Let's get a thread going where we post examples of the ravages of race mixing between whites and asians.
Hapa Hate
White skull+SEA skin tone/eyes
Not the best combination
and HAPA is master race. Literally the most calm and exception people blending the best of both worlds usually.
The only problem is sometimes it blends double beta genes from asians and white and you get your hyperbeta fags like Elliot Rogers.
Usually HAPA equals chad though.
that's not a white skull lol
her face is flat
Sometimes they come out looking beautiful.
They look strange indeed. Looks asian to me, but with caucasian features. Mongol + caucasian don't mix well.
looks like elon musk
you're all brownskinned shitters. who are trying to fool? You literally have to avoid the sun 24 hours a day to have "light" skin
la creatura...
She's Tibetan tho, so she's mongol han
She looks latino or filipino, so why racemix?
Would fug
Fuck, they’re so ugly...
It has been constantly proven that white women the most beautiful of all
Would fug
who even gives a shit about this?
its a nonissue.