Did you know

Chinks are destroying the west?
>By forcing white men away from white women, the jew is able to sow disloyalty, globalism, and race mixing more than ever before through white men.
This is bad for society.

Attached: 5da3d3f9f2b81869ea8c417854802b67.gif (200x267, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


white women are evil, breed with a chink goy

Attached: 1522904443395.webm (856x480, 2.22M)

Post all of these that you have so i can save
Ill give you links too

Attached: asian_girls_with_and_without_makeup_1.jpg (500x337, 31K)

>tfw have both a granny fetish and a tiny teen fetish
this chick is literally everything I need

Granny? You mean gremlin?
The thing IN OP is the type of fish woman that crawls on all fours and eats little baby birds out of their nests raw before they learn to fly.
She sucks worms out of holes in the ground and basks in the dim moonlight of her cave pool.
Your irrational pretend make believe fascination with chink bitches is propped up only by your irrational hatr3d of WHITE WOMEN

Attached: W020170616544267740309.jpg (599x462, 34K)


random youtuber pic related

Attached: 143958204328940324382023.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

They infiltrate your universities and industries to perform espionage and steal IPs, buyout your real estate and business like (restaurants, factories, malls), flood your country with opiods and plastic, and support Liberal or left wing groups that attack white men. They're like the Jews of Asia. Ask Indonesians, Malaysians, or Filipinos what the Chinese are doing to their economy.

Attached: 2412g44.webm (800x425, 2.27M)

I don't have too much more

Attached: 1490563987430.webm (480x480, 2.28M)

Attached: 19309849093583438728492.png (1177x1080, 1.48M)

You know why she has that haircut?
Link r3lated will give you a clue

Attached: 25b18f94e991400fb5fcac47fd05dc8b.gif (200x267, 1.46M)

But they make me feel like a large, alpha male OP

Attached: 846F98DA-4CE7-4816-BB0E-C45AB6255417.jpg (550x456, 28K)

Me so kawaii me so bretty me want white pigs shiney pennies

Attached: 5a17-fynfvff4715725.jpg (355x286, 14K)

I like it

Attached: 1518224496382.webm (480x480, 1.02M)

Some inner region of China. You're supposed to go North.

Attached: 1218734493190020131.jpg (900x1200, 197K)

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Attached: 1943243429347847329425546.jpg (1024x1024, 183K)

The gook is the epitome of female submission, notice her raving desire to eat children, notice her short squat stature, stiff like a board, soulless black cow eyes, as hollow as her personality (lack thereof).
Its great getting to feel like a man without having to be one huh?

Attached: 364400083c01691fcf8c.gif (200x267, 1.5M)

Honestly I wouldn't mind if they would at least breed with me. Whites are a dead race, if you count out breed them, interbreed with them

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Attached: EthnicRhinoplasty19.jpg (400x355, 63K)

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Post asian qts


Attached: download (2).jpg (257x196, 6K)

I don't believe any self-respecting white man could write a post like this and simultaneously have problems with things like "the state of women" or western civilization

Attached: 1511521744430.webm (230x400, 1.29M)

>your cherry picked image of ugly/pretty people isn't representative
>here, MY cherry picked images tell the truth!

This whole thread and every single one like it is retarded

Got the one where the chink whore eats raw bird eggs and murders a family of birds out of their nest?

Attached: images (4).jpg (285x177, 7K)

How do we stop the chink menace?

pic related doesn't say anything about chinks according to you

go ahead and show me this shit happening in white countries

Attached: 1501709228328.png (1371x1208, 3.22M)

Whites are not a dead race. There's at least 500 million whites in the world. Non whites just reproduce so much. India and China both have over a billion. Their population needs to be controlled.

Attached: 1521271556681.jpg (640x838, 65K)


Attached: 1500114525378.webm (270x360, 2.3M)

>cherry picked
Every asian on this earth has ugly slant eyes, receding hairline, and soulless black eyes.
These are racial traits that makeup their evil horrible race. It isnt cherry picked you fucking moron.

The handful of ,makeup caked plastic surgery rhinoplasty chink "models" that rice mixers post are cherry picked.

Plastic surgery is honestly magnitudes worse than make-up
Imagine marrying a beautiful women and then your children are born as genetic monstrosities.

Those insects need to be nuked

all of these are chinese

Chink whores are shapeshifting lying evil soulless insectoids that are all genetic monstrosities. The only ones that dont make you gag completely are the ones with 20 plastic surgeries under their brow and 20 lbs of makeup on, and look plastic and fake as fuck even after that anyway.

