>On holiday in America >Step passed the armed guards and barbed wire fence around my hotel >Get shot >Ambulance arrives after 3 hours >Spends 20 minutes verifying my bank detail >Paramedic says to me "damn bruh u fucked" >Gives me a joint to smoke to take the edge off >Arrive in ER and step over 4 stillborn babies on the way to the counter >Bored Latinx receptionist getting fucked by a black giving me the evil eye >"I-I need help. I have been shot" >"boy why you have to be so stooooopid" >she waves me over to an empty seat >I wait 13 hours and eventually start wandering the hospital trying to find a doctor >turns out there are no more doctors, no one has made it in to med school for the last 3 generations. Only unregistered chiropractors are left. >Indian man in scrubs starts cracking my neck to see if it will help >Still bleeding from my stomach over the floor >Wonder dazed out of the hospital to get some fresh air >Immediately shot for by police for not paying my $300k medical bill
What's funny is any time we bring up you Euros having life better than us, you fight us tooth and nail to deny it. We say you have free healthcare, you tell us it's shit. We say you have free college, you tell us it's Marxist indoctrination. We say you have paid vacation, you say it's not really paid. We say you don't have better retirement pensions, you say people retire too early and the money will run out by the time you're old and need it.
So, which is it? We say you guys have life a lot easier than we do and you deny it. Then you turn right around and shit all over us for having it worse. Stop speaking from both sides of your mouths and make up your damn minds.
Not a euro. I live on the high seas and raid shipping boats.
Benjamin Flores
we have a life far better than yours
Luke Reed
Find me an archived thread where Euros are just beaming with pride over their healthcare, college education, and retirement pensions. The only ones who show any satisfaction with their country's social welfare are the Australians and the Kiwis and they're not European.
Likewise, go look at the post you just made. You mocked us for having things worse than you, but I bet if I said you Bongs had a better and easier life, you'd tell me that's all Michael Moore bullshit propaganda and life is shit there.
why do we have to gloat about our healthcare? it is a no-brainer to have socialised health-care I cant imagine any other way >hurr freedom is best thats why every other country looks at muttland with disgust
Family owns land. I wont surrender it without a fight
Where do I sign up? Can I just be a seasonal one?
Luke Powell
That's a classic lack of reading comprehension you have there, friend. My point isn't that we have it better (or worse, for that matter). My point is that when you shit on America, you gloat about how much better you have it in Europe. Then when we admit that you have it better in Europe, you deny it and say that even though all that shit is free, it's ineffective and too expensive.
I was merely pointing out the inconsistency I've seen from 5 years of activity on this board and I've never seen anyone else address said inconsistency.
maybe in bongland they are unhappy because they have incompetence problems but many other countries are happy with socialised healtcare the best healthcare in the world is in Cuba
Andrew Fisher
My parents have like 100k in the bank and god knows how many in stocks. They’d have more but I’m their fourth child and just recently moved out so now they can start saving. They paid for my and my siblings college tuition and masters in full and put us through private school for high school so it’s been tough to save. It boggles my mind that I never considered us rich growing up but it seems that we exceptionally lucky. I was always very grateful for no student loans though.
Brandon Torres
And I'm very sure that's true, but I'm just talking about a trend on this one particular board. Here's what I'm talking about:
That's what I'm talking about. It's a very bizarre trend I've noticed and I've never seen anyone else bring it up.
Colton Brooks
Bongs are just whiny faggots who bow to an ancient witch
Angel James
Jow Forums is not one person maybe a few losers living in shitholes have that kind of problem I have never had problems
Asher Ramirez
I guess the easiest answer is you wake up and ask yourself, where the fuck else would I want to live and then you smile and get a donut and coffee and don't live near the hoodrats.
No shit Jow Forums isn't one person, I'm just stating that this is a GENERAL TREND on this board. When you compliment Europeans on their social welfare, they bend over backwards to tell you that it's shit. Whether or not they actually mean it or believe it is irrelevant. It's just something I've noticed.
Leo Lewis
This literally doesn't happen
The people saying that are Americans that don't understand basic economics.
Don't bully them... they don't know how shitty things really are in Mutterica... imagine h-having to live in such a hellhole.. hehe.. black people and stuff.... fucking mutts...
>So, which is it? i'm talking only about italy, so: >We say you have free healthcare, you tell us it's shit. Not really, but more south italy you go, more get worse. I use private dentist btw because it would be too slow. Overall i don't know how to feel about it : on one side it's bice not going bankrupt for it but on the other hand we should have better for the crazy amount of taxes in this country >We say you have free college it's not completely free in italy but it's affordable > you tell us it's Marxist indoctrination STEM faculties are useful, especially with our high unemployment but there are a lot of people with meme degrees that won't find a job >We say you have paid vacation, you say it's not really paid Depends on the Job and the employer. A certain amount of vacation is legally guaranteed, don't know how many weeks. >We say you don't have better retirement pensions this is a gigantic clusterfuck, because in the 70-80s some people legally retired at 60 years old so had easy life, nowdays the left fucked up with a shit law so you'll have to work a shitload of more years
Miami user here. Your green text is shit and you are a fagget, but I lost it at 'boy why do you have to be so stooooopid' lol that's exactly how these chonga bitches talk
Jaxson Allen
>implying trump has done anything for white america
The only reason people need socialized health care is due to tweaks in the legal system that allow people to sue doctors for astronomical amounts of money if they fuck up in any way. The doctors need to take out extremely expensive insurance for this purpose which dramatically increases the cost of medical services and in turn normal people need to pay for their own extremely expensive health insurance. If they just made it so that the government has universal health care for doctors, most regular people wouldn't need government insurance because the cost of services would be more normalized. You could go visit a doctor or get surgery and care for a reasonable price like anything else.
True, doctors in my state get sued constantly. They rarely ever lose but it costs them money to go to court. This junkie in my town went into the hospital complaining of feeling like shit. Doctors wanted her to stay for a few days so they could monitor her but she didn't want to go through withdraw so she left. She died that night of blood infection and her family sued the doctors. The family lost but hospital still had to pay out the ass to defend themselves in court. Law suit culture in the u.s is insane, there are so many lawyers.,