Other urls found in this thread:
why date a girl when you can fuck a guy and be fucked
>according to women
>its mens fault we underestimate ourselves
Everyone in STEM underestimate their abilities.
Working with people smarter than you is hard on everyone and you tend to not stick your neck out too much as being proved wrong is really bad.
It have nothing to do with men/women, the problem is there are too few women in STEM and the ONLY reason this is so is because they take a useless degree that trains them to complain about no women in STEM.
the study was based off a single Biology class btw
Fake news
>subjective study conducted by all-female research team finds that women can't handle criticism or pressure and that self-perception finds men have larger egos and women are submissive.
you don't say?
I've always found that the more I learn the dumber I feel because I learn that there is so much more that I dont know
I'm sorry, but do you have proof?
I'm SO sorry. And to all women - thank you for your service~
I wish I could but there are no women in my IT department
Doesn't change the fact that women have poorer performance than men. Reason hardly matters.
Sure. post this in Jow Forums and see.
Bit of a loser tbqh
And That's A Good Thing
Fuck off, sherlock. Cuck somewhere else.
Why are women so weak?
>Who perceives they are smarter? Exploring the influence of student characteristics on student academic self-concept in physiology
>Advances in Physiology Education
>Katelyn M. Cooper, Anna Krieg, and Sara E. Brownell
>2018, 2, 42, 200-208
>One anatomy class
>Measured confidence of understanding of specific class subject matter
>Used prior GPA rather than scores from the course assessment to measure actual intelligence/abilities
>Study in no way examined effect of how others view specific individual's intelligence
Because they bear the burden of child-birth, and evolution has created this dynamic in which men are stronge, smarter, more productive, and generally more interesting, but they are controlled by women due to their carnal desires/hormones.
Women are weak because they can afford to be, because men created civilization to compensate for their weakness.
[1st Daily Reminder] - The Gender Pay Gap is a misnomer and doesn't exist, and the real term is Redistribution Pay Gap where a percentage of salary from irrelevant women is redistributed into the hands of women who matter in our lives: Grandmothers, Mothers, Wives/GFs, Daughters, Sisters even. Therefore it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with prioritization.
[2nd Daily Reminder] - Feminism is a scam to brainwash you into selling yourself as free labor, slave labor, to random women unrelated to you who are not the grandmother who took care of you, the mother who fed and clothed you, the wife/GF who loves you, the sister who is bonded to you by blood. They are instead crazy bitches who either look down upon you or hate you like most feminists, or parasites looking to suck your limited lifespan and energy to their benefits when you could be doing better things with the limited lifespan you have.
[3rd Daily Reminder] - Western white women should be banned/excluded from Feminism. Western white women are 80% of the economic spending/wasting force, spending/wasting and buying what was ill-gotten from Colonialism and Imperialism. Served on a silver platter to them over the ages by the white men who died to feed into the white female Princess/Queen Complex. The reason the western white female is the face of Feminism is that they were struck with fear once minorities started rising up demanding reparation, and to avoid paying reparation and giving up their western white female wealth and inheritance, they formed Feminism to invent victimhood for themselves through any possible scam, deceit, trick, blackmail, and way that can be conceived which would detract minorities from demanding what they are due. Therefore white whores should be excluded from all matters and opinion-giving on feminism, with only women from the rest of the world qualified.
(白左 )baizuo is used generally to describe those who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment” and “have no sense of real problems in the real world”; they are hypocritical humanitarians who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”; they are “obsessed with political correctness” to the extent that they “tolerate backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism”; they believe in the welfare state that “benefits only the idle and the free riders”; they are the “ignorant and arrogant westerners” who “pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours”.
I was under the impression that there's more variability in mental prowess/disease among men than women, because evolutionary you can afford to have a potential maverick as a father while an average mother is a safer bet.
This means that while there are more male geniuses, there are also more male idiots and lunatics.
Fact: Hitlers mom was a woman. Stalins mom was a woman. Even Kim Jong Uns mom is a woman.
Down with women! They are evil!
>We Need To Discuss Why You Won't Believe These Top 10 Reasons Sexually Frustrated Alt Right Jow Forums Nazi Trolls Paid By Russian Hackers Made A 'No Black People' Cut Of The Beautifully Brave And Diverse Disney© Masterpiece 'Black Panther'© In The Post-Weinstein Trump Era And Hmmm Here's The Thing: It's Not A Good Thing, Period (Article Sponsored By Disney Corp.© And Soros Inc.® Retweeted By @Huffpo @Jezebel @Buzzfeed @Slate @Salon @Vice @Kotaku @CNN (subsidiaries of Disney Corp© regulated by the Ministry of Truth of Disneycountry© (formerly known as "USA")))
>Learn more about the author: Hi I'm Moshe Goldstein and I identify as a polysexual trans-queer of color, I write about cool and epic pop culture topics for my fellow white people and I love random things like retro video games, Netflix, soy milk, opening my mouth in front of cameras and collecting black bulls for my pink-haired grandma glasses-wearing girlfriend! Also I have a pubes beard to camouflage my weak chin, nerd glasses, a receding hairline and I have never stepped foot in a gym or worked with my hands.
