planning to off my self tonight after this thread dies.My only advice to all posters here is escape this place before it destroys you.
My last faggot post
Other urls found in this thread:
How about you don't. That's exactly what they want you to do. Spite those fuckers by keeping on.
why are pasty Brits so god damn sensitive and weak?
I highly doubt Jow Forums is the main reason
Don't. You reincarnate having to deal with the exact same shit only you also have to go through the shit that got you to where you are now. AGAIN.
Turn off the computer, call a friend or family member. Go out and do something.
How u plan on DOing IT FAG
If you're seriously gonna off yourself because of what some faggots say on here, then maybe you are too dumb to live. For God's sake, grow a spine
Shoot up a school first at least.
Dont do it man, take a payday advance loan, come out to the west coast and drink and watch the sunrise/ sunset in the morning over the beach.
theres so much out there
good old rope
take a looks at the world,the worst is yet to come
Don't go out alone OP. Make sure to kill a few Muslims on your way out.
If your life doesn't matter then you might as well make your death worth it.
Which place? The world? Internet? Jow Forums?
lol faggot this board is my main source of news now and i browse daily,eventually the blackpill wears off and its fine
when you come to realize that white weakness is the root cause and to not hate 3rd parties for taking advantage of it is the key
eventually when these white betas start feeling the heat they will try to swim or sink,till then no worry fretting,i beleive a moment will come where the white man will waken and i can see signs already.
it needs to get worse before it gets better,i love it now every time there is an isis attack or a rape on the news,i know some people are out there taking the redpill.
nah you dont attack the symptom,you attack the cause
i am white sadly,if i did such thing it would be way worse for the majority of you
Livestream it so we can make quality GIFs. May your meme live on
Good so we can have some shitposts about it.
All these shitheads on here saying 'do it faggot' whilst complaining about white genocide. Kill yourselves. As for you, OP, stick around. You'll be needed.
Don't be such a fucking bitch,you probably don't have more than 25 years,things will change if you give them time.
But if you really want to die,do not kill yourself.
Put them in a situation in which they have to do it for you
Meh, nobody get out alive anyways.
indeed,you cant advocate for the white race while turning your back on those in need,the life of a pol/ack is very precious to our cause.
>All these shitheads on here saying 'do it faggot' whilst complaining about white genocide.
God speed man. Don’t let your family find you though, leave a note somewhere just telling them what you did and to call an amberlamps.
Go do shrooms. You have nothing to lose.
Live stream it nigger. Weak pathetic ass bitch regardless of race. Cuck yourself for our entertainment
I wouldn’t tell OP to do it but I won’t tell him not to either. Idk his situation and why he feels the need to do it.
Man what a faggy thing to do. Atleast give life a last another shot, try something crazy maybe move elswhere or try heroin. You are pathetic
You can fly to Amsterdam tonight go to a head shop and load up on shrooms. Seriously
Go ahead kill yourself faggot
Take out as many people as you can before you do this, cause a terror attack that will shock the entire world.
Its hard to shoot up a school with a butter knife.
>implying muhammad is white
Don't be a dope, bin that rope
Come to Murrica, you have nothing to lose and there's still plenty of holdouts here and you could watch The Great Burger Chimpout Part 2 go down. Maybe even shoot a gun at a mexican.
>the worst is yet to come
Elaborate. What's the real reason?
Why kill yourself? Its so uninteresting. At least try to Get Killed. Go walk into a crack house and slap the biggest guy in there. Or something else ridiculous. You just may find that you are indestructible.
Good luck, faggot.
This. Infinitely better advice than 'hur durr kill yor self 4 ar innertaynemint' crap these edgy lonely childless friendless goons are promoting
>if you're white, everything will be alright
Whites have ALWAYS been outnumbered in the world. Whites went into Africa and subjugated an entire continent of savages. Those savages are here now, but you think we can't beat them? Why in the hell do you think so much continual effort is put in to keep us fragmented and seperate. 5000 of you in chainmail could take back Birmingham in a year.
Their country is in ruins or will be in short order.
RIP user
At least take a few invaders with you! Go savage
No live stream..?
No final fight scene vs the machines..?
Nobody here will know or care.
The local 'weekly shopper' newspaper will consider a three line mention but shelve it in favour of a 'cat shits on mans lawn' story.
If you mark your passing in this world with nothing more than a yawn tier thread on a Dutch clog whittling forum you will not rest in peace. It's too lame an exit.
You'd best reconsider.
Score a bud.
Get a PS4.
Chill out. Soon your mind will be on other stuff, and you will be glad you didn't do anything limp.
>planning to off my self
OP said he was white; now is not the time for le 56/you're not white bantz. America help Britain please
Should just make a knife if he doesn’t have one and show the pain they’ve caused you. Any loud muzzys talking shit just stalk n slice
live stream plox
The day of the rope is soon not for you but for the Jews
You're gonna miss out on great happenings. Do you really want that?
