Attached: HAHAHAAHA.png (412x127, 14K)

FUCKING Woman hating hetero cis-White FUCKING-Male

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Doesn't look like it.

>the state of white men
you mean hiv negative?

Why is she trying to greentext on twatter?

>greentext works outside chans

>literally beg asian men to contact you
>still won't

I wonder how many niggers message her?

Checks out, nothing to see here.

Why is this brand of forced mental illness so popular? What is causing these people to behave like this?

Asian guy here.

Quit fucking being a spastic in public. If you got yourself a white girl, cherish her and protect her and treat her like a princess. That's all you have to do.

Quit fucking using other people to promote some agenda on Jow Forums of all places. We'er not white boys/jews.

canada is now 50% chink, 50% dog fuckers.

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I just hope the tainted dogs end up in their food supply.

The lady knows what she wants.

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They identify as asian you shitlord bitch.

I want asian boipucci

Who's that random hoe and why does she believe because she wrights something somewhere it will never happen?

These people are morons


Also this.

Never change Aus

>Literally thot in the name
Come home to the same sex white man

Holy shit, imagine being this much of a cuck that your wife and your baby needs to be carried by a white guy while you’re carrying a bunch of bags and a pair of shoes.
My head hurts and I shouldn’t be laughing, but this so pathetic...