Mexican Hate Thread

Anybody else here hate these subhuman pieces of shit as much as I do?

Time to round up every Mexican in America and execute them and build that fucking wall ASAP.

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Ron Jeremy is a Jew, not a Mexican

nice thread , how much is shareblue paying, atleast post something different , dont just copy and paste the same shit. Let me guess you wanna get a bunch of people to say "fuck spics kill them all" well you failed Jew.

sage goes in the options and name

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trust me, i'm 100% sure that OP of this thread is texan mexican named Oscar Lee Guerra

the asian subhumans are much worse

I actually get along fine with most of the Mexicans I have worked with, the real poison to our society is darker

hehe funny dood, esfand dood

Dick Masterson's really let himself go.

Isn't that Justin Trudeau?

I thought he was a hedgehog

honestly fuck this board to many shareblue accounts posting on here. they just want some idiot to post "lets go kill all the___(insert minority) " so they can report it to the FBI , so then people can get arrested


Jow Forums went to absolute shit but at least incognito mode prevents fbi from finding us

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you failed FBI nigger


We have real problems

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esfand is aryan not mexican

Staysafe just mad af he doesn't have Alex's numbers.

Alex is retarded though so he'll lose them anyway.

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Spics arent nearly as bad as niggers. They are hard workers

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Mexicans are good boys. Don’t talk shit about my mexibros.

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hungarians are thousand times worse, pic rel

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Are you talking about that faggot 24 years old Oscar Lee Guerra who lives in Houston, TX? Yeah he's a real idiot, goddamn he's one stupid motherfucker.

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I hate that their illegal immigrant women won't marry me. It doesn't seem to increase my chances at all from getting more than about a 2/10

>They are hard workers

If they make such great citizens how come they can't build and maintain their own first world country?

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as far as I recall Lee does not posses any shitstained, raw meat eating, horseniggers genes

¿Por qué no te gusta andar en bicicleta en las montañas de puebla?

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refer to this


you heard it László

Worse than niggers desu

Hungary is the best u fucking faggots.

His last movies
"Scheckles for Schmeckles" &
"The Talmud Taliwacker "

That guy is an ethnically Persian who lives in the US and plays vanilla Wow on private server, his name is Esfand.

Oh Yah THIS .
See you soon Share Blue Pedo Diaper Snipers !!!!
You know.

I'm going to Mexico today AMA

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