Do you support these brilliant individuals?

Do you support these brilliant individuals?

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sensible gun laws for a modern society.
in 100 years people will be embarrassed by Americans obsession with guns.

I support the oven workers of Germany

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pure coincidence that they've gonna back to shilling these kids so hard i'm sure. take late shill for you

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Enough is enough

The guns. Give it to me.

Your weapons, goyim

Surrender it now

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Nah, they are being used for an agenda they don't understand.

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No, I hope they are killed by a gun soon.

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Me too

I support anyone that stands up to trump.

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This poll was obviously started by a libtard shill. Let's all vote yes so those dumb fuckers think we actually support the mongrel and her spastic sidekick.


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>Do you support these brilliant individuals?

on pikes

How long have you been sucking dick?

I support that fucking dog that can drive a truck.



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This gun thing is clearly being pushed very hard by very powerful people.

I know the public is retarded but even they take a lot of propaganda to get to the point where they are literally protesting to have their own rights taken away by the state. How did the Left ever convince their base, who are ostensibly about equality, that having the means to defend yourself from criminals and the state is somehow evil? It makes no fucking sense.

There are far more lobbys in favor of gun control than there are in favor of the 2nd amendment. Furthermore, all the biggest companies are liberal. The liberal part spent 1.2 billion USD on Hillary's presidential campain, while Trump only spent 150 million USD.

Really makes you think, doesn't it? Why are the selfish, gluttonous rich people in favor of gun control? Why are they all liberal? Almost as if the rich would benefit from having a spineless, defenseless middle class.

The rich knows that a great depression is coming, and when it arrives, the poor will become hungry and kill them. That's why the rich are taking away your guns before it happens.

The rich elites are taking away your gun not because they want you to be defenseless when they murder you. No, they are taking away your gun because they are scared you will murder them. Not the other way around.

This is why they are pushing to abolish the 2nd amendment. They personally don't give a shit if we kill ourselves, They only care that we will eventually kill them. They fear losing their power and money.

>loses 10x more than he gains
>wow what a smart jew
>Jow Forums logic

Not before you give us evidence about why we should allow children to have opinions on political subjects.

It's widely known that children have undeveloped minds, and lack the life experience to make rational decisions about politics or anything else.

Give us a year without kids eating tide pods or snorting condoms, and then we can talk about whether we should follow their ideas for undoing 200 years of american law.

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haha fuck drumpf amirite guise?

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>polniggers are retarded enough to fall for datamining threads on a daily basis

I support them getting anally raped to death by a white hot m240 barrel.

Yes, th2nd AMD is extremely rudimentary.

haha i love our leaders lets spend all day supporting trump and trudeau

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i support this

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sage every thread with their faces

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