I come to realize that the reason Jow Forums hates us Swedes is because we are the only ones who are truly White. We are the only real Aryans. All other people are basically niggers, and that includes other Scandinavians (no offense niggers). So it is basically jealousy.
And before anyone says "hurr durr cucks" or "hurr durr dead and gone", you basically just citing overexaggerated memes. In reality Swedes you just suffer from Whiteness-envy and try to make up all kinds of things so you can feel better about yourselves. Well tough shit niggers, you will always be niggers and we will always be Aryans
Hell Seger (din neger)
(Pic is about one of our most major ass-raping of the Danish niggers. They are still butthurt to this day, just wait for a butthurt Danenigger to reply)
Sweden is hated out of envy, everyone wants to be white. So when they see what you do with the gift of your ancestry, they're angry. The premise that only Sweden is white is false though, those with white ancestry exist all over the world and Sweden is no stranger to migration/miscegenation.That I know of, no country in the world is 100% white.
Colton Thomas
Keep confirming little nigger boy
Angel Ramirez
Jeremiah Nelson
Well if we hypothetically would disappear then all hope for the world would be gone since everyone remaining would be 100% Black. Think about that for a second. Would you really wanna live in Congo? If not, then you should be grateful for my existence and thank me for existing every day of your life
Thomas Perry
Ok Ahmed
Owen Bailey
I don't even think.about you, go get your daily dose of ahmed.
Your post started alright, but then it turned to shit. Sad!
Lucas Cooper
Don't lie. You cry yourself to sleep and curse the heavens for not having been born with perfect holy aryan genes like me. Also who is the nigger on your picture?
Ahmed is a name. Race is blood. Are you a brainlet? (For the record I am not named Ahmed or anything else foreign)
Juan Nguyen
I am part swedish myself. I don't insult sweden because I hate swedes I insult you for being cucks that are allowing sweden to be destroyed. It doesn't sound like your actually a swede it sounds like you're a divide and conquer JIDF shill.
Eli Adams
Post proof with timestamp.
Dylan Fisher
You can't be "part Swede". EIther you are a Swede or you are not. Grow a fucking spine and stop stealing my heritage you mulatto freak.
And wait, you throw shit on Swedes but then accuse me for being a D&C shill? Logic mucho you latino bastardo?
Eli Collins
Proof of what? My DNA? Whilst niggers bleed green blood a lot of people still bleed red
Isaac Evans
Nipples or at least arm
Blake Jackson
>Black hair, brown eyes You aren't white user
Jayden Turner
What part do you disagree with?
Grayson Ward
Moment, have to post from phone
Jace Nguyen
Don't forget timestamp, newfriend. Standard procedure here.
>Wanting to clearly define who is and isn't white automatically makes you the boogeyman "Jew" Anyone who thinks this while also holding ethno-nationalist aspirations is being intellectually dishonest.
Connor Long
>Meme makes everything true Or not. Look stop being jealous. Just be happy as a brown half-ape, really. Nothing you can change about it
The topic is to confirm that Swedes only are White
Lucas Mitchell
>dark hair >pure aryan Sorry friendo. You're as white as pic related.
>The topic is to confirm that Swedens only are white This isn't true though. Being white is a matter of ancestry, which is shown via expressed phenotype. Not every individual who holds Swedish nationality is white ancestry, and not everyone with white ancestry holds Swedish ancestry. The premise is false
Andrew Butler
Eh about 80% of native Swedes are brown haired. You simply don't know much about the country. Also, Aryan is about bone structure and shit, not about hair color
Isaiah Bennett
I am not talking about passports. I am talking about blood. Obviously an orc does not become an Elf because he moves into Rivendell
Charles Perry
The only conclusive test in this case is your nipples. Are they brown or pink?
Gavin Gonzalez
>A sizable amount of Swedes have brown hair >Claim of thread is only Sweden is white Are you pretending to be retarded for shitpost? >It's about bone structure No it's not, bone structure is mostly dependent upon environment and nutrition. Also Aryan isn't even an applicable term anymore after the collapse of the caste system.
Jack Torres
>I am not talking about passports >Only Swedes are white The term "Swede" only holds meaning as long as the country Sweden exists. Beyond that it's a cultural/national term, and is not immediately bound to ancestral classification either like most cultural/national terms.
Zachary Foster
Nobody hates you you dipshit. We are actively cheering your rapid descent into an Islamic country and we all hope it happens fast so that it might serve as a wake up call to the whites. You are the sacrificial lamb, and nobody is jealous or angry at the lamb, only feel pity for your fate
Ryder Barnes
Use of the term 'elf' in place of 'white' works better then you'd think though. In which place Mediterraneans which simply be 'human'
Colton Ortiz
>Only Swedes are White
wtf I hate white now
Jaxson Morgan
If people learned from example the many before Sweden would of had some impact. But it hasn't, only a capable leader and comprehensive movement will re-build a new society. Cheering on the deaths of others you might otherwise consider allies is masochistic.
Anthony Foster
Still waiting on those nipples. Also 80% is not even close to reality.
No confirmation of pink nipples = confirmation of Ahmed status.
Instead of working to solve the problems of their country, the average Sven creates an illusion for it to live in. The Jew's work is complete. RIP Sweden.
Aaron Davis
Seconding nipplerequest
Nathaniel Gutierrez
We could say the same for albanians
Ryder Flores
I'm not sending you picture of my nipples nigger. This is not a thread about me. Take your gay fetishes elsewhere, you will not have any Aryan nipples to wank off to here.
