Anybody else here hate these subhuman pieces of shit as much as I do?
Time to round up every Mexican in America and execute them and build that fucking wall ASAP.
Anybody else here hate these subhuman pieces of shit as much as I do?
Time to round up every Mexican in America and execute them and build that fucking wall ASAP.
Ron Jeremy is a Jew, not a Mexican
nice thread , how much is shareblue paying, atleast post something different , dont just copy and paste the same shit. Let me guess you wanna get a bunch of people to say "fuck spics kill them all" well you failed Jew.
sage goes in the options and name
trust me, i'm 100% sure that OP of this thread is texan mexican named Oscar Lee Guerra
the asian subhumans are much worse
I actually get along fine with most of the Mexicans I have worked with, the real poison to our society is darker
hehe funny dood, esfand dood
Dick Masterson's really let himself go.
Isn't that Justin Trudeau?
I thought he was a hedgehog
honestly fuck this board to many shareblue accounts posting on here. they just want some idiot to post "lets go kill all the___(insert minority) " so they can report it to the FBI , so then people can get arrested
Jow Forums went to absolute shit but at least incognito mode prevents fbi from finding us
you failed FBI nigger
We have real problems
esfand is aryan not mexican
Staysafe just mad af he doesn't have Alex's numbers.
Alex is retarded though so he'll lose them anyway.
Spics arent nearly as bad as niggers. They are hard workers
Mexicans are good boys. Don’t talk shit about my mexibros.
hungarians are thousand times worse, pic rel
Are you talking about that faggot 24 years old Oscar Lee Guerra who lives in Houston, TX? Yeah he's a real idiot, goddamn he's one stupid motherfucker.
I hate that their illegal immigrant women won't marry me. It doesn't seem to increase my chances at all from getting more than about a 2/10
>They are hard workers
If they make such great citizens how come they can't build and maintain their own first world country?
as far as I recall Lee does not posses any shitstained, raw meat eating, horseniggers genes
¿Por qué no te gusta andar en bicicleta en las montañas de puebla?
refer to this
you heard it László
Worse than niggers desu
Hungary is the best u fucking faggots.
His last movies
"Scheckles for Schmeckles" &
"The Talmud Taliwacker "
That guy is an ethnically Persian who lives in the US and plays vanilla Wow on private server, his name is Esfand.
Oh Yah THIS .
See you soon Share Blue Pedo Diaper Snipers !!!!
You know.
I'm going to Mexico today AMA