Well, Jow Forums

Well, Jow Forums.

Remember all that mad shit you were talking during the Mayweather spectacle?

How's it feel seeing your boy show his true colors?

Fucking faggots.

Attached: conor-mcgregor-floyd-mayweather1.jpg (1000x666, 207K)

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Come on now. Like you don't know that was all a WWE style publicity stunt.

>rounding up the boys and hopping on the private jet to stick up for your buddy who was bullied in another continent

feels good man

He nigged out are you implying he gets a pass for being white? Why you so racist bro?

MMA guy boxes a boxer and looses. Not surprising. Let the boxer go MMA the MMA guy. Oh the boxer chicken shited out of that. Probably because he could really get hurt...

Any real Jow Forums user will know that Mayweather was always the favorite. He's for Trump, MAGA, fuck the Irish Tater

>injuries documented
>charges pressed
>warrant issued

Yeah, keep putting up for your human pitbull, racist idiot.

Must be a democrat, calling a black person "boy" isn't very politically correct mate

>Jow Forums is educated on topics

Fucking retards.

>stick up for your buddy by indiscriminately targeting a place the enemy might be in, failing to harm him and instead putting the careers of multiple innocent people in jeopardy
literally nigger-tier

>He actually thinks the irish are white

Whiter than you, no doubt.

>Your boy
First, no.

He literally went all the rounds with the "greatest boxer ever" in his first boxing match ever. I'd say that's pretty fucking great. Doubt there's anyone on this board that:
1. Meets the weight requirements (including you)
2. Could box Mayweather 10 years from now and last 1 round.

>"greatest boxer ever"
>Floyd Mayweather

Attached: 1513461350262.jpg (236x247, 15K)

>For his weight class
yeah, left that out.

We are white and I'm pretty sure my whole country hates Conor McGregor. Long before he ever did any of this shit btw.

The non-retards of Jow Forums knew Mayweather was /ourguy/ in that match.

Floyd is red pill as fuck. Conor is a shitlib potato nigger.

I'm not surprised, but still disappointed in McGregor. A though he were better'n tha.

It wasn’t at all. UFC had a lot of money riding on this card. McGregor has been charged with a felony

Video of the encounter should be leaking soon too.

If he manages to avoid a conviction, it'll be a minor miracle.

there are many videos of the incident already

livin in the past. SAD

If Mayweather steps into the octagon with Conor he'll get murdered.

black is not a color

>LMAO niggers are going to get put back in their place by the white masterace, never mind that i call irish people potato niggers
>yeah well uhmmmmm, it was all just a stuntand fake lol dumb brainlets hehe :D
neckbeard :^)

Attached: 1398536376347.png (1585x1527, 101K)


>The only thing black people can do is ungabunga smack face sport


Mayweather is the GOAT!
Our Guy!

This. Mayweather is a nig but Conor is an absolute potatonig

Floyd would get put in the hospital if he stepped in the octagon, don't fool yourself kid.

panem et circenses