What right do you have to kill another living being, that can feel pain and suffering like you, just because you find it tasty?
Anyone who thinks this way is not only a psychopath, but also a murderer with the blood of innocent animals on their hands. And murderers should get the death penalty. Meat eaters are less than human.
life is not precious, but you try killing me for my meat and i'll eat you
Andrew Flores
Humans are the superior race, if they want to eat meat god fucking damn it, they will do it.
Cooper Peterson
They are bred for their meat. They would literally doesnt exist, if man doesnt make them. Your point is invalid
Noah Hall
God gave me that right
Wyatt Ross
In order to sustain one life, you have to take away multiple other lives. That's the way it's always been in nature. Even if you eat nothing but plants, you're still indirectly causing the deaths of pests that get killed during the planting process.
Samuel Taylor
>Won't kill living things to eat >Eats plants Checkmate you fucking poof
Plants can't feel pain you moron. Also we don't actually kill the plant when we eat it, we remove parts of it that are often meant to be removed and eaten by animals so that the plant seeds can be spread.
You are justifying the killing and barbarism against innocent, defenceless animals you sick meat-eating fuck.
Michael Miller
>Plants can't feel pain you moron How do you know? Are you a plant? Unless you are you can't really prove that
Adrian Baker
No. Mother nature isn't cruelty free, so why should we be?
For the past few years all the meat I've eaten has been salvaged fresh out of local dumpsters. Do I still have blood on my hands according to you?
Christian Jones
Because they don't have a brain nor a nervous system all of which are essential for feeling pain.
Fuck you for trying to justify the butchery of animals.
Oliver Cook
People like you are the reason veganism will never be mainstream. Thank you, slightly crazy user
Oliver Diaz
I'm not killing it, just maim it so later i can maim again, but its allright since animals do it too. You are such a nice fella :)
William Moore
>we remove the parts of it that are often meant to be removed
That's only partially true. It depends on the plant, but we eat just about every part imaginable from the root to the leaves to the seeds to the stem, etc
Ryan Cooper
Oh shit, are you mad at Youtube for demonetizing your videos, too?
Camden Hughes
I shot and gutted a deer last fall. Six point buck. Pretty tasty.
Josiah Ortiz
should vegans be allowed NOT to face the death penalty?
How is deer? Been wanting to try hunting. Is getting it butchered expensive?
Nolan Gomez
>A boltgun to the head causes no pain either >That plants don't feel pain cannot be proven >Plants are also defenceless >You are literally pulling off the defenceless limbs of a living thing and eating it. >You are also a flaming beta faggot. >Implying veil isn't fucking delicious
Caleb Davis
Ask yourself a question you dumb ass. Does anything in nature die from old age? ANY THING?
Technically you are the one who is less than human because you choose to eat things that are lacking in certain amino acids needed for proper brain health nutrition.
>plants can't feel pain WRONG. So a hypocrite as well then. Wew lad.
Jaxson Clark
why hippie subhumans prefer devolution than evolution, they are so stupid, they deserve extinction because they love it, they love to be below the animals, even the insects.
you've never had deer? what metropolis do you live in?
Hudson Campbell
we are animals and omnivores are you going to starve other meat-eating animals?
John King
How do you know that? You aren't a plant, you don't know how those plants feel, life is life and all living things have an instinct to survive, if you really were against animal cruelty you'd just kill yourself and let all those poor little animals feed themselves off your rotting corpse
Nicholas Perry
>What right does a lion have to kill another living being? >What right does a snake have to kill another living being? >What right does...
What right do you have to kill another living being, that can feel pain and suffering like you, just because you find it will take away part of your freedom?
Anyone who thinks this way is not only a psychopath, but also a murderer with the blood of innocent humans on their hands. And murderers should get the death penalty. Abortist are less than human.
Christian Robinson
I love meat and don’t think I could ever stop eating meat out of sheer comfort but I can admit that it is bad for us as humans, the age where eating meat was necessary to survive is over and gone, because plant based foods are now so accessible I can foresee that in about 20-50 years meat based diets will be very rare and most people will obtain their nutrients from plant based foods.
Mason Sanders
I'm trying my very best here, thank you very much.
No because stoping a cow embryo from developing via evacuation is not the same as keeping it in a cage and slaughtering it after it’s producibilty has decreased.
Connor Butler
should animals who eat other animals face the death penalty like lions, tigers, etc..? what a stupid fucking retarded idiot
Landon Hall
Just do it yourself. I'm down to 9 minutes to dress and butcher.
Jeremiah Diaz
Because scientists have found no mechanism for plants to feel pain. You are truly fucked up. How would you feel if aliens came and started farming us humans and killing and eating us just because we were dumber than them? Would you think that's ok?
Jose Cruz
should eagles and lions get the death penalty? they kill for food too
This type of degeneracy will never appear in a chink forum
Tyler Collins
Lean and gamey. Its best when its jerky.
Robert Kelly
And when they inevitably do find the mechanism you are going to never eat anything ever again, correct?
Jaxon Turner
I don't care about niggers and humans dying every day; why should i care about animals?
Alexander Cruz
Why does them not experiencing pain play such a vital role? You're still terminating lives. Can I eat crickets because they lack central nervous systems? Is it ok to eat an animal if you drug it before slaughtering it?
Joshua Watson
It's a ridiculous question so I am not going to answer it, because it is impossible for plants to feel pain. You are using it as a cop-out to justify the fact you are committing evil and killing other creatures for the sake of your own pleasure, like a psychopath.
So how would you feel if aliens came and did the same to us because we were dumber? Would that be right according to you?
