Fact: Jow Forums can't refute this
Fact: Jow Forums can't refute this
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I don't have a boner yet
Jewish tricks. They give us what we think we want, which is to bleach exotic women, but deep down all we want are white wives
Fuck off back to commie
White men and black women belong together
Post moar nigresses.
black fragility is real
I have a bit of a problem beyond race mixing though.
>be me
>5 months ago
>150 pounds 5'10"
>meet qtpi latina slampig
>make her my gf
>making cereal
>she slaps my ass
>"you're getting thick, user"
>lol what?
>"Look at you"
>she squeezes my belly
>"You got so doughy! I'm going to make you thicker"
>weigh myself later today
>203 pounds
I think she's trying to get me fat. What do I do? I hadn't even noticed that I had put on so much weight
I meant yesterday.
Stop eating so much you fat piece of shit.
It's the realest
Jow Forums should be brown
My gf is an half nigress who look like this but I wish I had a 7 or 8/10 white gf instead.
Her food is so good though. I'm not that fat yet either.
It is with all the americans shitting up this board
can't tell, but probably ugly
this. so much this.
No one thinks black women are attractive. Not even black men.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
You're fat
t. 6'4 175lb (not a very) hungry skellington
>203 pounds
>not that fat
You are obese my friend. Do not use the people you see at walmart as gauge for what a normal, healthy weight looks like.
You know you want to.
whiter than you, mohamed
Refuted [ Along these lines: ]
they're all ugly desu
this ones pretty but shes like 1/4 nigger if not less
I'm not obese yet though so its not that bad. She still weighs more anyway.
You were saying OP?
That just means you need to make more halfies and quadroons for future generations to enjoy.
Your daughter could look like this.
op is kind of right but not darkies , yellow is the best
>Stop eating so much you fat piece of shit.
Agreed on that one, carry on and stop eating like an American.
You are literally on the edge of obesity and at the very highest reaches of the "overweight" class of BMI. Of course she is a landwhale.
>Bitch you black you dumb ass cunt
Blacks get just as upset as we do when their women racemix
this one is half, stop larping gengis you never saw a nigger in your whole life, you don't know your luck
Youre a fag
chinks look like lmao and yellow fevered soyboys are beta as shit
>implying base human instinct doesn't exist
It's not that easy though. If it was, I wouldn't be so chubby. She also can't keep her hands off me and the sex is so good.
I used to play tennis back in college so some of it's probably muscle.
50 pounds in 5 months, jesus christ.
Though I noticed latinas prefer chubby guys for some reason.
Post more black qts
>falling for the rice jew
I always thought that was supposed to be a latina whose mostly of Amerindian heritage.
That's only a pound once every three days, is that really so bad? At least it's not a pound a day.
Honestly, I was kind of disappointed when I fucked a black girl. I was expecting a ride on Space Mountain and ended up only being a Tilt-A-Whirl.
This is every horrible latinx stereotype all rolled into one. Mestizos are disgusting.
that's an extra 1250 calories a day compared to your TDEE.
its a better faith then falling for the eternal blacked roastie
what's the cure for jungle fever pol?
Well it was actually a little more than five months. I rounded down so it might be a little lower
He could have meant "yellow-boned" or "high yellow" which are archaic terms referring to light-skinned mixed negresses
Realizing that black women are materialistic, high maintenance, and bitchy
put a bullet in your mouth, it has zero calories.
no it's not
You sure you wouldn't call over Jamal's sister behind his back user
Black pussy.
>german tennis player has kids with various black women
are they allowed in your white ethnostate?
>have all 7 dragon balls
Every fucking time.
Probably having your black woman push out a 56% mongrel
>Jealous virgin
Lol. I'd rather be chubby than a seething skeleton.
Jow Forums is 56% brown, give it some time.
She wants to see you get fat because it makes her feel more secure in relationship. She knows you will not be as attractive to other women if you are fat... but as soon as chad comes along and hits on her, she will dump your fats ass like a pound of bricks... you are a fool for letting yourself get that comfortable. This is a classic thing that happens a lot with men in relationships
just get a submissive black gf, you don't need a cure
so you want to take care of tyrone's kids and fuck a gaping hole, your life i guess
to black guys maybe. I'm not saying I'm this huge player but I've been with black women before and they can be very submissive. They know they can't act that way around non-blacks.
>cure cancer with cancer
Nope, not ethno.
>pol is one person
yeah checks out
kill yourself
Doesn't matter if their genitals are smeared in shit or not because they look and smell like they are regardless.
who /jadafire/ here
Oldie but goodie
You're wrong, potatonigger. If you want to perpetuate your culture you have to mind your progeny.
Normally I'd agree with you but she's been very handsy and gropy recently. She also gives me belly rubs and other things when I'm full now that I think about it.
why do blacks always break into tribal dance, its like its the only thing they know how to do
t. I have never seen asian women outside of JAV, Kpop and AKB48
That guy's look is very greatly detracted from by his earring. Absolutely ruins it.
I fixed that for you
Although some are pleasing to the eye while they have clothes on, the problem beings later.
Their dark nipples are a turn-off, as well as their hard crunchy hair (unless it's fake, but that's nasty too).
Besides their puss- looks like an animal's.
Then you get into the stank factor, and believe it's a odor that is not like white people's b.o.
They usually have bad breath, because their lips are so big it must multiply the bacteria in their mouth.
And lastly is the IQ/personality disorder/complex.
So fuck you OP, Jow Forums just refuted you.
You may now go back to being a retarded nigger-lover, but do it elsewhere.
asian women get BLACKED, BROWNED, and BLEACHED on the regular
with a jew like hers imagine the kids
no i have dated a Chinese girl, it was fun. broke up over politics.
Consider those digits checked, finbro. Panfaced gooks btfo.
Well I know how it is being in a relationship. You get comfy. But don't be surprised if she starts to resent you for being a fat slob and dumps you for new guy. Then you will be single and out of shape. Not a good spot . She probably doesn't even realize why she likes to see you fat. It is a subconscious security thing that women like... but if you want your woman to stay interested, you gotta take care of yourself.
also their pussies actually look more like roast beef than white pussy
Ha, jokes on you.
My want of death is stronger than my want of affection.