Prove me wrong.
She has a dick
>my husband was your father
>I'm your mother
>we accomplished jack shit
>it's all being undone by trump
>does this remind you of a familiar story?
>it's the story of the boomer's legacy
trotting out the two niggers and ol' stumblefoot has guaranteed Trump's reelection in 2020 no matter how many fuckups he may have
pro tip : we can't
oh come on Ben...
I agree definitely has a dick.
>tfw she.
"She's a trans... a transgender.... we all know it"
RIP Joan Rivers
>killed for outing the First Family
How long after she said king nigger was gay did she get killed?
She has children that look like her
she has a vagina
prove me wrong.
mirin those traps to be quite honest
Less than a week, no joke
you only think they look like "her" because they're black.
look at her shoulders
she died from cerebral hypoxia, or suffocation.
Some women just have large bone structures
No i think it was like a month. She had a surgery on her throat that was pre-planned is normally routine, but she died in the surgery. The daughter sued because there was an unknown person or persons in the surgery room. Ended up settling out of court so who knows.
Not like "her", those are man shoulders if I've ever seen em. Look at his hands, his biceps, everything reeks of masculinity
> she
Here proved you wrong
Oversized clit.
Only her and Obama could produce such ugly girls
(You) are a vagina. Prove me wrong.
lol where?
the wind is blowing which is why she's holding the dress. that's an airbubble thingy you know, not a penis.
so theres just a big airbubble right where her penis would be?
there's more on the right, smaller ones, maybe smaller penises?
You faggot. She's a beautiful woman.
>pic related
dunno, but this is actually sorta endearing.
Vitun mieslapsi :DDD
Not if you think they rape the children.
I thought of that too, caught myself in being a neurotic retard, then dropped it.
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
>it's addicting!!!
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation
>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!
Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
looks like a dude to me.
I wouldnt go so far as to claim michelle is a tranny, but damn if I've ever seen any pics of michelle while pregnant with either of those kids.
Their family is a fabrication.
Holy fuck what a revolting human being.
Makes sense, with all that soy you mutts are eating. I'm pretty sure most of your mates look like this..
>you're not whiiiite
wew, are you jewish or something?
Not saying you're not white, just that all your friends are mutts. I am sure you're a true Aryamerican.
ok schlomo.
what a transphobic statement