Get some control and direction in your life. We need you in the future.
you have no right taking your own life so long as brown shits like sadiq kahn are alive. make it a murder/suicide user and free us of some brown shits and do something good on your way out.
What do you want us to do? They won't even invite our pres to their mutt wedding.
You do something, you're right freaking there.
try and become a schidzoid by sheer force of will, that will cure it all, i promise
This. Make a brown shit shit
Only advice we can give is to not fuck it up and become a vegetable for life
We'll make it user. We're all going to make it
Don't do it bro. I almost made the mistake of killing myself five years ago, and by the grace of God I was stopped. Changed my entire life: now I'm married, have a great job, a loving family, and it terrifies me to think that if things had just been a little different I would have missed all of it.
God has a story written for us, don't stop reading just because you don't like this chapter.
Sorry you feel this way user, you were to good for this shithole of a world
Don't hurt anyone ya dick head.
Buy Jordan Petersons book or something, see a professional, anything.
Suicide is pretty gay and edgy
First consider the great things Goebbels accomplished after writting that in pic related.
Then quit being a faggot and live your life so that you too may accomplish your great things.
you know the rules user
> kill none whites or high value targets
> live stream that shit
You're right I'll just take a plane to OPs house. This might surprise you but not everyone in Bongistan is an Ay-rab.
do it in a spectacular way
This. And besides, you're part of a team whether you realize it or not. I'm sick of seeing our guys kill themselves over stupid reasons.
>zombiechrist and the rest of the heebs aren't done with you yet. the heeb will set you free!
not to be too much of a colossal faggot, but unless you're something irredeemable like a pedo or a nigger, I hope you get help - or at the very least, find peace.
don’t give up faggot. we need as many of us fighting the good fight. remember, strength in numbers. Godspeed user
>not livestreaming your an hero so you live forever as a meme
Britcuckold queer until the end it seems.
Do a flip
Why? You have a brilliant life to live. Pweeze reconsiderth
dont use a...
have fun user
OP is a faggot
Too right. No need to implement the enemy propaganda on ourselves.
Low quality fed bait.
>I’m so depressed Jow Forums made me this way
Sure Agent Smith. I believe you.
Answer someone then you bad mannered bastard.
Hope you've saved up because you're putting a £5,000 bill on your next of kin.
Clean your room kiddo.
The sheer irony of using that meme flag whilst trying to encourage a white man to off himself. The ninth circle of hell awaits you.
That shit is normal, keep putting your boots on and continue until you can find a way to break or go around what is stopping you
Suicide is for queers, and you just about fit the bill. Good luck.
even in death user you can never leave
> thread theme
timestamp with whatever your gonna use to kys or it didn't happen.
Call your rabbi
Top kek, the Jesus was absolutely redpilled on the Jews, that's why (((they))) killed Him.
Machete with Danny Trejo is just starting on Film 4, faggot.
>that precise recognition of high fraud tho
We need every swinging dick we can get, if the SHTF.
Dont be so fucking morbid user
Good luck op, I'm going to purposely OD in a few days. See you on the other side.
Don't be a hypocrite. Millions of men have faced worse and still kept going.
I recognise childish nihilism when I see it too, what's your fucking point?
Here in my country ppl are living shittier lives than yours. Don't be a fucking pussy.
>Maybe even shoot a gun at a mexican
In America they even have guns that shoot guns at people?
Workout, take some serotonin and sort yourself out m8
haha Jow Forums an hero threads always reach bump limit!
We are so nice to our brothers and want them to keep fighting.
We are the most diverse and inspiring group of gentlemen the world has ever seen, especially the ENTP suckers who have it stacked against themselves the most.
I don't know how you do it my loved ones!
We keep striding forward.
if ur not a slide shill, don't be a pussy, you probably haven't even done 10 days silence Vipassana meditation yet, which means you're a punk.
It's for free so just go sign up, or something.
Or just kill yourself and ruin your chances once more. Chicken shit fuck.
I've been abandoned
I've been tricked to drink piss
I've been bullied for being pretty
I've been called a faggot until I got 2 meters
I've been raped while passed out
I've strangled a poo in cape town
I've saved a woman from a criminal gang as hired con man
I've saved a lost young woman from the grips of feminism
I've sired 2 beautiful children
I've forced my family to accept that I live the red pill and if they want to they are welcome to prove me wrong
I've never apologized for saying nigger
I hate life and I just want to die. So?
Do you realize how fucking lucky you are to enter the satya yuga, in the FUCKING SHIFT and you wanna bounce, feel gutten and get back in line... What if when you get back down we are back in Kali again XD
Fucking plebe.
this, colombia is an absolute shithole but ppl still manage to find a reason to live, dont be a pussy user
Don't off yourself user! Read this! Don't waste your potential.
>strangled a poo in cape town
are you the britbong who skips work everyday to go to the coffee shop and stare at couples and girls all day to fuel your depression?
Livestream faggot.