Seriously, why can't they? They've got the perfect casus bellis:invasions of Georgia, Ukraine and Syria, multiple assassinations of his critics both at home and abroad.
And it shouldn't be very hard either, after all Russia is corrupt as shit. Surely they can bribe someone, if they are too lazy to do it themselves
So, why haven't they killed the goy already, Jow Forums?
Assassinate the head of state of a much more militarily powerful, nuclear armed nation and dragging the rest of NATO into a final world war that would destroy civilization as we know it?
Andrew King
>dragging the rest of NATO into a final world war that would destroy civilization as we know it? See: Do you seriously believe the oligarchs that would succeed Putin would sacrifice themselves to avenge his death?
If they ever learn who was behind the assassination, that is
that you buy into the simple accusation that Putin poisoned some person who you never heard of before, tells us that you are a fucking idiot
get redpilled, seriously
if life was so easy, it would have already been done
if life was so easy, you wouldnt be on pol,. and out getting pussy
shut the fuck up, you are you shit
Zachary Barnes
Because its not about Putin. Its about the system. Putin is just a small fragment of the system and he is not a King or something. plus there is a whole party behind him, he is just a face. So don't what you said will just provoke WW3 in a blink of an eye.
>plus there is a whole party behind him, he is just a face. What party? United Russia is a joke and a facade, that is so discredited by corruption amongst the common russian people that Putin self-nominated himself for both the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections, instead of being nominated by United Russia which would be far cheaper easier since he wouldn't have to collect 400,000 signatures.
If by party you mean oligarchs then see:
Brandon Foster
He missed a comma after don't
Hudson Garcia
Shitian is killing itself. Capital flight and bojo the clown are evidence of the shark being jumped.
Shitian needs to die. Darwinism is collapsing on itself. The best Shitian can manage is a breakup
Levi Myers
my last bump
someone, please, help bumping it
Daniel Peterson
Britain can't even police a handfull of niggers raping their babies, the fuck are they going to do in foreign country
Ryan Evans
Pretty sure it's against international law to assassinate a world leader, especially a member of the UN.