Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?

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I just quit 7 weeks ago and I wont lie, it sucks pretty bad and I find myself bored AF since I haven't trained myself to do anything in lieu of cigarettes. But since i've smoked for 21 years I guess it's a good start

took a month of solid reminding myself not to go buy a pack, but the worst was having to stop going "out for air" with relatives

Try using toothpicks and/or buy a bag of dumdums. idk if leafs know what dumdums are but their little tiny suckers. Almost every American bank gives them away for free. Anyway, it helps with the oral fixation.

Copy pasta nigger

Jesus Christ looks at all those errors. My coffee is still brewing guys, go easy on me.

I stopped 1 year ago after a promise I made to God. No kidding, It's hard and whenever I get drunk I think about cigars but I've been doing great so far

Try vaping, you look like a faggot but It can help you quit if you are strong enough to not become addicted to it

I used to smoke 4 packs a day. Not sure how I actually did that. It's hard. Remember: you didn't start smoking packs of cigarettes a day, you had to train yourself for it. Train yourself to be off them

if anyone calls you out for grammar on this board THEIR a reddit faggot
solidarity brother

Get a juul

Better quit. IT WILL kill you.

I quit for 3 years man, I had some stress and I thought one cigaret would be nice to rekieve my stress, emediatly started smoking again for 3 months now I use an electrical cigaret. its better but its so stupid and degrading to be hooked on some stupid shit.
I smoked for 20 years though.
The time I quit I used a video a from Allen carr video, its terrible to watch but somehow it worked.

>black and milds are cigars

there's literally nothing wrong with smoking 75 cigs a day. anyone who disagrees is not redbulled and is likely one of (((them)))

I enjoy it way to much as i would stop

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I just smoked on the patch. IDGAF

Thays over 75$ a day here. Is cocaine cheaper? At least you'll be lean and energetic....Btw, how do you have time? Can you snake at work?

Dang. I could only smoke like two packs on a weekend if I was getting hammered. and man did I regret it the next day. It was like an elephant shitting on my chest. I haven't smoked in long enough I can't remember how long. Three years or so. It's nice. I started vaping at first but that only lasted like six months then I went to toothpicks. I don't use those very often anymore either. After a while that became its own habit and I'd crave just having a toothpick in my mouth. Not anymore though.

medium quality but very tempting bate bro

yeah i quit after smoking for 4 years.

Almost 3 months here with no major problems

>muh reddit

You're a faggot

>Anyone here managed to quit?
yup, smoked 5 years, 2 packs a day by the end

joined a boxing club, reduced smoking to a cigar after each meal (later half, later none) and even changed route to work to avoid the streets where I would always light a cigarette

boxing, swimming, running, jumping rope, etc... you won't want to smoke after that

the irony is delicious

Smoked for 5 years, but rarely over 20 cigs a day.
I quit a little over a year ago and never looked back, but still sometimes I get the cravings.
That shit will fuck you up if you don't stop, mate.
I really don't know how you have the capacity to smoke 75 a day, Christ...

And you're a fucking newfag. Jow Forums has always preferred mostly proper grammar.

Anyway, OP. I have quit for months at a time but never lasted. Part of me wants to quit, part of me doesn't. I enjoy smoking, but I hate the smell and lifestyle.

>oral fixation

just suck a cock or two

What a bunch of faggots - how do you even have TIME to smoke 75 cigarettes a day?!

I just quit simply and gradually from - and now it turns me off so bad.

You smell like shit. Just find a new hobby.

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I never started


Have you tried killing yourself?

>And you're a fucking newfag. Jow Forums has always preferred mostly proper grammar.
>Anyway, OP. I have quit for months at a time but never lasted. Part of me wants to quit, part of me doesn't. I enjoy smoking, but I hate the smell and lifestyle.

t. Faggot


how do you even afford that as a fucking leaf?

my niggers, I've worked in a pathology lab and seen plenty of smoker's lungs.
Normal lungs look nice and pink, like a sponge sort of.
Smokers lungs are very dark, look like they've been rolled in soot.
Wish I had pictures from those days.

I was smoking a pack and half a week... I am able to quit for months at a time. I just quit cold turkey

Take the nicotine pill and just switch to smokeless tobacco user.

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I think we've all seen those pictures and everyone knows that but some people still like to smoke. There's risks associated with a lot of things but people still do them.

