Whats the point of entertainment (movies, music)? In other words, is there a conspiracy/hidden agenda behind it?

Whats the point of entertainment (movies, music)? In other words, is there a conspiracy/hidden agenda behind it?

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Besides summoning antichrist idols for satanic symbolism and rituals?

there is no hidden agenda or spooky things.. It's all about shekels.. The more outrageous things are the more viewers,, the more shekels. it's that simple.

nobody is interested in some perfectly dressed violin player.. boring.. Needs to nude on a wrecking ball for example.

the jerry springer show is a perfect example. I remember when it just started (yes I'm an oldfag) in the early 1990s...

It was some sort lame discussion show where people discussed their marriage for example. Nothing happened, just talking with at the end a moral of the story by good 'ol' jerry. A bit like dr phil but more boring.

they didn't have a lot of viewers.. so they came up with the idea to stage outrages nonsense like midgets dressed up in KKK uniforms, a 300 kilo hambeast and hysterical cheating transgenders

Ratings sored and the programme was sold and broadcasted around the world eventually.

/ibs/ is the same shit but updated, it even worked on us

To keep you distracted while the big boys seek world domination.


what is /ibs/ ? I honestly have no idea.

Lately I think it is used for distracting people from real problems - politics and social issues.

To normalize meaningless or harmful behavior, and to distract from (((reality))).

But that's only because people found it entertaining. It goes back to the question of why certain things entertain us, especially look at the disparities of different cultures, or even here. Most people wouldn't find our memes funny but it's in the context they're presented here that makes them hilarious. But... it's safe to say nobody finds Amy Schumer funny.

Warski, Tonka Saw, Metokur etc. streams. Autist e-celebs yelling at each other over stupid shit, there's even a general on here for it now

OP posts the poster child for America's grubbiest trollop award.
No thanks, I gots meaningful hobbies besides watching this crap.

This isn't quite true, there's all sorts of symbolism in their work. The higher ups give the entertainers just little peaks of whats going on so they think they are part of the cool club and will rep their symbols in public. It's why you see so many braindead B rated actors throwing up owl signs at the Oscars.

there is news broadcasted all around the US on various channels 24/7.. fox/cnn/nbc etc..

Remember the more retarded, the more the more outrageous --> the more viewers...

The guy behind all this wrestling (Vince Mcmahon and his dad) became a billionaire for example .. A real showmaster with outrageous (and genius at the same time) ideas..


Left wing brainwashing mind control designed to turn the public into compliant degenerates. They want to disintegrate the family unit which is the source of a population’s strength against government because of a shared desire to protect ones family. Families are the ultimate glue that keeps a people together and united against a totalitarianism theawl.com/2013/12/did-the-cia-propagate-rock-n-roll/

I'll spell it out for you since I'm in a good mood. The majority of the people on this planet are Fucking retarded. The things they like are retarded, the things they hate are retarded, most everything in their lives is retarded. When a human being comes along who isn't a complete Fucking retard, we put them in history books, and when they happen to be the opposite of retarded, we revere them for their accomplishments.

Television seems fake to you because you likely stopped watching it and your interests changed. I myself stopped watching TV when I bought my first computer. To me the internet provides more entertainment than tv ever could, but to other people the internet is retarded. I mean look at this website for example, people make funny posts and add funny pictures to the posts and it entertains me. TV used to do that. But tv is and always has been normie vision.

You just need to accept that not everyone has the same tastes, and that pop idols such as Miley Cyrus appeal to a certain demographic of retards who enjoy that stuff. That's essentially what most modern music is, it represents a certain lifestyle.

Look at the other tv shows we have, all normie shit. Dating shows, game shows, reality TV, it's the normie equivalent of twitch. What happens on twitch? Nerds watch other nerds be nerds. What happens on TV? Normies watch other normies be normies.

Now if you actually believe that satanic cults are trying to brainwash everyone, then chances are you believe in mind control and other supernatural bullshit, and if that's the case then we have nothing further to discuss.

Not only entertainment but also the shock factor that scores high ratings.. I remember oprah shows with subjects like 'a gorilla chewed off my face'' ''my husband is a diaper fetishist etc''

The 80s called, they want their entertainment directives back. This hasn’t been the model since 2001

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Get in here

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Aaaaah the sweet pill that is entertainment help to make people forget how hard they get anally raped...

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On what do you base this statement

I can't help but to think that some Jow Forums posts are They tapping the vein of the Jow Forums collective to see where they are at & how knowledgeable they are.

Like the entire cult, entertainment & music is a mixture of organic growths within the mass of humanity; which are inevitable. And then there is also an element of a agenda-driven cult that is pushing their psy-agenda; which is really just pushing the uninhibited perversions & degeneracy they happen to like themselves & which they live out in their personal lives.

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They be the The Controllers. The Cult.

Stupid people are led by emotions and pop music creates emotions to cater to the Normie audience.


everything you say, how you say it etc. shows your opinion on stuff.
A TV has authority for people, so everything said there, even if they wouldnt do it on purpose would still promote (((their))) intrests.


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when you only care about the sheckels and not the good of the nation in which you are dwelling, that is how we know you are a traitor. Jews are most likely to fit into this category because they consider themselves apart from the nation and people in which they dwell

To brainwash passive normies who wont kill the govt for increasingly more degenerate acts.

I'm sorry the "retarded" masses typically didn't enjoy degenerate entertainment. If today's pop culture had been shown in the 1940s people would have been outraged. It had to be slowly introduced.

No it's not about money. For some of the individuals involved it certainly is an incentive. It's about de-moralization and softening up a population to be destroyed. The number one method of subversion is through subversion of sexual taboos and norms. Look at the word demoralize itself.
>c. 1793, "to corrupt the morals of," from French démoraliser, from de- "remove" (see de-) + moral (adj.) (see moral). Said to be a coinage of the French Revolution. Sense of "lower the morale of" (especially of armies) is first recorded 1848. Related: Demoralized; demoralizing.
To remove the morals is to remove the morale
A moralized country is harder to destroy and subvert.
>PSYOPS have little effect on those with exceedingly high levels of morale
Remove the morals of a population and you can destroy them more easily and turn them into animals.

>Whats the point of entertainment (movies, music)? In other words, is there a conspiracy/hidden agenda behind it?

It's just theater.

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God, I hate that disgusting bitch and her disgusting tongue.