did nothing to correct the problem, resorting to a sort of cheap cheating method, because he is incapable of exercising proper self-restraint
absolutely pathetic


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Only in America is losing weight considered an accomplishment.

I had something similair, using normal eye drops (basically just salt water) helped me.
When I went to the opticians and he looked at it, he saw I had an infection in the iris, meaning fluid couldn't drain from my eye anymore, making it swell and pushing on the optic nerve, thus making the grey spots. Once he mentioned it, and I felt my eyes with my fingers, I could feel the blind eyeball was a lot harder (more pressure) than the other one. They subscribed me some special eyedrops that lowered the pressure in my eye to aleviate.

"Fat acceptance" is health care dependency.

i have a question if any medfag can answer
dont this people like morbidly obese people need to get their stomach reduced anyway if they want to lose weight even if they do diet and exercise? i remember reading something like their stomach gets to the size of small child from binge eating so much and its hard for it to get to normal size through natural metods but idk how true this is

im refering to 400+lbs people, the glued to the couch type

>Every American citizen deserves healthcare whether they are healthy or ill, skinny or fat, tall or short.
No. We should not subsidize bad lifestyle decisions.

Now he just needs to go full 1488

That’s the funniest shit I’ve seen all week.

Literally had to do a surgery to force himself from eating too much, kek'd.


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Is this post divorce? Was paying the alimonies worth it?

You deserve what you can afford.

If you can't afford decent healthcare, find a job that will pay you a decent wage and allow you to afford it.

Entitlement will be the downfall of the US.

he also slays more cupcake

I hate that fat fuck so much. The perfected American soy goy.

If even huestan which is a third world country can have public healthcare, why can't you guys?
We have insane levels of corruption and money stealing, you guys could set up something way better and that worked for the next hundred years in a matter of months. Stop being fat lazy asses.

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yeah after they made his fat fucking stomach the size of a pea, Very impressive!!!

This. And he's considered brave???

pizza is considered a vegetable m8

Every day I wake up hoping that this man is dead. I will continue to wake up.

Surgically removing most of your stomach because you lack the willpower to stop being a glutton, lack the motivation to actually exercise.

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Anons in this thread say he had surgery done. So he was unable to control his dietary intake in the end and took a shortcut? Who should respect a ""man"" who can't control his basal instincts? Literally primitive, with an under-developed brain. Being able to deny short-term pleasure for long-term gain is a sign of higher IQ.

We have a system that works that isn’t leached off of by poor degenerates. Is keeping subhuman flavela dwellers REALLY making your country a better place? Better to trap poor people inside with debilitating illnesses at an early age than let them run around and commit crimes.

Not to mention, when it comes to medical advancements, who contributes more: The US or Brazil?

He looks exactly the same.

>Muh medical contributions done by a couple researches from X, Y and Z multi-national company means it's ok to have sub-saharan tier healthcare in my country.
I don't even know where to begin here mate and if you were so worried about saving money stop the gibs to niggers.
Who needs meal tickets to buy friend chicken to begin with?

Nobody deserves anything. If you want something, go earn it.

> deserves
> 1 post by this ID
how do you nu/pol/ faggots don't spot this a mile away?

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Treat Fatties like smokers.
The top 4 killers of Americans will be taken care of.
Healthcare costs WILL plummet.

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>being this delusional
>being this cucked

Yes you are correct every american deserves healthcare... When they pay for it.

t. classcuck

>he's still a fat fuck even after spending tons of money and undergoing invasive surgery

Boogie is going to gain it back all again. Instead of solving his mental issues which allowed him to gain this weight , he decided instead to go for stomach surgery.

Sure now he will lose the weight. But 1 instant the bad habits can start again.

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Honestly, I think if you're this fat - you're pass the point of no return. No matter how hard you try you won't be able to control your appetite or whatever. And you won't even be able to do cardio or swim, because you're too fat to move, so you won't be able to lose weight effectively without surgery or roids, though I'm not sure roids will be much of a help.

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But he can walk now.


i cant stop masturbating Jow Forums

pls help

he also spent more money in divorces

>Being able to deny short-term pleasure for long-term gain is a sign of higher IQ.

He posted on Jow Forums, a site he spent hours on each and every day, oblivious to the deep irony that pervaded his existence.

He couldn't swim but walking/running in the water would have helped tremendously. He would have been able to reduce the impact on his joints while having the increased resistance of the water to make it more of a workout. And yes I'm sadly calling walking through water a workout.

i lost 80lbs over the course of a year without having surgery to eliminate my stomach. granted i wasnt ham planet slob tier quite yet. but it feels pretty good, winters been long as fuck and ive been eager to take the mountain bike i bought out

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Why is Jow Forums so rude to fat people if the majority of white America (and probably the majority of Jow Forums) are overweight or obese?

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Don't know if that's the same I have. In my episodes I usually have about a minute of full blindness and then the vision slowly and gradually returns over the course of five minutes or something. I've been wondering if it's something with the nerve. The pressure thing is interesting because I have had a feeling in the eye like the pressure changes. Like I've had episodes about 16 times since December 2016, roughly once a month, and often I will feel something in my eye a few days before an episode, it feels like there is a change in the pressure, but also the eye becomes weaker. For example if I squat down and tie my shoelaces then when I rise back up I can feel something in the eye but also in the head and sometimes the eye goes a little dark for a few seconds.

Yeah I had eye pain too, although my blindness was more prolonged and not so sudden.
Good luck figuring it out sven.

>Why is Jow Forums so rude to fat people

Shut up fatty

Did you go see an ophthalmologist

Cheap healthcare (read: not free) is all well and good if you don't live in a society filled with border hoppers, niggers, and a 50% obese population. The demand far outweighs the supply and you'd end up with either extremely high taxes or shut down hospitals and humanitarian crisis

His wife left him because she realized he might actually be able to have sex when he loses a bit of mass

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>this is why canada is the way it is