James Hill
Only sentient animals feel pain. That's why pork should be off limits. But beef/chicken/fish is ok
Adrian Powell
i fully support people being vegan, i think is noble, but my core problem is that animals kill other animals to survive and they kill in the most violent and horrible way... nature itself seems to have zero compation for her own creatures.
i just cant make my mind ... and theres a lot of evidence that we need some nutrients that we get from meat, fish, eggs etc.. even vegans accept that they use supplements...
Aiden Butler
nah, ya did good m8
Ethan Diaz
Only if you don't prepare it right.
Legs are the best for jerky. The backstrap and tenderloin is incredible.
Clean the silverskin off the backstrap or tendies. Soak in buttermilk for 12-14 hours. Champagne vinegar is also a great soak but for much less time, maybe an hour or two MAX. Or you can just brine it in sea salt and water. Throw some bay leaves and garlic in there for measure. During soaking, if the buttermilk turns blood red, this is normal, but empty the milk out and put new buttermilk in. Season with your favorite seasoning. I used Special Shit, garlic, pepper, and sometimes honey. Grill over the wood of your choice (I like pecan or mesquite) and do not cook over medium rare. Enjoy the ultimate free range, no hormone meal that will piss off every vegan within 100 miles.
Also, if you can, let the deer hang after you skin and dress it. This will let the blood drain out of the meat and make it much much less gamey. The blood is what makes it gamey in the first place.
Also, if you can make a clean head shot there will be zero chance of any adrenaline tainting the meat. It is an instant kill and if you miss you miss entirely and won't injure the animal. We must respect the wildlife and hunt with honor at all times.
Veganism is useless, if you only by veggies your money is still going to the same farmers producing meat. Also meat tastes good.
Joseph Cruz
You do realize I was talking about meat, correct? I don't eat tofu.
Jaxon Peterson
Protein is good for humans. It allows men to work hard and build muscle.
It sucks that animals have to die , but nature isn't fair.
Liberals live in fantasy world convinced that even ants can be treated equally.
Logan Carter
You respect wildlife by letting them live in peace and not killing them you psycho fuck.
Kevin Rodriguez
I know m8 just making a point that there's no reason to eat tofu if meat is available
Hunter Nelson
>that can feel pain and suffering 1. Moral is not about pain and suffering 2. Pain and suffering is not related to brain functions Vegans and other crackpot activists lobby for rights for large animals with developed nervous systems. But this has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with the fact that they just happen to like animals.
Lincoln Torres
what's the big deal with pain and suffering?
plants and bacteria have been around longer, form the root of all food webs and they don't feel pain or suffer
Caleb Thomas
Mans gotta eat. Also fuck deer. Stupid bastards are always eating my fucking gardens. I'd shoot them in town if it were legal.
Carter Reed
so just kill animals in a way that causes no pain?
Crops require a lot of plants and animal death for exist, but killing yourself could save some.
Jonathan Rivera
>Only sentient animals feel pain. That's why pork should be off limits. But beef/chicken/fish is ok Bullshit Sentience is the projection of our subjectivity into others, It has zero objective presence. If we would project our subjectivity into other objects they would have exactly as much sentience as animals. Like many religions have done with trees, rocks, mountains and so on.
William Sanders
No, animals are also conscious unlike plants. Regardless we have no right to exploit, abuse and slaughter them for something that we don't need. We can get all our vitamins and proteins from meat by supplements today. There is absolutely no reason to be causing more cruelty to animals today.
Do you have any idea how cruel life outside of a farm is for animals?
Might is right
Landon Johnson
Except Mein Kampf.
Jeremiah Clark
The second any creature can form the sentence "please don't eat me" I am perfectly willing to comply, even if they say it in French, albeit begrudgingly.
Gavin Jenkins
I've read Peter Singer.
He likes fucking animals though because since they're sentient, they can consent of course.
Mason Ross
>unlike plants And you would know this how? Fun fact about plants. You know that smell that grass gives off when you cut your lawn? Thats the equivalent of screaming for grass. I hope you don't enjoy their fragrant screams user.
Gavin Hernandez
(((Vegans))) and their like should be round up and dumped into the sea.
Julian Foster
Should it be legal to kill you if it's done painlessly, moron? No one should have the right to take the life of an innocent animal.
Parker Butler
lol i misread that as the teachings of our Quran
Michael Barnes
Pain to the animal only matters if it affects flavour. The Chinese, Muslims, and any other group that doesn't practice instant or near instead death are savages because they torture animals before killing them to get adrenaline going.
it makes it taste better and they die anyway so who gives a fuck
Jack Mitchell
LIterally this, plants-especially fungus are smarter than we know. They show complex strategies and thought without a brain. There are animals we eat without nerves so there’s literally no difference.
It’s just virtue signalling
Nolan White
Should OP be killed for being a complete fucking faggot?
Dominic Price
Considering the way most people operate, your lucky it is just the animals being killed. Heck, I will even give you they are more worthy of life, but I am still going to get part of my protein from them
Canada’s history and culture is based on the fur trade
Joshua Brown
Implying plant lives don't matter
Liam King
>We are overpopulated So your solution is to cause overpopulation of animals by refusing to eat them? There are reasons why we domesticated animals you know
Austin Morgan
Meat eaters should go through a short rehabilitation process. This is before you completely ban meat (AND HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP) from the market. Then every generation after that will be healthy as fuck.
Carson Long
Ohhh, so that's how the Native Americans respected the wildlife. They ate plants only. Got it.
Carter Morris
>WRONG. So a hypocrite as well then. Wew lad. Being THIS much of a brainlet should be illegal
Caleb Jones
Murdering faggot
Gabriel Torres
>plants can actively react to their surroundings and can adapt and alter their behavior accoding to a given situation >It's ok to end their lives though because they don't have brains
Elijah Flores
People don't eat people, and people shouldn't eat people because prions are nasty, so we have no need to kill each other accept in self defense or war.