Hahaha *breathes in* hahaha

Hahaha *breathes in* hahaha

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Nice thread

indeed, it's amazing how job creation is tied to market cycles

Wow, amazing post. Where can I find your blog?

>Because only the first three months of the year matter.

Kill yourself you shill. What do you get paid, like minimum wage?

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>first three months of the year

Kill yourself

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>carefully avoids talking about 4.1%

nigga fuk u i dun wanna work

>muh jobs
There is an old story about an engineer who visits China. The Chinese are building a dam. The engineer notices that there is a better way to build the dam. He tells the overseer, "You can build this dam a lot faster with a lot less manpower, for a lot less money, if you use these power tools and steam engines." The Chinese overseer responds, "If we did that, then these workers wouldn't have jobs." The engineer responded, "Oh, my mistake. I thought your intention was to build a dam, not create jobs."

Jobs are not an end in and of themselves. They are a means to an end. In a market economy, only the most productive projects that allocate resources efficiently are rewarded. Inefficient and wasteful projects are punished. So when you do something for the sole purpose of creating jobs, you are doomed to fail. It's like blowing up railroad tracks to create jobs for people to repair the mess. What a waste of resources. Focusing on jobs is a mistake. Instead, you should focus on a more free economy. When people are more free to buy, sell, trade, and open businesses, more jobs will always follow.

What about lost jobs?

dont go flaunting your basic knowledge of economics sweed, it wont be aknowledged here

It’s the first increase in six years. Also, unemployment rate is so low that it’s difficult to create new jobs

I like to use digging a hole and refilling it

At least then it wouldn't disrupt industries

>shit tier minimum wage Obama jobs are the same as high paying skilled Trump jobs, derp

also what kinds of jobs

Stats like this are dumb.. It's like population stats without per capita or what have you

Mate all those jobs are minimum wage jobs. Obama gave us more more mcdicks jobs.

All the jobs are part-time, seasonal or contractor work. Meanwhile, poor retards defend oligarchs and the 1% against the "liberal elites" who bother to point this out.

> obama creates a bunch of burger-flipper and amazon part time jobs
> trump restores actual decent pay manufacturing jobs
obama's totally better, if you're china.

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unemployment numbers are fake
Dolan told me so for the last 8 years

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>l- look you morons !
>if you look at the average the median of every other month for 60% of the year then we're basically in a recession !
nevermind that obama got the economy during a crash, fuck i hate propagandists disguised as journalists

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You mean 56%, you're not that black yet

>Obama more than doubles the size of the state department and other government agencies over 8 years

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Show the stats without including government jobs or public sector work.

This, i remember the new gushing about obama creating jobs. Most of it was from obamacare, employers where splitting full time jobs into part time jobs. Its a fuzzy math numbers game. They call it progress. Most of the jobs being created now are real economic drive jobs and full time. Oil, gas, manufacturing etc.
It takes some sort of mental illness to shill for obama, a complete failure.

>He looks at the u4 instead of the U6
Liberals... not even once

>decline since 2012
>bounces back up the year after Trump is elected

I don't get why you're laughing