Say bye to your guns dicklets.
Say bye to your guns dicklets
>federal court rulings below SCOTUS
have fun getting overturned, faggots
>most overturned courts
Judges will hang first so you can smell the rotting carcass when we get to faggots.
says the fudgepacking manlet.
If they will fucking hear the case. Kennedy needs to retire already.
Article misses the fact that they are suing a retroactive gun ban. Healey decided that the law as written 20 years ago actually meant a complete ban and not what the law says. She has decided not to prosecute the 20k AR owners in MA but reserves the “right” to do so at a later date.
Also misses that in MA the chief of police is the “licensing authority” aka MA does not acknowledge an individual’s right to keep and bear but rather a “right of police chiefs” to decide who has rights.
I recommend a nuclear strike on MA, there is no other cure.
Guns are big black phallic objects, they appeal to a certain type of person who feels the need to compensate, hence why we call you dicklets.
They're gonna be just fine, sweetie.
Reminder: The USA is a Republic. There are democratic processes in this Republic; but we are a Republic. This is so the majority cannot strip certain rights from the minority.
Reminder: The 2nd ammendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms. It very simply states that the government does NOT have the ability to infringe upon that right. Even if the second ammendment was revoked, the citizens would still have the right to bear arms.
Reminder: Powers that be seek to divide the USA on every front possible. We need to unite under a banner of shared values. We are stronger together.
I hope you all enjoy your Friday!!
So...if you live in Mass, buy your AR-15's thru private sales. Got it.
That's great, sweetie. Sure showed us.
>say goodbye to your assault rifles
All my non-scary-yet-equally-deadly guns are still quite legal.
Jow Forums is the board for weapons discussions you nigger
>most overturned court
wat did faggot op mean by this?
SCOTUS avoids gun control cases.
>ban on assault weapons
Still waiting on the left's definition of what constitutes an "assault" weapon.
How many LGBT own firearms? Serious question.
I don't care anymore.
>slave making fun of freedom
Typical basic bitch Brit.
>Healey decided that the law as written 20 years ago actually meant a complete ban and not what the law says.
That's some legitimately banana republic tier shit. Unilaterally reinterpreting an existing law to help your politic cause is something the founding fathers would have advocated be answered with gunfire.
>It's a degenerate talks about dicks thread again
Why do they always do this?
That "ruling" means nothing.
Again ONLY IF a police chief will issue a license (that he can revoke at any time, no reason needed).
AND you’re risking that AG Healey will continue to overlook prosecuting you. She suggests that she could choose to prosecute at a later date in her guidance.
Any person to person sale in MA must be registered through some government website they made for transfers. Not doing so is a crime.
There is no 2A right in MA.
For another 10 years.
(((Diversity))), of course.
assajewshits is a shithole
Looks like the US won't be much different soon.
Ahhktually, Jow Forums mods are turbokiked. Any discussion of gun law gets moved to Jow Forums.
Say goodbye to your dicks, gunlets.
If the judges are anything like the kids that want to be judges and lawyer. They're fucking retarded.
Political shit like gun bans gets nuked there breh
United States Supreme Court:
United States V. Miller
"In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense."
>Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment
It totally was though. Miller is such a bullshit case. The helpful part is completely ignored but somehow the wrong opinion that MGs, cans, SBRs, and SBSs don't exist in military service holds up.
Oh shit I don't wanna look gay. Please take my rights.
Come and take it.
Go start a politics related gun thread on Jow Forums and see how long you can go without the mods taking it down
It’s so corrupt. Judges are a rubber stamp for authoritarianism in MA.
>Getting divorced?
Get ready to loose your license when your ex fabricated a restraining order for more gibs.
>Private Contractor who collects guns?
If you have an unhappy customer who knows you collect they might fabricate a complaint that will cost you your collections and 10k in legal bills trying to get them back over the next decade.
New Police chief?
Maybe he doesn’t like guns unlike his predecessor, say goodby to your license!
>Feeling 5th amendment?
Well too bad, cooperate or we’ll revoke your license filthy citizen.
The above are all real, confirmed scenarios. Just. Nuke. It.
They will and you will do nothing like every other drumpflet
So is this the fundamental flaw of the constitution
Liberal judges can just say, nah this is how it really works
Clerk was the other week, the conservatives are pushing for more cases.
We need Ginsburg to croak and we'll be golden
Why do leftists always mention the male genitalia? Could this explain why they all fly rainbow flags?
Are you upset about the Pulse nightclub shooting OP rainbow flag? What happened in that club was terrible. It should never be allowed in this society. It was an absolute abomination. Then the shooting started.
say bye bye to your life.
The same ones you are defending will kill you after the two childrens per couple rule is imposed worldwide
So you've never seen any that are Stainless?
Or is it just that you like to think of "big black phallic objects"?
