Sweden YES

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actually fucking bizarre

get ur shit together sweden

I wonder how long this can continue.

>how long
until we uncuck this shit

Jeg er bekymret for dig, Sven.

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We're fine, actually. Offhand incidents do not represent a whole country, oh wait, what was that? Do you just drop to 55% white? Oh now its 43%!

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New Swede detected

Yes you're fine Abdi but Sven is not.

can anyone actually confirm if this is true?

What the problem with this you are just paying your blood tax.

Aren't most Swedes armed due to military requirements? Why haven't you guys stepped up and done something yet? You have the blood of fucking VIKINGS, and you sit like content niggers.

Probably not. The issue is even 2 years aren't enough, and I'm willing to believe that has already occured, like in Britain.

All memeing aside, is this fucking real?

About 80 more hours I'd say.

Given their track record, yes.

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Is that pic legit?

I'm sorry but some random guy on twitter is not a reliable source. Jow Forums's obsession with blaming refugees for sex crimes is ironic considering the majority of the worlds pedophiles and rapists are white men.

>meme flag
>we are fine
nya svenskarna detected

Sweden tops rapes in developed countries

Nice b8

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Most in here are asking if its legit you mongo

Petersweden is a fucking moron and shouldn't be taken serious at all.

>taken seriously


Point that revolver towards the enemy, not yourself user.

What is wrong with Peter recently?
Is he mentally ill or just losing his sanity?

That's the Swiss. Swedes have been arrested on suspicion of being on steroids because of being swol


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i kniw if someone pulls off a muslim woman's hijab it makes international headlines, but how much time would you do for that?

Sven, are these stories as bad as they seem or are they leaving things out?

and since mainstream swedish media won't report on it normies won't believe you when you tell them or cry fake news

both of these should have been executions

Swedish law is LITERALLY based on activism and social justice not common law by design.

do the normie swedes enjoy blanda upping? Or is it still taboo?

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The information about the names and ethnicities of offenders was released a while back.

The Swedish government promised to block any website that published this information

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Fake news.

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>do the normie swedes enjoy blanda upping?
Young women do, young men don't. The rest are barren and irrelevant.

I need links to both.

Completely unrelated, but I think I should move to Sweden. It sounds nice

Pic completely unrelated, but I think a nip would have a great time in Sweden.

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Hmm. I have always been interested in building a bridge.

We've got retarded judges here in the states as well, coddling their precious subhumans.


what if i pretend to be a muslim (i know quite a bit from Koran because i studied it a lot), would they put a white "convert" in jail ?

I dont think you can call this fine, it is as bad as the UK now. Even Germany isnt that fucked yet.

he seems sane in the tweet in OP's pic- oh flag... hi mohammad

It's a joke. You're supposed to laugh