BASED Pallies

Photo taken by IDF yesterday.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>loving a nation that isn't your own
stay cucked 'murica

hey IDF soldier, wotcha doing planting that flag?

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i have a feeling that was planted by the IDF


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Yeah, really. Palestinians don't even go to school, they don't know history well enough to draw a swastika.

those stupid cunts don't represent us

Why Americans likes to suck Israel's cuck so much? what do they gain?

based sandniggers

Yeah just the republican ones.

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Brainwashed bible goyims that are zealous in their belief that kikes are God's chosen people.

Trump supporters are mostly independent but you have an agenda to push.

Even if this wasn't planted if the Palestinian story ever blows open and people realize they are incredibly oppressed and why their whole culture decides to go full 14/88 it will redpill a lot of people.

>those stupid brainwashed cunts in the comments
Holy shit, the pastors that teach people to love Israel need to be shot or exposed as paid puppets already. Either that or those commentators are just Jewish themselves.

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I don't understand when and how Christians did a 180 on Christ killers.

If anything Muslims should be their more natural allies, at least Muslims see Jesus as a prophet. Jews see him as a false prophet.

They pay the pastors in the USA.

This, it's always comes down to the shekel level.

Came here to post this.

At least get them talk to your congressman or something. I don't believe your country was so zionist as today from the start of Israel foundation. And that
They believe in this

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spotted the zionist

All the memes about the control of Jews over Americans, especially the boomers aren't a joke, mate.
Pretty sure like 90% of the churches are on some sort of jewish pay roll.
I'm also quite positive it's the jews' worst nightmare for Christians and Muslims to unite. If there's any way for the world to wake up to the jewish threat after WW2, it's definitely not going to come from America.

Read because Israel is the HQ of the global deep state (for now).

It's the difference between diaspora vs. Israel. Once we gave the Yids a little bit of clay and they slapped that name on it, they went from being the bad guys from the beginning of the new testament to the good guys from the end of the new testament.

>Muslims should be their more natural allies

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>Jow Forums dislikes muslims

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wtf I love palestinians now

>Jow Forums is one person


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Jesus Christ that last comment is an indictment of American Christianity and the baby boomer generation if I’ve ever seen one.

even if mudslimes were better than jews, if we extend our hands to them they will just blow us up as things are today. They want us all dead roit now nigga.

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JIDF kike detected. Go fuck yourself faggot.

i am white but ok. you want muslims to come to your country then?

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>I am white
No you're not. It's so funny how every JIDF kike shill always tries to be like "NAH BRO IM WHITE IRISH CATHOLIC" or some shit like that. You're only making it more evident you're a kike.

Christian Zionists need to die agonizing deaths.

Also, The Palestinians inhabiting Israel today are the real descendants of the ancient Israelites. They converted to Islam in the 7th century. The fake Khazar/Berber ""Jews"" presently occupying Israel have no genetic link to the Jews that lived in Palestine during Roman times.

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you did not answer the question. are you ok with mudslimes coming into your country? do you feel safe around them?

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Yes. They are already in my country and Muslims aren't a fucking race. You kikes try to claim that being a muslim is a fucking race but it's not. It's a religion. The only group of people that claim they are also a race are JEWS LIKE YOU. I like Arabs, I like muslims, I even like Jews when they aren't zionist. Fuck off.

Evangelical Christians*
I heard the most savage diatribe against the tribe ever not here, but in mass.

>one traitor represent an entire country
I’ll accept your mistake as an error.

I’m catholic. My church doesn’t give a fuck about Jews and barely mentions pope Francis.

>liking non zionist jews
those tend to be leftist degenerates. alt right has more in common with zio jews bc they have the same goal. self-preservation

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One traitor doesn't.
But your elected representatives in Congress, the Senate and the White House could be considered representative.
And they are by and large subservient to Israel.

You can thank Martin Luther for swaying people away from Catholicism.

Wouldn't surprise me if Luther was a jew.

9/11 softened us and soft people will accept anything.

wrong, the jews and the muslims are BOTH our enemy. You don't have to be friends with one if you are the enemy of the other, why not just kill off both groups?

Luther was a huge anti semite and said they should all be killed

That's what they want you to think.

Just like how Hitlers actions resulted in Israel being formed.

>they are by and large subservient to Israel.
That’s a nice meme to spout off but I promise not every rep we have in congress in not subservient to Israel. It’s probably a real ongoing battle going on there though. One you can’t speak publicly about.


>wrong, the jews and the muslims are BOTH our enemy. You don't have to be friends with one if you are the enemy of the other, why not just kill off both groups?
Speak for yourself. I don't have a problem with Muslims.

>I don't have a problem with Muslims
That's because you are a shill yourself with ID: 56%

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>long live israel
You really are chucked aren't you

Just for anyone reading into this troll here, Palestinians are the most educated in the region. In the 70's they went into overdrive on education.

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Heil Palestine.

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hahahahahahahah that fucking mutt just had to confirm the stereotype.

WIsh this was a thread about based pallies, not based Pallies.
Would love talk about muh knights of retribution, wielders of the light, holy bulwarks against the dark.

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Hammers of justice
stalwart warriors
banner of righteousness

based sandniggers will overwhelm the kikes, kek wills it.

Love it

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Can we make this a paladin thread?

Kek wtf are these comments why are American """""Christians"""" so cucked i mean sure they mutilate your dick at birth but this? Literally boomers and normies praying for Jews and Israel lmao...

Very nice.

God bless the Palestinians. I hope Israel fails at stopping Iran from having clear access to the Mediterranean via Lebanon and that Turkey reconciles with Assad to form an alliance that makes Israel shit bricks.

As an user, I am really starting to hate redditors and niggers starting all their posts with "as a faggot".

Euros and Middle Easterners have been competitors since the ancient times.
We've become almost friendly in our hate of each other.
But now we're both getting fucked in the ass, by Americans, by Jews, by Africans.
Why can't we, as caucasians, unite against those who oppose us, so we can go back to hating each other as it were in antiquity?

the swaz is backwards faggot.

Maybe the wind is blowing left.

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Luther wrote a book that literally translates to 'the jews and their lies' m8.

Hitlers actions were simply a catalyst. It would have happened without him, just later.


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That's only in the Babylonian Talmud. If you want to show how much Jews hate Jesus explain why in Hebrew they got rid of the '+' addition symbol and replaced it with a cross with the top cut off

try to imagine the other side of it you brainlet

Lmao Christcucks

Its enfuriating that these have been the decision makers in our society. Disgusting. And I'm a Christian

You fool, the Talmud never mentions Jesus just Yeshu. You result to using shitty memes to prove "muh islam is better than judaism" but Islam hates Christians, Jews and any other infidel.

> maximum cuck

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Nice Pilpul Schlomo

It doesn't use his name, but it references him on several occasions.

All of which are negative, desu

sorry bro, christians are being heavily brainwashed by the jews, some of us know the truth.

Holding dual nationality while being an elected official should be considered treason

>Those comments

The Schofield reference bible was a mistake