Why can't europoors afford cars?
Why can't europoors afford cars?
>not a single black in sight
That's not Europe user.
>That's not Europe user.
On the contrary, my dear frognigger, it's an indicator the place is still Europe.
>Why most europeans can afford to not buy cars?
Most cities are hell to navigate: lots of traffic jams and one-way streets. We don't have your huge orthognal streets in downtown areas.
And once you're finally at destination, good luck finding some parking at an affordable rate.
That's why people rely on train or subway.
We can, we don’t HAVE to. We have intact public infrastructure.
almost impossible to get by in the center of european cities with cars, the roads are super tiny and there will not be any parking lots.
There's two of them.
Public transportation lessens the traffic, is more cost effective and saves up resources of the state especially when it comes to aid payed by the state in form of tax brakes etc. towards employers.
Our streets are too fucking narrow in the cities. They are old as shit and were not intended to have big roads for cars at that time. You still can drive anywhere in cities, but they are always clogged with cars so public transportation is just overall faster.
just like in new york, they will tax u to death if u own a car, to the point of its economically better to use public transport,...
Communist wet dream guys, this is why it is NOT a privilege to travel in a car, only when u are traveling while making profit. That is called driving, driving while making profit is the privilege, Traveling to a friends house in a car, is a inalienable right!
Fuck you boot lickers.
Because contrary to popular belief, european standards of living are fairly low.
And this was before they let Islam plunder their buttholes.
>not sure if shilling or looking for you's
>Everything bombed to oblivion in WW2
>Old roads
Or maybe it's because we have not enough space and to many people?
Euro standards of living really are lower. In most places in the US, a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home is considered middle class. In most places in Europe, that's considered somewhat opulent. Their crime rates are (were) significantly better though.
Lived Italy, and Germany for a while, so yes I know first hand.
There's a difference between can't afford car and not needing one. Living in suburban America is hell and rural america is even worse in that regard. All these tough anonymous drivers need to be curb stomped.
i dont know anyone who doesent have a car, maybe some old people
>muh public infrastructure.
Cope harder, faggot. You will never ever ever be free.
>enough space and to many people?
Adi was solving that problem.
They can, that's why it's better to commute with train.
Americans can't either. Most Americans got loans.
The US is a lot less denly populated then Europe.
If I have the choice, I will always choose a train over a car, since it allows me to use my time more efficiently.
Eurocucks will learn to hate public transport as the millions of niggers and Muslims they imported start using it.
This is true too. Even "rural" areas in most of Europe seemed pretty populated compared to here. Unless you live in a super dense city here, you kinda have to own a car. Makes shopping a lot easier though. In Europe I had to shop every week. That's normally a once a month chore here.
>depending on a car is freedom
Wew lad. It's going to be tough to find a more retarded comment on Jow Forums today but I'm sure you have a whole day of shitposting ahead of you and can muster up something better.
It's just too compact to be honest. There is no need to own a car in almost any European city that is worth a damn because it has top notch public transport that both costs less and gets you where you need to go faster. Owning a car in any major centre in Europe is like owning a car in NYC or Tokyo. It's fucking stupid and a bad investment -- reserved only for people with vast amounts of disposable income.
I lived in Toronto for many years and owning a car would have been the dumbest fucking thing ever. Parking in the city is $100 a week minimum and you sit in traffic all day long anyway. Then you factor in gas, registration, insurance -- it's a stupid, pointless waste of money. The subway costs $2 -- cheaper with a pass -- and gets you to your destination faster. NZ is a fucking shot hole with absolutely zero infrastructure and you need a car to get to your own asshole... I wish it weren't so.
cars are degenerate
>millions of niggers and Muslims
but we don't have any?
This is Germany in 2010, before the Libyan war and the Syrian (((revolution))). It was when the volcano in Iceland erupted and people had to take trains instead of airplanes because of the dust in the atmosphere.
>Why can't europoors afford cars?
I've got 5 cars, it's just that none of them work.
What would compel a person to do this? I really cannot understand the thought process here.
thats what you get for buying french cars
we have higher taxes than you guys
that video is in america are you just in self deinal at this point or what
>compel a person
That is a nigger. Not a person.
Yeah, dense population is what makes public transport really viable in the first place.
Watch yourself nigger.
Gotta pay for all those refugees to stay and rape your daughters, eh?
>lack of alternatives to cars is freedom
The same reason ameripoor cant afford a simple wall.
That thread again
56%ers have no imagination
They can though, why can't Americans afford to fly here but we fly to your mix it shit hole for holidays?
I used to use public transport back when it was not filled with negros and mudslims. They are so fucking gross and loud.
Niggers keep screaming at their 90s nokias in their ooga booga language like crazy.
Mudslims keep listening to rubbish arab music. They won't use headphones, they just blast it max volume.
Now don't get me wrong, there are white niggers who do this too, but the % is not even close.
Public transport is hell now, don't even try to hide it. These motherfuckers don't even pay for it and keep getting away with it.
OP is a stupid cunt.
I'm so glad I'm not a Eurocuck. I can get anywhere I want with my Buick
Yeah and now based Kazmierzcak let's in everyone.
>why don't we take our overpopulation and shove it into a tiny, smelly, dirty box full of foreigners
Yeah. No.
Way to misinterpret.
Do you sometimes feel like there are people watching you?
Yes. Then i start masturbating.
You must realize your anal phase is not yet complete.
Here take some cocaine, this should help it get better.
When I went to LA the car was a shitty form of transport, the problem is however that it's also the only way to get around
Not memeing around when I say you could use more trains and busses in that place
I have two cars, one in Italy and one here. The problem is that I rarely use them due to problems with parking space.
This, we have houses older than you country burgers hell some or are roads follow the same shape what the romans made, London roads were made for horse and cart not large automobiles
1.Their transit is objectively better than usa.
2. Have you seen a European Street.
3. Good Old Government encourages no cars.
Our cities are more cramped, we have pretty good infrastructure and distances are not that big so you don't have shit like in the US where you start your day leaving your cookie-cutter suburban home and spend the next hour and and a half driving to work.
This is now a /o/ thread