>communist party bans "rappers" from singing their niggerbeat on TV >communist party bans "rappers" from spreading nigger ghetto culture >communist party bans degeneracy >oy vey.jpg >(((music labels))) can no longer make money >communist party bans actors with tattoos from being starred in films >OY FUCKING VEY.jpg >girls will no longer be ruined by tats.
is China going to be the bastion of light for humanity? Chinamen absolutely hate niggers and spics, but aren't xenophobic towards white men. Chinese society does not tolerate homosexuality either.
>2080 >be Chinese >wake up to breakfast in bed prepared by android maid >eat it while she sucks your dick >say "TV on" and a hologram screen appears behind your cute dick sucker >Breaking news, the Chinese Empire has accepted Japan's application to become a province of China. All hail the Empire. In other news, the USA's president Jamal has finally agreed to pay for a wall on the border to the Chinese colony of Canada, in an effort to reduce illegal immigration to the Empire. >go to work from the other side of the country to Shanghai, arrive in 5 minutes on a high speed hover train >use your genetically enhanced brain to create some top quality propaganda for the Empire with your standard hologram touch screen >finish work after 9 hours and go visit a sexbot brothel with your chink bros >then leave for a comedy bar, which airs news footage from the USA and Europe >laugh while watching a hilarious speech by US president Jamal >leave the bar, and a white laowai expat hobo spills some beer on your clothes >no problem, you have stainproof high tech fibers, but you beat him to death anyway for fun using your genetically enhanced strength >walk home on crime free streets >see another laowai trying to flirt with a Chinese girl >laugh as the girl is visibly disgusted at the inferior white male trying to fuck her >tell the laowai to go home to his shit hole >laowai rages and approaches you >put on your stainproof gloves, punch his face once >laowai dies, call the police and tell them you killed a white male >they laugh and thank you for improving the empire >come home and fuck your wife. She's just an average girl who looks like pic related, but she's loves you so it feels pretty good
What about that "bOy" band that is really all girls and they have thousands of female fans lusting over them? Isn't that spreading and creating degeneracy?
Henry Sullivan
>secret ties to communism >secret this is nigger iq tier
Chinese are ethnically autistic. They have a diminished sense of empathy.
This is why they often share social and political views with the sperger kings on Jow Forums.
But really, you're looking for the Japs. They're equally autistic but retained most of their empathy, actually be as empathetic and creative as whites - just too beta to do anything with themselves compared to the chad europeans who will go full steam ahead with any idea no matter how ill considered.