Could there be an evolutionary explanation for Jewish degeneracy?

I've been considering this today, since the existence of a conspiracy seems increasingly unlikely to me.

Let me refer to a theory common among evolutionary biologists about one facet of trait conscientiousness, sensitivity to disgust. Theoretically, this trait offered an evolutionary advantage because it would make a given population more wary of outside groups, which could potentially infect them with contagious diseases. At the individual level, this trait offers similar benefits, deterring (for example) promiscuity and other deviant sexual practices through which sexually transmitted diseases spread. Of course, this trait would manifest in other behaviors and attitudes which are not strictly tied to literal diseases; those who are highly sensitive to disgust are going to care greatly about sanctity and purity, while those low on the trait will disregard such values.

Now, let's think about how this relates to the Jew. For time immemorial, the Jew has been spread across the lands, with no home of his own. Since the middle ages, Jews lived in European countries in their isolated pockets. From an evolutionary perspective, I would hypothesize it would have been advantageous for these Jews to suppress their natural sensitivity to disgust in order to thrive in these alien countries. While it might have been natural for such groups to fear being "contaminated" by the larger population, Jews couldn't afford to entertain such fears. Over the centuries, this could result in a sensitivity to disgust among Jews which is abnormally low.

Such an evolutionary process could explain the role of the Jew in the modern world in constantly promoting degeneracy such as cucking, multiculturalism, and pornography. It's not necessarily a conspiracy, just a mindset molded by evolution which is immune to ideas of purity and sanctity.

Attached: jew.jpg (501x585, 61K)

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Of course, thats a generalisation, but really this is the only really urban type in the world, I mean bred for the chaotic cities of the Near East with all their traps for thousands of years. This is particularly evident if comparing them, both appearance, physical qualities and character, with the mountain herders of the more progressive Armenoid kind, they wouldn't stand a chance in anything but a degenerated culture and social niche in comparison to more harmonious progressive forms, both physically and with their dominant personality traits.

Its not by chance that you find them so often among the worst elements of the Jewish people, or other people in which this element is present too...

Kissinger, Blankfein, Soros, Mayer, Sharon, Knobloch, Friedman etc., one could name so many individuals which represent not just "the stereotypically bad Jew", but even in its worst expression.

The reduced Armenids were bred among sedentary farmes and city dwellers in the area of the Fertile Crescent in the Near East, being particularly often active in the field of trade. They were made to be subdominant looking, no threat, even rather wretched, but getting you with from behind...

They "achieved" their subdominant look because being forced into a subdominant position as farmers and city dwellers.

It's in a way similar to what the Jews as a whole experienced when they were restricted to certain fields, for which they were both fit and had to adapt even more.

In a similar way you deal in this case with a racial form which origins can be sought in the Caucasian mountains most likely.

From there a rather progressive Armenoid group of people expanded into the Fertile Crescent were they mixed with local Alpinoids and other stock, but were finally bred to something more dependent, less warlike and herder adapted, tillers and city dwellers. Those were subjugated in a whole series of conquests with their own names being long forgotten, being related to the Churri/Hurrians, Urartians and Chatti/Hatti people of most likely Caucasian related languages. Those were not fully Armenoid in any case, but they already had the seeds in their genpool and at that time largest portion of the reduced Armenids already.

They were later divided between Indoeuropeans (Hittites, Mitanni, Armenians, Kurds, Medes, Persians etc.), Semits (Jews, Arabs etc.) and Turkic people (Turks). So the Armenid type, common among Jews today, was originally no Semit racial type, but the local farmer and urban people's descendents Semits assimilated, similar to what happened by the Indoeuropeans in Armenia.

In this subdominant position and in the context of sedentary people with low level individual and group selectionf or saving and social adaptation, they had to compete for their very own niche especially in the cities and more often than otherwise they succeeded in trading.

They fell for their own tricks.
Their kids are just like ours, they rebel.

We have the skeletons of the warriors and elite from Syria f.e. which looks still a like a highly progressive group of people but under this pretty surface this degenerated racial form emerged out of the subjugated people and had to adapt to its subdominant position, while striving for dominance from the back.

This reduced Armenid variant is in comparison to others, even in its very own region:
- disharmonious
- unattractive
- physically less potent and versatile
- a subdominant physique
- saving variants as they can comply better to deficiencies

Thats for sure and I add to that:
- less often among people which are ready to sacrifice or have higher Idealism
- more often among people which are active in trade, corruption, political and intellectual manipulation

Really they have no other niche or "right to exist" from a biological standpoint, their shere existence must be explained by an advantage for survival among the other forms in the Near East.

Interestingly those variants are also among those with high social intelligence, they somewhat tend to a combination of schizothymic and zyklothymic trait in their own way.