White women are the only beautiful women in the world. Period.

Attached: hese.jpg (500x478, 113K)

Attached: 1243428908098792454.jpg (900x1200, 132K)

>dat east asian intelligence.

Attached: 1504740503984.png (800x928, 895K)

Pic related is what japs actually look like. This is before all the plastic surgery and anime character cosplay you losers love so much.
This is what they all look like underneath the plastic coating and makeup

Attached: young-japanese-women-wearing-kimono-with-apron-beginning-of-1940s-BH6W0H.jpg (841x1390, 103K)

Now reality

Attached: 561dafa0a80093172a975df398a04cc8.jpg (492x700, 80K)

105 average IQ™

Attached: china (2).jpg (700x500, 80K)

a lot better then all the chinese

>You're supposed to go North.
>uses the pajeet strategy.

Attached: dog market.webm (206x360, 2.95M)

This is the most beautiful jap in all of japan and east asia in the 1940s.
She still the ugliest fucking monstrosity ive ever seen, uglier than the ugliest white girl in existence.
The best of the soullless asian race is still worse than the worst of the white race

Attached: af021751df918522eee4fe8781b225d9.jpg (500x626, 30K)

Every white woman is better than every insectoid gook

Attached: orginal_2016_04_Fri_13_15_46_2418.jpg (599x560, 71K)

chinks need to be wiped off the face of the earth

most of china is indistinguishable from subsaharan africa

Attached: dog burned alive.webm (400x224, 2.83M)

Attached: 1210-makijaz-potrafi-zdzialac-cuda-zobac.jpg (600x499, 180K)

abloo bloo bloo chinks are outjewing the jew





It literally just took a Google search "USA man drags dog behind car".

What your image tells me is that some people are scumbags.

Attached: 1521911223887.jpg (962x689, 162K)

And every white person was outraged and disgusted, and if one saw it we would save it and call the police.

Attached: 11217954_962694793753576_292749529036922742_n.jpg (514x440, 39K)

She's only 19 in pic.

Attached: 1432473232499804325525092062.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

I've yet to see any of these "asians look good only in make-up" pic in a resolution where it isn't worst available quality. It's all shitty gif, and low res images, I can guess why, usually you can spot the heavy layers of shit that's on the face. I bet you don't have a single high res image of these "transformations".

Yes, yes, yes faggot we know.
As someone with an Asian wife let me tell you that before taking the redpill and knowing what was going on, the Asian babes were straight up a better deal. Prettier, smelled better, less feminist, less lefttist and aged better. More affectionate. More and better everything. Gen X'ers were the forst to regect the degenerate white woman. We didnt understand why we just knew they were damaged af.
The only thing wrong with the Asian babes is only discovered when its too late.
Millennial anons have no excuse.

Attached: 1984379497843248934234787967.jpg (1200x1200, 174K)

Her hairline is in the middle of her gigantic alien head. Why do you think she has those bangs and window shutters on the side?
Shes a moon faced balding soulless bug.
Watch the video moron

I took this a few days ago
6ft handsome blue eyed whitey

> tfw you will never sit under the cherry blossoms drinking peach cola and beer with your cutey pie asian gf

Attached: 20180401_150514new.jpg (2168x2890, 3.32M)

You realise stuff gets in the news like this because it's a circumstance that surprised people? Hell, one link I came across still linked to an example of a Chinese guy doing it and he got imprisoned for it.

Nice moving of the goalposts though, and the caps lock really gets across how passionate you are about this.

If whites were capable as a race, they would know how to deal with this - but they don't.

It's the reason why the US has been getting played for 20+ years - whites are inferior to the Chinese, and are only successful at all because of their Jewish patrons (who have the highest IQ).

The funny thing is, is that whites had the same 'Chinese' logic when they were plundering brown lands, but can't take it when the same methods are used on them.

Regardless, why do you care about higher urban housing prices? Just move into the rural areas where you can live 'trad' and find whole wheat huwhite women.

Zipperhead you are a lying ugly manlet. Show dick, show abs, show face, show something with timestamp or you are larping

Attached: 1980234039350495857896565.jpg (1080x1080, 1.16M)

That doesn't change the fact that some of the "plastic" Asian women are literally the ideal of female beauty.
One day all women will look like pic related, be it through eugenics or genetic manipulation.

