WAS VERY BAD AT THE PENIS TUCK. Pic related. Shills are pushing the narrative that he was a woman. Can't have Trans exposed as mentally ill, now, can we?

Attached: 1522813190497.jpg (292x317, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

any other pics op?

Attached: JEWISHDEMOCRATTRANSSHOOTER.jpg (1219x503, 138K)


Attached: silenceofthelambs.jpg (624x476, 68K)

shills are trying to push the narrative that Jow Forums supports this person. They still haven't learned taht Jow Forums isn't one person.


Attached: 1519031651187.jpg (1508x1480, 487K)

Have that very same background

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 317K)



Serious question is he MKULTRA?

That site is bullshit. It had me listed as Christian, married and making good money. None of those are true.



Attached: its a trap.jpg (385x222, 20K)

Get lost faggot. Why do you hate beautiful female martyrs? You clearly don't belong on pol if so.

He wore a scarf at times to hide his Adams apple. He also wore fake boobs and fake butt cheeks in videos. He was openly Trans. Shills painting him as a woman are doing Trans / Traps a disservice. and dishonoring his memory.

Attached: liberalvegantransyoutubeshooter.png (293x292, 140K)

His real name is Aghdam Ismail, Shill.

He was youtubing for funds for transition surgery.
He was a caring, loving human being like you and I. Shilling him as a woman is bigotry and hatred of the worst kind.

Attached: JEWISHDEMOCRATTRANSSHOOTER2.jpg (422x650, 58K)

Checked. The Target at Youtube was the visiting King of Saudi Arabia, but Aghdam went of the res and shot his boyfreind and his new trap "girlfriend" out of jealousy.

Your slotted money for shilling this trap as a woman has run out. (you) are alone.

Holy fuck! So, Isreal was trying to start an Iran Saudi War with their Trap mossad agent!


Attached: 1500270272279.jpg (876x511, 131K)

This is why the JIDF shills hate Kushner so much.

Attached: 1498313244136.jpg (3774x4199, 3.57M)

Takbir if True!

Attached: 20171011_164114.png (1210x1958, 1.03M)

You must be from (((youtube))).

Attached: YouTube.jpg (1334x1334, 259K)

surely nobody is this fucking stupid?

Attached: 6a0.jpg (235x222, 7K)

Attached: 1511093954969.gif (335x482, 865K)

The shills are pushing TRAP for Jewtube
Shes /ourvirgin

stop trying to fit in on Jow Forums. It never ceases to amaze me how you guys overdo everything you shill on here and the only accomplishment you have is exposing the jews even more.

Just wait until (((they))) try to fuck around with Boxxy!

Attached: Target.png (1920x1080, 979K)

it also supports their anti gun agenda to ban semi automatic rifles; no one excpet the shooter got killed

>stop trying to fit in on Jow Forums. It never ceases to amaze me how you guys overdo everything you shill on here and the only accomplishment you have is exposing the jews even more.

written like stupid 15 year old girl would write
why are you glowing idiots even trying
we already know who you are
thanks for the entertainment

is this supposed to be a poem?

Attached: 1502584099842.jpg (348x321, 19K)

You're CRAZY you dumb autist. Seeing Traps everywhere. Fucking dingbat.

Probably seen at least 40 images of this thing so far and not one with anything even remotely resembling a smile. Same exact expression in every photo. To me it looks like every image is Photoshopped. I don't think this is a real person but all CGI. Very few images of it near another person.

The mouth appears to be animated when it talks. Some kind of CGI tranny. They're testing to see if they can get away with their AI CGI creating people. It would be so much easier for them to create false flags just using CGI.

Youtubers are such kind gentle people.

I am sure youtube would never try to piss any of them off...

Attached: art_chanl.jpg (2522x934, 59K)

while i agree with you, fuck you cause fuck GB tea fags