Adrenaline dominance.

Some companies let you smoke, now its illegal here but 15 years ago most people smoked, I remember my first job as a mailman in weekends and vacation. We would sort the mail but on the desk there was an ashtray and we all smoked.
If you're a welder or mechanic there's a good chance a lot of people smoke, and the people who check these things announce their visits.

exactly. those pictures are only useful for quitting smokers because they provide a little motivation.

when he made this thread last night OP was only smoking 25 a day. he's really enjoying the smooth relaxing puff of a Phillip Morris co. cigarette, like any true redbulled polster

>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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>75 cigarettes a day
You must constantly have one lit
I have one every hour or two when the nicotine monkey starts screaming

>If you're a welder or mechanic there's a good chance a lot of people smoke
In America, most welders and mechanics use smokeless tobacco instead. I don't know if it is the same in Canada.

Anyone asking how I smoke 75 a day, I got the free time and I go to the rez and get cheap large cartons/bags of smokes.

Juul pods are expensive, so buy a bottle of nicotine salt juice to refill the pods with (there are instructional videos on how).

Who forced you to smoke 3 packs a day

I'm down to about 3 to 4 cigs a week. It's mostly an after sex thing now.

does this rez you go to have smokeless tobacco?

>tfw nicotine vape
I'd smoke darts if they weren't $25/pack

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QUIT A year ago after 10 years of smoking about 30 cig a day
First 3 months are hard as fuck, after it's only in dreams and hard days

Should I start smoking?

Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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why are you in every fucking smoking thread?

>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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7fucking5?! Wow. Aren’t you hurting at the end of the day?

Dude in balkans smoking was the norm, at least 10 years ago
When i started smoking a pack costed 2 euros by the way, bless free market capitalism haha

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Vape, it's easy to quit

I did. Vape.reduce nicotine. Quit.

I used to smoke three packs a day too, i would lit one and leave in the ashtray and come back and was almost finished so i would light another one.

> (You)
>>And you're a fucking newfag. Jow Forums has always preferred mostly proper grammar.
>>Anyway, OP. I have quit for months at a time but never lasted. Part of me wants to quit, part of me doesn't. I enjoy smoking, but I hate the smell and lifestyle.
>t. Faggot

t. Limp Wristed Ass Wrangler


Stop responding idiots. you can't smoke that much. a bait thread

you will grow to hate it
especially the 24/7 cough and wheezing all the time, smelling like shit (but not noticing it) and the price obv.

Then you either quit or not. If you don't, you should expect cardiovascular problem to start showing up in your 40s. If you do quit, and I have, you will constantly have this lingering thought that says "hey, what a beautiful evening outside, it would nice to go for one, just one though" all the time.

tl dr nah

yes - 2 years smoke free. I no longer have any type of urge whatsoever. Took me a bunch of tries to actually quit - my problem was I would end up getting hammered and then I would smoke.

My uncle does, you apparently dont balkan enough

stop whoring for attention

So is brazillion hogg and goblina threads yet u retards feed the trolls for the past .. what ..whole fucking month? KYS, IDGAF might aswell post in slide threads of my liking.

i'm not whoring. this thread opened before

You can you fag, i smoke like 50 a day

> If you don't, you should expect cardiovascular problem to start showing up in your 40s.

Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

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Holy shit leaf, how much does a pack cost in Canada?! Here, a relatively cheap back would be around $6, but something tells me Canada is closer to NYC at like $13....

good for you, user. you did it right. you didn't just quit smoking, you changed your lifestyle.

I'm about to be one year smoke free, Did you ever get really fucked up itches after a month of no smoking? i went cold turkey and was getting this mean itches, i thought i had fleas for some reason and bombed the house and changed my mattress because i was paranoid.

off yourself and put it in your suicide note

found the virgin

It's not a race either spurdo.

>hate the smell
Seriously, why don’t we have odorless cigarettes yet? Or at least ones that don’t stay in your clothes all day.

Were you school bullied?

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you haven't worked a manual labor job in your shitty little pathetic life.
go waste space somewhere else you worthless lazy nigger

why though?

My girlfriend Veronica smoked 4 packs a day and then she quit by sucking dick.

Yesterday she sucked 37 dicks.

Found the manchild

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We do. They're called vape pens.

>made a promise to God
>get drunk