Read Culture of Critique, it asserts that Jews have evolved as a parasite race which survives by weakening thier host nations with degeneracy and communism.

I'd suggest that in the situation of the South Western Fertile Crescent among the sedentary people a strong selection towards subdominant social adaptation took place, but with the result of a people, different f.e. from the Alpinid and Osteuropid type, which are not followers, but rather active hustlers which don't compete with the warrior, but in the priest and merchant class, or generally the adaptive and independent farmers.

One has to say that the living conditions especially in this area of the Near East were really different, so it is just absurd to assume that the same selection worked there as f.e. in Eastern Europe.

If you think that some Northern European areas have the same degree of urban life like those areas in the Near East since hundred of years or decades, those for many thousands of years and the reduced Armenid type was not present originally in significant numbers, was not the founder of civilisation, but rather a niche adaptation after the civilisation was established by mostly Mediterranoid people.

I suggest: Proto-Iranoid -> progressive Armenoid in the Caucasian mountain areas -> expansion into the valleys and the Fertile crescent, mixture with Alpinoids and selection for a more sedentary, saving farmer variant and city dweller. In those cities strong selection for "clever social competition from a subdominant starting position" in the context of the chaotic habitat of the Near Eastern cities.

Jews are the most atheist ethnic group. Stop talking about Jews as an ethnic group, they aren't born rubbing their hands for shekels.

Their behaviour is parasitical

Over time parasitical animals usually become symbiotic with their host until eventually being subsumed entirely. Usually how it happens is the parasite evolves benefits to the host organism so it can survive and reproduce better, and the host evolves to accept the parasite because the benefits make it more competitive.

This is why we have mitochondria in our cells. A lot of our gut bacteria are symbiotic and probably underwent evolutionary pressures like this as well.

However, we're not really governed by evolution quite the same as we used to be. I suspect jews will either parasitize their host until death, and then die out themselves, or parasitize their host until their host kills them. Becoming symbiotic with their host just seems like something they're unable to comprehend doing.

Who cares. They’re just severely inbred.

Attached: downloadfile-6.jpg (474x266, 18K)

Cold blooded hybrids that are more reptile brain than human brain.

But Jews do feel disgust for the host population and culture. Jews are disgusted by everything normal and healthy.
There isn't an overarching conspiracy, though, you are thinking in the right direction. There ARE Jewish conspiracies, though, they do literally sit around coming up with ways to work together to undermine the goyim. They just don't all do it at once like some kind of silly hivemind. Read culture of critique. What MacDonald outlines there is true in every other area Jews get involved in.
Some better ideas here, but Jews generally do not farm no matter where they are. Even in the pale of settlement they would set up merchant and tinker filled shetls instead of working the land.


>Some better ideas here, but Jews generally do not farm no matter where they are.

It was in 3 millenium BC. And yes most jews (Or their original semitic population) were farmers back then. Situtation changed after the urbanization durning centuries.

Now think the new conquerors have inner conflicts or cousins from the outside world - the herders and warriors from the flat land, look what they did and want the same life. What will follow? Wars, wars, wars.

But who will be killed primarily? The political leaders and warrior class, because the simply farmers, traders and administrators being not exchanged, but only the head changes.

In some areas of the Fertile Crescent we can be pretty sure that it didn't really matter which Indoeuropean or Semitic tribe controlled it, a large portion of the population of simple, dependent and fully sedentary farmers, town- and city folk with traders and administrators, will have been the same under each rule.

So unlike in early times, when the higher level individual and group selection worked out, the successful clans might not get a higher reproductive success than those they conquer. Among the herder-warriors and farmer-warriors the loser was dispossessed, wives taken, land taken, children and males eliminated often. The winner, even if he had to lose a brother or cousin, would have had a much higher reproductive success = biological progress.

If the warlike and well organised elite fights over land AND people, to use both for their well being, economically-politically, then the conquerors and warriors might suffer much heavier losses on the long term perspective.

Until the negative maximum was reached in modern mass wars. But actually even much earlier, since large state armies fought each other and no Eugenic measurements balanced the losses of good variants out.

In the Near East, the reduced Armenids were not super-successful actually, rather the contrary for a certain time, namely as long as they couldn't make it among all farmers and herders and they were constantly crushed, really crushed, by the more powerful neighbors.

Their great success came in rather stable political environments, in which the trader and city dweller was protected. That resulted in their great advantage and the survival of their niche. They really concentrated on their social niche and had great success in it, but still they also exist among sedentary-dependent farmers.

Again, even if you don't take only the city dwellers into account - most of the progressive European Europids and Near Eastern Europids ancestors were rather mobile. Always ready to move if a chance waited for them.

