Iranian azeri here.this picture is obviously fake.stop calling nasim trap you kikes

iranian azeri here.this picture is obviously fake.stop calling nasim trap you kikes

also she was bahaii not a muslim and said hijab is like ninja suit

Attached: 1522941781485.png (480x480, 339K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just some mentally ill weirdo like most other postal dudes

blatant tranny, hence why lefty/pol/ is shilling so hard for (((her)))

she is bahaiii not jewish stop spreading rumors

seems like some sort of a satanic cult mkultra rape-boy-turned-tranny, mind-fucked with drugs; and the whole veganism shit is just his handlers trolling veganism.

Uhh the picture on the right was on her fucking website. The one on the left wasn't.

It was the only one that looked like that desu but it's possible

Thanks kike

>.02 has been deposited into your account

proof she is not tranny

Attached: nasim childhood.jpg (1280x892, 232K)

I reverse image searched left picture it's not her

The shills are on full force, she's not a kike like you

I found the twitter account, I guess it wasn't Zyzz

Attached: nlYuwfTQ_400x400 (1).jpg (305x305, 19K)


Joined September 2017
Tweet to سف

What happened to caska?

Baha Men - Who let the dogs out

proof she is bahai

Who cares about a dead tranny who couldn't succeed in even killing someone other than its self. Nothing of value was lost here.


Attached: american jew.jpg (389x359, 41K)

>Here is this wikipedia article I edited t. Leftypol
>Valid source

vegan baha'i goes on rampage with a gun.

look at what i posted above, linked below. it is pretty clear the comparison photos that people keep posting is not her on the left photo, its some metrosexual and/or gay dude. i'm attaching the full size image and if you look at my posts you'll see its from some twitter account dated 2017

Attached: 666888.jpg (302x302, 8K)

all sources say she was bahaii

Attached: bahhais.jpg (1069x556, 68K)

someone on reddit figured out the disease she probably has that makes her look like that. r/conspiracy somewhere. not a trap.

that's a bodybuilder tripfag from Jow Forums who OD'd and died

The Baha Men tried to warn us.

the only ones who are calling her a tranny are jews who try to ruin her for us

Attached: nasim qoute 3.png (884x884, 262K)



Zyzz never died.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)