KEK The white race is over

The Jews truly done a great job

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If they are now the majority how are they still a minority?

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To perpetuate their feelings of being victimized in order to justify the upcoming racially motivated violence

Communist double speak.

retarded ass Brit cuck

By 2040 when "minorities" are the majority in the US and probably the rest of the west, will they still be called "minorities"?

we have been minorities for a while now

>She is African-American, Filipino, Welsh, & Scandinavian
>So she's American!

LMAO the 56% meme is alive and well

Just Americans no race

IDC I still have my country

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that's just what they call the changing trend

your majority status is soon gone

Whats wit white people being afraid of being a minority? It's not like minorities are treated bad in America?

as long as they are smaller than whites they might still be called "minorities" (with white being the largest minority group)

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Have you seen the countries from which those minorities come from smartass

Do you know what will happen to USA ? it will only get worse

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How do Texans feel about this?

"what's wrong with being replaced by lower IQ people who won't uphold western values and don't care for individualism?"

Yeah it's gonna turn out real good in 50 years.

this is the point of no return, if we want to go back we need a revolution, but politics can't help us anymore

yeah exactly people say south africa is bad? No, south africa is beautiful, you will have a great life as white minority

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relevant video

Americans are not white anyway, I don't see what's new.


Hang em

>President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."

you just need to remove the negatives and it's a perfect prediction...
and europeans fall for the exact same rhetoric again, decades later...really makes you think...

Why aren't you all moving to central Europe?

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>The Jews
The americans
together with the english
have done that great job
and nobody else

When do you think the day of the rope for whites will begin? When whites are 25% or less than that?

You know when they have a strong majority they're going to South Africa us.

Frog girl is cute

fuking amerimutts you are destroying white race, die in fire

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>blindly believing statistics

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