Its funny that the Jew is now the nomad, because by specialisation it wasn't and it in fact still isn't. Because the real nomads moved on their own and build up their culture and land were they came. The Jewish trader or other traders, interestingly many being since ancient times from the same stock like Armenians were well known for their professional trade, moved just from one city to another, they never changed their niche or build up a civilisation, they just changed the location but are everywhere in the same microcosmos.

Thats very different from what real half-nomads and nomads were, which were often quite self-sufficient, the trader never is, he fully relies on structures others build up and defend for him. His trade must be protected by other people, by laws and ideas, so he can go on. So he must manipulate his social environment, thats his greatest challenge. To be secure, to be able to trade, to be save and successful, making huge profits.

The warlike nomads lived on thier own or conquered on their own, which is a totally different mentality.

Every coin has two sides and since humans are a social and cultural species, they always have the social-cultural aspect too. We deal here quite often with long lasting family traditions, memetic programs so to say.

There are always memes & genes. Culture is a tool for survival, like the biologial part, it can degenerate and become useless or even dangerous.

In the social and cultural species of Homo sapiens, the social and cultural environment can be as, or even more important for a selective trend than the natural environment. Just imagine such traders jumping from one city to another, always in this small microcosmos which was supported by the rural areas around it - how much had they care for temperature or sun?

Not too much at all.

But for their social and cultural system, their memetic strategy? Very much. Thats why Jews became in some clans quite inbred and at the same time more intelligent, especially by social intelligence. That mattered just much more for their social niche and cultural strategy.

Many European farmers became reduced, broader, more stupid, compliant and superstitious especially during the famines, peasant wars, inquisiation, plagues, religious indoctrination etc.

F.e. in France during the great famine, starving farmers organised warbands and began to plunder the neighbouring areas. What happened? They were massacred.

Farmers learned that they have to endure even the worst and lowest life. Those who didn't learn that lesson or were not able to were eliminated in the poor areas of Europe = Alpinisation + Baltisation.

That was not just the "natural selection", because what would have happened without the state intervention? Warbands of clans would have going through the countryside and only those would have made it which were able to defend their goods, rather than those which could survive just from a handfull of grain while the black death went through the scorched lands...

Every coin has two sides and since humans are a social and cultural species, they always have the social-cultural aspect too. We deal here quite often with long lasting family traditions, memetic programs so to say.

There are always memes & genes. Culture is a tool for survival, like the biologial part, it can degenerate and become useless or even dangerous.

In the social and cultural species of Homo sapiens, the social and cultural environment can be as, or even more important for a selective trend than the natural environment. Just imagine such traders jumping from one city to another, always in this small microcosmos which was supported by the rural areas around it - how much had they care for temperature or sun?

Not too much at all.

But for their social and cultural system, their memetic strategy? Very much. Thats why Jews became in some clans quite inbred and at the same time more intelligent, especially by social intelligence. That mattered just much more for their social niche and cultural strategy.

Many European farmers became reduced, broader, more stupid, compliant and superstitious especially during the famines, peasant wars, inquisiation, plagues, religious indoctrination etc.

F.e. in France during the great famine, starving farmers organised warbands and began to plunder the neighbouring areas. What happened? They were massacred.

Farmers learned that they have to endure even the worst and lowest life. Those who didn't learn that lesson or were not able to were eliminated in the poor areas of Europe = Alpinisation + Baltisation.

That was not just the "natural selection", because what would have happened without the state intervention? Warbands of clans would have going through the countryside and only those would have made it which were able to defend their goods, rather than those which could survive just from a handfull of grain while the black death went through the scorched lands...

There’s a reason Jews want gun control.. Get in here lads Vote! Vote! Vote!

Just to give you an impression of the memetic program which is the direct equivalent to the reduced Armenid types biological status:

Orthodox Jews say the rules were made by god, and god is all knowing and almighty, so if you can cheat on god, if you can cheat on his rules, you were just chosen to do so, because he made it that way that you can cheat, so you can have success in a time you need it.

So many Jews work a great time looking at how they can cheat on their own religious rules. Rather than changing them - which they refuse, also because it would change their "identity", they just look for loopholes in stupid rules and try to "cheat on god".

I mean how perverted is that!

Thats also why they are so good lawyers and why the current Western law system is like it is, it is not about the sense of a law, but its wording.

You have to keep that in mind, it's never about the sense, always about its wording. Thats directly against old European Christianity in a certain way, but not against (AGAIN!) Calvinists which take the bible literally!

And with this attitude, every rule is just there to find a loophole and if you find a loophole, you are chosen by god, who knew this (Calvinist predestination!), you are good, your success being "god's will".

Look up "Culture of Critique".

They're the serpent.

yes they are