Attached: 1443434374261.jpg (960x960, 159K)

Asian women are better than white wymyn
Deal with it nerds

the first link is a spic, the second guy was drunk and on prescription drugs, the third link doesn't work, and the fourth guy was also a drunk criminal.

in all cases the dogs survived and they had funds raised for them and all that.

meanwhile these everyday chinks are completely lucid and enjoy the torture they inflict on animals.

Attached: 1500493925180.webm (360x640, 2.47M)

>show dick is the first this he lists

Is this a Freudian slip or is there another term for it That anyone knows of?

fuck you dude honestly. I hate to do the mentally ill white guy meme but it's fucking true. chinks are modern day savages

Attached: 1523003374291.webm (480x480, 1.13M)

honestly anyone without perfect skin makes me sick, guy or girl. I just don’t understand how ugly genes havent been bred away, isn’t it a real dissadvantage?

Dude Chinese can’t compete because all they can do is steal. They can’t innovate because it’s not just white ppl they steal from, they steal from eachother, so why innovate when your isea will instantly be stolen?

this is the kind of shit you see in historical texts, drawings of europeans coming into contact with indian savages. only it's fucking on video

Attached: boiled alive.webm (480x360, 827K)

Genuine white boi hand
No gf here atm since she's busy being an engineer at the hospital

Attached: heresmyhand.jpg (3303x2477, 2.94M)

Im a woman. If you show FACE without a shirt and timestamp I will show my face

>>show dick is the first this he lists
Take a good gander at this fine specimen of the chink cock.

Attached: 1521913932944.jpg (690x920, 124K)

The dog shit isn’t cultural either, it has to be baked deep into their dna not to respect living things. Mark my words any race that can boil dogs alive will be doomed to eons of famine and misfortune.

>I'm a woman

That would explain a lot.

Damn I was not expecting that

wats fucked about China is they have four times as many people, no enviormental regulations, no worker safety laws, and they still absolutely cannot produce as much as us altogether or per person. why are they so inferior? because they don’t know right from wrong and karma eats away at everything they do.

You can clearly tell btw that both sides are fake.
The left one is makeup too, i.e. that obvious fake missing tooth.

Well go on, show that youre a 6'4 specimen that loves chinks.

>I'm a woman
you're a white roastie who is jealous of asian girls because they're stealing your thunder.

Exactly. Roast beef.

Attached: 13293958390648604995450435.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Youre a gook loving whore fuckboy manlet nigger tier virgin cocksucker
Which is worse?

>*enslaves tens of millions of people*
>*genocides an entire continent*
>"wow you guys eat dogs? can't wait til karma hits you"
just shut the fuck up dude, seriously

You do know shes wearing make up on BOTH sides right?

Definitely being the roastie. At least being male allows people to employ reason and adequate critical thinking rather than resorting to basing the strength of someone's argument based on how much we wish we could fuck them and getting emotionally charged when faced with opposition.



dumb roastie can't even make logical insults. another point in favor of asian grills: they're actually intelligent (for women)


Genghis khan genocided entire continents and enslaved tens of millions of people.

But guess what dumb fuck, whites didnt enslaves tens of millions you moron idiot. There are at the highest point less than 50,000 nigger slaves in america at any given time.
The barbary pirates (black) enslaved 1.6 million europeans. The turks enslaved over 4 million europeans.
Your savage races have killed far more and done far worse things, but whites are great conquerors its true. We arent cruel or evil when we conquer, we actually improve and bring infrastructute snd civilization.
Your races just shit up the place and senselessly murder people

oh shut the fuck up. I don't care about any of that shit but when talk of "karma" comes up I wish people would look in the fucking mirror first.

holy fuck what the fuck fuck this shit

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What laptop model is that?

Attached: 124905038595843584095406.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Laptop model?

>all of these excuses
enslaving humans is worse than eating animals. There's no comparison. and like I already said here I don't actually give a shit about any of that, I just want you to stop being a total fucking faggot and pretending that you're from some kind of blameless society.

Left is kinda square-jaw, but right is QT.
Yes, all races have ugly AND pretty people.

Japs just have fewer in the middle ground.
Chinese are all malnourished goblins, so their genetic code is deformed and alien.

Japan killed their ugly people in the past, and prioritized beauty in women for thousands of years.

Chinese would mate with a pig if it gave them a son who could help farm.

>you're from


Notebook that you're using?

don't even know what you're getting at tbqh

Who the fuck wasn't doing that you retarded little baby back bitch?