>Browse more articles from this author: Why Black Panther's 103% Score On Rotten Tomatoes Means Hillary Will Win In 2020 | How I Let My Wife Cheat On Me And Why You Should Too | Top 10 Nintendo Switch Games For Your Wife's Son's Upcoming Birthday
Just conform and consume, goy.
As usual, SJW-ism has an effect of demonetization and loss of trust from the normal majority consumers, leading to loss.
- Hasbro for example managed to bankrupt the GI Joe brand by employing SJW writers into their comic, ruining the brand value.
- Marvel keeps losing money over the new female "muh womyn power" Captain Marvel, who keeps being rehashed and forced in apparent desperation yet keeps failing and not making returns.
- Disney's Star Wars has now lost trust among prop sellers, a first in the brand's history. Shelves are filled with unsold TLJ "womyn powa" toys which are going to be written off as a major financial loss for both the sellers and Disney. Now sellers have no alternative but to scrutinize all future Disney's Bolshevik marketing projections and force increased costs on Disney as a risk tax. Disney even lost a potential market of 1.3 billion people in China which cites "Baizuo" and "Low IQ (SJW) writing" as critiques.
- Video Game developers appealing to a vocal minority of SJW's who don't even pay for games but rather gather around a single "representative" professional critic/influencer via bubbled social contacts to engage in mob criticism/coercion, who are merely there to support that one career critic against products they don't even care about; resulting in a loss of the core majority of consumers and a net loss in revenue due to appeal to vocal minority over majority.
It's like the religious preachers who exist to preach against products they don't use with fellow church member mobs, yet who are mistaken in ignorance by the object of criticism as consumers.
- FreeBSD suddenly forcibly coercing/demanding from users to become political "ambassadors" by a Code of Conduct copy pasted from some feminist wiki, completely unrelated to the object of the community or their initial interests in becoming part of it. Result? Skilled staff loss.
- SJW publications such as Salon forced into adwall.
Examples keep on appearing exponentially with each day.
Sure, but the geniuses have far more influence on their society than the lunatics. The lunatics either die early or end up in jail or worse. The geniuses create new technologies, take leadership positions, and create the visions societies strive towards.
Yes, there are a lot of male morons, but their stupidity mostly affects then, while the males with genius minds affect whole societies.
We need to stop listening to women and start hearing them. They are making if very clear that workplace environments are "toxic", "manly", and "unsafe" for women. The obvious solution is to put roasties back in the kitchen where they belong and where they can be safe and protected by the patriarchy (husbands and fathers and brothers). Protect women by keeping them out of the workforce because they can't handle the bantz and problem is solved.
>in Abrahamic Poop, your existence is an original sin
>in Feminist Poop, your existence as a white man is an original sin
>in Abrahamic Poop, porn and sexualization and objectification should be banned
>in Feminist Poop, porn and sexualization and objectification should be banned
>in Abrahamic Poop, criticizing Abraham/Jesus/Mohammed is blasphemy
>in Feminist Poop, criticizing women is blasphemy
>in Abrahamic Poop, the ways of God should not be questioned and should be blindly believed, for they are mysterious
>in Feminist Poop, women should not be questioned and should be blindly believed, for their vaginas are mysterious
>in Abrahamic Poop, all your critics and non-members of the club are "heretics" "heathens" "unbelievers" "kaafir" "infidels"
>in Feminist Poop, all your critics and non-members of the club are "sexists" "misogynists" "rapists" "white men (THE INHUMANITY)"
>in Abrahamic Poop, video games are invisible Satan's tool to create murderers and rapists out of men
>in Feminist Poop, video games are invisible Patriarchy's tool to create sexual terrorists and rapists out of men
As usual, women only know how to make inferior copies of what men created, including religious sects organized to oppress and demean non-members by hiding behind false morals, false ethics, and false virtues that are a mere smokescreen.
>fuck up a story because of our preconceptions and biases
>it's okay because hardly anyone will even notice
>gell-mann amnesia effect trololole
It's news when the news gets it right.
This. I think this emancipation experiment has clearly shown that statistically most women are not responsible enough to take charge of their own lives(not to even begin to talk about companies or states) and most of the "free" ones on average end up as sluts, skanks, cat ladies, and crazy blue-haired feminists.
I'm more and more warming up to the idea of arranged marriages. It seemed to work for hundreds and hundreds of years. I also has a good effect on young men since it makes them grow up faster and take on bigger responsibilities earlier due to being the "head of the family".