>In a per curiam decision, the Supreme Court vacated the ruling of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.[7] Citing District of Columbia v. Heller[8] and McDonald v. City of Chicago,[9] the Court began its opinion by stating that "the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding" and that "the Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States".[6] The Court then identified three reasons why the Massachusetts court's opinion contradicted prior rulings by the United States Supreme Court.[1] First, the Massachusetts court said that stun guns could be banned because they "were not in common use at the time of the Second Amendment’s enactment", but the Supreme Court noted that this contradicted Heller's conclusion that Second Amendment protects "arms ... that were not in existence at the time of the founding”.[10] Second, the Massachusetts court said that stun guns were "dangerous per se at common law and unusual" because they were "a thoroughly modern invention", but the Supreme Court held that this was also inconsistent with Heller.[11] Third, the Massachusetts court said that stun guns could be banned because they were not "readily adaptable to use in the military", but the Supreme Court held that Heller rejected the argument that "only those weapons useful in warfare" were protected by the Second Amendment.
The cia wants to create a civil war so they can blame it on Trump and distract people from killing elite pedophiles and their families.
kill that judge
>right to bear arms
>not a violation
How does Massachusetts go from most alpha colony to most cucked state?
Meanwhile in Kentucky my local gun range will be having the first of its biannual machine gun shoot on the 13th thru 15 of this month. There will be guns of every type including full autos, anti-aircraft, recoiless rifles and even a fully operational Patton battle tank
>killing tyrants is a bad thing
>Just. Nuke. It.
I would if I could my man.
It's not tyranny when SCOTUS blows them the fuck out
>definition of what constitutes an "assault" weapon.
Ass Salt weapon. I'd rather not think about it.
I'm not sure if this up for an appeal or whatever but glowie or non glowie, my advice is this; don't let them take your guns. They always take the guns and then the speech.
>Doesn't know the joy of shooting a 5 gallon bucket filled with tannerite targets.
The Supreme Court doesn't hear them. It's been ignoring California for ages.
Yo roll out the futon, I'm coming over
>ex post facto
We'll see.
>Reminder: The 2nd ammendment does not give citizens the right to bear arms. It very simply states that the government does NOT have the ability to infringe upon that right. Even if the second ammendment was revoked, the citizens would still have the right to bear arms.
This. God gave me the right to defend myself from all threats, foreign and domestic.
How do I join the NRA?
Court has no authority to override the Constitution. This is literally nothing
weakening moral fabric as a result of increasing nihilism and lack of religious conviction
>The state wants to take away guns that are rarely used in crime, but pose a reasonable threat to the police and the millitary, making any large scale conflict between them and the populace unadvisable
>Jamal is free to keep his revolver, the weapon of choice for popping 6 niggas after school (doing it after school means the cops don't come as fast)
>cops will never take my guns
>knock knock it's the police ,give us yr guns.
>ok officers .
All yr shit talk and you hand them over without a fight
No problem...Nothing but hospitality fpr a fellow constitution loving American
> Circuit courts being complete fags
Oh wow. This has never happened before. Wait and weep when it reaches the Supreme Court.
Never happening. Also sage.
Do you know how to use Google and gollow instructions?
Think of it as hiring your own counter-shill shills.
give me the judge's name so I can put a curse on him, people won't be laughing when he turns up dead
You can blame atheism, but it's just a lack of social cohesion. Religion was our primary means to achieve that, but these days even christians have varying ideas on right and wrong, and some are downright despicable.
What causes a lack of social cohesion? A lack of face to face interaction is a good start. Less people talking, more people looking at screens. Remove 70% of the information conveyed between people. Follow that up with diversity (because all humans are racist, even the brown ones) to drive people even further apart, and long working hours and mandatory labor for both spouses to ensure nobody is ever together with their social circle.
Now society is completely amoral no matter who they do and do not pray to.
>Again ONLY IF a police chief will issue a license
nah, you can machine your own receiver and once the piece is in your house police can't do shit
My kids school has a shooting range under the gym.. it’s a private school
Hope you are ready for casualties.
What happens after they take the speech?
Just curse them all, bub.
Anything harder and sharper than a pencil, eventually
>It’s so corrupt. Judges are a rubber stamp for authoritarianism in MA.
that shithole state is straight up run by the mafia and all the mafia fuckup cops from NYC get shuttled up there
it's fucking murder inc run by the state
>judge rules
That's what appeals are for. If somebody takes it all the way to scotus the implications could be huge and might invalidate the ATF as an agency.
>Liberal judges can just say, nah this is how it really works
jury has the right to declare the law void through nullification
sounds about right
>How does Massachusetts go from most alpha colony to most cucked state?
slavery, the slave trade was run from Boston
>Just curse them all, bub.
I already did that but I like to take specific examples and really throw the gauntlet down HARD