Pol/ is hipocrit

Why does pol/ oppose China being a world leader? I get that there are a lot of Americans here that don’t want to give out their title, but China represents what pol/ supports:

>racially homogenous
>rejects multiculturalism
>rejects mass immigration
>aren’t controlled by jews

We have been influenced by America since the end of ww2 and the countries we have today are a result of it. Want to give redpilled China a try?

Attached: 8506E066-59EA-4E90-99F7-DB37128630C6.png (640x427, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>gooks dominating the world
>anyone but White men dominating the world
fucking moron.

Post this to get rid of chink shills
it literally blocks them from the thread




>not allowed on the internet

Attached: illegalInChina.jpg (3000x2246, 584K)

Yeah (((white)))

Attached: 1436834668736.png (558x761, 456K)

Its hypocrite you moron... Jeez... stop acting all retarded... sheessh... okay? Mmkay pfiiiish... kids these days amirite?

Chinese like the jews

They are often called the jews of Asia, by the way

I see a lot of these type of threads, "why don't you accept X because they believe in Y, you like To too remember!", Often with Muslims and now with chinks.

I'll tell you why: because we are not them! We aren't Chinese, we aren't muslim. We are the west. We have our side and it goes beyond overlapping ideology.

Something the left in particular never seem to understand is that avoiding some self-imposed hypocrisy makes you weak against an enemy and who is willing to exploit you. Chinks and Muslims don't care about fair play, neither should we.

Watch those China liveleak videos

You like y too, I meant

Sorry but I want my dogs to remain as pets only thank you

fuck you mutt boy
the world doesn't revolve around your olive ass

>China is literally Hitler and barrelbombed its own people with gas attacks
>the literally CNN drafted fake news story no one in China gives a shit about
>curry nigger "redpills"

Whites need wise spiritually invincible Jap leaders to save them from subconscious demons like betrayel and corruption

Attached: 20D563FE-2A0D-4BA7-B685-12C6851F8B2F.gif (375x226, 1.9M)

Sorry but I don't trust Chinks. They have no ethics and empathy.


you have been warned...

China has yet to prove that they can improve the lives of the people they rule over

USA may torture, but they give opportunities to escape and rise up

Literally who ITT!

Commies get the rope

doesnt even matter if its real or not.
you cant be redpilled if you are denied access to information.
leftists are going after the 1st amendment for a reason.

Chinese are worse than any Jewish stereotype. They at least understand business. China will shit in your hand and pretend it's gold.

Read a history book.


What are you smoking user? Weed or Petrol?

Chinks are bug people what the fuck are you on

0/10 kys