I didn't realise Javier Bardem was a programmer either, I guess that's what "No Country For Old Men" really meant?
No argument here. I just prefer that argument when debating foaming feminists because it makes them foam more. They have this slow, sinking realisation that the argument of privilege is being slowly wound out from under their feet but can't rail against it without going full misandrist.
>men live without inventions made by women
>men live as they already did millions of years ago
>women live without men
>never happened in documented history without total inevitable collapse or hidden support from men of some kind
Women + Men working together is how shit gets done the best, except when women are fucking up via parasitism.
Men alone and you can still get shit done.
Women alone?
>Honey, we are lucky we found this turtle
>it is a full day's meal and its shell can serve as a heating pot
>god fucking damnit, ok honey i'm gonna hunt for something else but you keep an eye on that turtle just in case, our lives depend on it
>*bawwww if he meets an accident after this i won't be able to forgive myself*
>he stumbled upon a python
There's more variability in men because with the XY sex chromosomes, the XY pair doesn't have the redundancy the XX pair does. That this produces a particular set of adaptations on an individual basis is to be expected from statistical analysis and when the sex chromosomes pairing is different it produces different results. That this produces a particular set of adaptations on a societal basis is a form of speculation that biologists don't engage in, because group selection arguments require conditions that very rarely arise naturally.
tl;dr: don't listen to people doing evopsyc over the internet.
Yep, but as it stands we are stuck with women, since we can't make babies without them(yet). SO their parasitism will go on until we figure out a way to fix that.
>speculation that biologists don't engage in
>men excel in pretty much every field they touch compared to women
>even in female dominated ares the few males there usually perform better than women
>pure fucking speculation
>until we figure out a way to fix that.
Mandatory military service. I'm not even joking. It works for Israel and a few other cultures, including East Asia. Fill them with discipline and a higher purpose (it doesn't need to become part of them, just reach them enough to gain an understanding), beat social collectivism into them to avoid gender collectivism. Just like with men.
>even when evidence says otherwise
Can you believe these cunts
Of course I can believe them. They didn't go to journalism school because they were intelligent. These are people who genuinely aspire to be mouthpieces for the people fucking us over. Just imagine how retarded you have to be to be happy with that.
>Testosterone vs Estrogen: The Study
Ok so men in general are more aggressive and women in general are more passive, naturally. And this may be negatively affecting women in STEM, which is predominately made of men. So now what? I'm guessing more sensitivity training? Haven't we had harassment training for decades now? What more can be done? Maybe this equilibrium of behavior is the best we can do, and women just need to step the fuck up. Men have been cucked as much as they're willing and able to give up. Short of chopping our balls off before puberty, this is all we can do. Women, for fucking once in your existence, take responsibility and improve yourself in a meaningful way. Stop looking for others to change. YOU need to change. You'll be glad you did.
Smart people never actually think they're smart, because they are very aware of how much they don't know.
Generally if someone boasts about their intelligence they are not smart people
i wrote that (someone ghostwrote it for me i mean)
all I'm seeing here is that women in stem are so weak
>giving a shit what some fat Jow Forumseek thinks about your abilities
lmao pathetic
it's like the majority of weak women who enter into a relationship with say, a smoker and take up smoking themselves
weak and malleable
to be formed by a dominant male figure
a father
a domineering chad bf
the stone cold hard bitches will inherit the earth made up of weak soybois and even weaker, flakey grils that are what they're told to be
>Star Wars
I just watched the last one yesterday for the first time. I didn't expect much but holy shit is that movie a mess. it's like one big plot hole made up of smaller plot holes and the only character who's actually a character rather than just a caricature is Kylo Ren.
I'm sorry women.
>using NBC as sources
>caring about social drama
Like Trump?
so many idiots here. men and women are a team, only together we can survive. if you play the game men versus women and let the kikes drive a wedge between us you have already lost.
Shove it, Augustus.
>but of course Im a mgtow
And I'm taking the white race down with me, because for all your talk of team play, you refuse to admonish the other side.
and which side would that be?
I agree to an extent. But it's not men who started this shit(and I understand how juvenile this might sound), and it's very difficult to turn back the tide of social change once it gets going for real. And as it stands women are becoming more and more insufferable and men get less and less authority for more and more responsibility so what you get are neets and mgtow and others that just check out of the whole system.
This is(unfortunately) is not kindergarten, we can't just let bygones be bygones and get on with women just fine as we did before. This shit will require generations to fix, as it took generations to introduce.
it was the kikes who railed the women against men. most suffragettes were jewish - what a surprise.
ultimately, it is men's fault to let women down and let it happen.
Please go back to Jow Forums, Nazis aren't welcome here.
Yes, because Jow Forums's opinion on women is representative.
then why is g admiring an open sore nazi?
