Are there any studies who show the correlation between premartial sex partners and divorce rates between men and women? Please Redpill me!
Premarital Sex before mariage
You already know the answer to that or you wouldn't be so specific and the left pic is what happens when you don't wear a bra.
>premarital sex BEFORE marriage
stop it dude ur blowing my mind
This issue is the condom, as soon as that was made acceptable divorce became a thing. No studies needed, it's plainly obvious.
Yes Columbo that is true! But I try to convince someone that there is a correlation and I remember some good images from some study which have been posted here but I dumb fuck forgot to save it... no Im desperate to find the study online in vein... Can someone help?
Let me give the infographic. Basically +3 puts divorce chance over 50%
>Premarital Sex before mariage
>Sex before mariage
fucking moron who is a fucking moron
Some serious potential titty fucking going on in this pic...
Hahaha I love you guys! English is not my first language xD
Here's the infographic, faggot
Lol like anyone on Jow Forums ever has to worry about premarital sex
Yeah pretty sure the data shows something that one partner before marriage had the lowest rates of divorce. Then 2 partners before marriage was a little higher, and then anything 3 or more sky rockets to over 50% divorce rates
love the bitch on the right. getting chunky in her recent pics tho
Is premarital sex the problem or is it sex outside serious relationships? Casual sex seems more like a problem than sex in a relationship that could become marriage but doesn't.
Got it strong correlation between happiness and not having STDs Check.
white dress has some sloppy ass tits she needs to pull her shit together
>Premarital Sex before mariage
The only way to save marriage is to stop stigmatizing sex between teenagers and adult and lowering the marriageable age.
So wear a bra like the right one?
>sex before marriage sex before marriage.
How do you start a thread like this?
Nigga that is a bangin DG album
TLDR: The more partners your wife has had before you the larger your chance of divorce is. And it increases drastically.
>tfw don't believe in pre marital sex
>tfw the amount of women with the same feelings are literally
Can we just perma ban all THOT OP posters?
Bean boy
There are statistics that tell us what we already know: That people will failed relationships have had more sexual partners. These graphs are regularly posted as if they are evidence of anything. Of course, if someone has only had sex with one person they are orders of magnitude more likely to have a successful relationship because they have never had a reason to have sex with anyone but their partner. All this conclusively demonstrates is that promiscuity is a symptom of failed relationships, one cannot possibly determine whether or not it's the cause, so it's largely worthless data on it's own.