>It's always men's fault
taking responsibility is what makes a man a man, boy.
to be quite honest there's no scientific basis to the entire field of psychology or sociology.
What do you think that image is, exactly?
I know what it is, but I've seen people claim that its "her code" to "actually its all the bugs lol"
Yes, sure, there were plenty of jewish feminists, but I don't think that's the only thing to blame. I think all civilizations go through a period of masculine expansion and growth, and then once it becomes too decadent and rich it swings to feminine consumption and social degeneration. We saw this shit in ancient Rome, and that was not caused by jews.
So yeah, that's part of it, but I think it's more of a matter of human nature. In hard times men excel, in opulent times women rule. Or something to that extent.
why are jews so smart?
But beating yourself up over something you didn't do isn't manly, boy. The western man is being gaslighted.
They aren't, a ship of aliens crash landed in eastern europe and they bred with the jews there. All of the jewish geniuses are actually jew-alien hybrids.
>a new study finds
>that statistically most women are not responsible enough to take charge of their own lives
sounds interesting, link pls
There's plenty, for example look at anything on marriage/single mother rates in europe/us/canada:
Just look at all these positive results of "freeing" women from the "shackles of family life".
so women prefer to believe men rather than reality
how dumb can they be?
But then you realise, he's bitch slapping China atm
women want all the goodies without any responsibility and at the same time stay feminine and not become a man with bobs and vegana and a buzz cut
you can't have it all, women
decide, be a woman or become an freakish man look alike
women are not men, deal with it
>t. women
>the same time stay feminine
It's 2018 buddy
They don't want to stay feminine anymore
I'm sorry for women
they are passive creatures, and they can only become more active by becoming more ugly at the same time
women thrive when men thrive
and women will suffer when men fail
you depend on men, and this is why the only thing you can do is scream and complain
it's kind of sad actually
Not that guy, but allow me to remind you that so far, in the entertainment industry, all of the feminist attitude was focused on either overtaking existing brands to milk them, commanding men to do their bidding for them thereby not doing anything themselves, or a variation of redistribution of workforce and wealth rather than the creation of new one, but never the feminists themselves taking up an independent role carving its own segment which is an independent responsibility in full right.
Have you noticed a pattern yet? It's not about creating new wealth, it's always about redistribution of existing one and always connected to shifting money by coercion or political manipulation.
People who have a sense of responsibility create, they don't redistribute.
how do you feel about single mothers
So women are ignoring evidence? No wonder they don't get far in STEM subjects.
I'm sure that's gonna turn out swimmingly well.
this doesn't mean that all are this way
maybe they are not even the majority
the thing is that those *strong woman are at the same time, the loudest and most obnoxious.
The better one stay more hidden and are not as loud as they are, so more feminine you could say.
I think, most of the time it's both who made a bad decision.
People should check their partners better for virtue and shared values.
>People should check their partners better for virtue and shared values.
go back to Jow Forums, cancer
>stating facts about reality we live in
Okay Shlomo Shekelbergstein, calm your tits.
You actually don't realise you're the cancer do you?
Piece of sjw shit, fuck yourself.
You probably live in the US or EU, right?
You first parasite.
I don't get it, isn't single motherhood supposed to prove the exact opposite?
>Have you noticed a pattern yet?
Well, are there studies of these patterns out there?
>single motherhood
>proving women are responsible
>be better than a woman because it comes naturally
it's all so tiresome
>Well, are there studies of these patterns out there?
Do you need a study to tell you that the Sun shines when you are looking at it? Because it in all lack of irony is the same thing, just google feminism and chalk up how every article or document coming from it directly pertains to redistribution and assertion of command, not a single one independent creation.
>Please go back to Jow Forums, Nazis aren't welcome here.
Sadly they seem to be welcome everywhere on Jow Forums. The entire mod/janitorial staff needs a clean out.
>The entire mod/janitorial staff needs a clean out.
Spoken like a true communist authoritarian.
>>be better than a woman because it comes naturally
go away Jow Forums
>Do you need a study to tell you that the Sun shines when you are looking at it?
There's a difference between really simple observational phenomena and complex social phenomena.
It's odd, but "it just makes sense and I see it on the TV all the time" usually doesn't form coherent ideas.
But of course, it's probably obvious I'm doing a socrates bit on people who throw around broad claims derived from anecdotal observation as absolute truth.
Anyway, the mod gave me my safespace back, so kthxbai :r)
>go away pol
>on pol
This thread was probably posted on Jow Forums. It was rightfully moved to Jow Forums.
Judging from the extreme faggotry, I'd say Jow Forums.
it's the constant propaganda about we need more stem, we need more stem
in reality, there are too many stem degree holders out there and it's hard to find a proper job
>It's odd, but "it just makes sense and I see it on the TV all the time"
Well, seeing it on a TV and basing simple observation on a source from the source itself, are two quite different things.