LMFAO, look up what Aryan means
Not at all, it is also an ancestry. Bitch. Anyway the general theory is that White people first appeared in Sweden. Then stayed there and never moved. It is 95% verified so far.
Sounds like hatred to me. Your excessive melanine makes you think like an animal. Also your sacrificial porn fantasies are gay as fuck, go see a doctor.
Sebians are kinda okay for niggers to be honest. You kill other niggers. You are like benevolent stomach bacteria to me.
Now you are starting to make sense.
You are not so bad for a black man, you can be like a colonial governor or something one day. Just stay away from my holy fatherland though and we make you rich.
The thread is about Swedes though, my status is kinda irrelavant in the grand scale of things.
Also your statistics are phony since what is considered brown here is considered blonde in rest of world
Ok then Ahmed. I just hope you're ready for Ramadan and finished your shopping.
Zachary Wilson
Don't be a prude. I bet they're brown, aren't they?
Easton Williams
>Look up what Aryan means I don't have to, it translates to 'noble' and was used in reference to the top of the Vedic caste system. It's been associated with whites, because that was the ancestry of those who introduced the caste system and whose descendants sat atop it. It no longer holds meaning because the caste system has collapsed. >It is also an ancestry If the country of Sweden did not exist, what would be the criteria for "Swede"? >General theory is that whites first appeared in Sweden Their homeland/start point is likely under permafrost currently. Cities in Scandinavia predate recorded history, and the only clue to their writing system exists on graves. Otherwise we're left with scraps from Roman monks who wrote of them sparsely. All through out the ancient world however we know whites brought civilization and where the heads of them. When the whites left, so did order/civilization leaving only ruined husks of what was once. The Gods of the ancient world are whites, and are described as such. Otherwise it's half breeds of whites and non-whites (red hair, green eyes). The mythological elf was used in reference to 'whites' so white nationalism should be elf nationalism. Arabs/Mediterraneans/Asians all descend from the same population, with Asians having the 'curse of ham' (fetal alcohol syndrome caused by the drunkenness of Noah)
Colton Gray
>shopping Ok now you want me to buy you something for your ramadan? Da fuc, you think I run a fucking charity?
Seriously my nipples are for my future bride only. I converted to a very orthodox form of Christianity a couple of years ago and have now left the world of sin behind me
That's how yours looked first though. At least that consoles me. Plus at least I can't stop being White, just like you can't stip being Black. Ain't it a grand world eh nigga?
Ah okay that makes sense. But it is hard to get a good shot since I am covered with masculine hair
Joshua Butler
Happy? Hope the overseer won't give me shit for this
Hey brainlet. I know American education isn't that great and all, but you should be able to distinguish a discussion on race from a discussion on crime and punishment. Although, you being a nigger, those may often be closely related
Easton Richardson
Olaf, are you going to get your daily dose a little early?
Having a white supremacist meme-flag doesn't make you White Tyrone
Yes my name is Olof. What is yours? Tyrone or Jamal?
Jaxson Campbell
Allahu Ackbar my Swedish brother. I hope you're having a peaceful Ramadan.
Kevin White
No you can't come here. Stop sucking up to me. Whites only
Robert Morales
this is a factual matter that for most nordcucks is difficult to grasp.
Nolan Foster
It saddens me that you are going to disappear into genetic oblivion - that's what pisses us non-swedes off.
Brayden Clark
Thank you Amerimutt mutant. The only thing that annoys me with all the Sweden-memes is that they always make the Swedes blonde. I am not blonde and in fact we always make fun of blonde people here. So it is like a crappy blonde joke that doesn't make sense when I see those memes
>we always make fun of blonde people here nya svenska status: confirmed
Dominic Perry
>Black body hair >Darkened nipples >No blonde hair You're not white user, and it's obvious you're insecure about it. This is precisely what I was referring to when I said earlier that Sweden is not 100% white, and not only Sweden is white. White is an ancestral classification tier rooted on a collection of expressed phenotype. Of which you do not posses
Andrew Powell
Says the guy who use google translate to type in Swedish. Correct form is >"Nysvensk status bekräftad"
I got blue eyes so I am White. Now go KYS you little blonde nigger
Ayden King
>I have blue eyes so I'm white I highly doubt you have pure blue eyes, likely hazel if anything. Otherwise it is not unheard of for some mixed individuals to display one or even several characteristics (but not all of them). If you have any fair traits, you have some white ancestry, but you may not even be majority white.
Cooper Anderson
Sorry I don't speak cuck.
>I got blue eyes so I am White. Here you are. Nice try larping as white though.
Not my fault you are an albino-nigger. I got healthy Nordic complexion. I am more Aryan than anything you can imagine
Henry Hughes
Your eyes look greenish if anything (both red hair and green eyes are a product of white and non-white ancestry) the yellowish/darker color near the pupil speak to mixed ancestry too. No where near 'pure blue' A bit ironic calling others mutt considering though
Christian Perez
>Black body hair >Non-blonde hair >I have more white then anything you can imagine No user, you're not white. You need to work through your obvious insecurity and accept that.
Colton Long
Ok show me your DNA-test nigger. Because my I can trace back my ancestry to the first Whites basically since here in Sweden nobody has moved in or out for thousands of years (excluding the last 30 years maybe)
Evan Clark
Bro even your eyelashes are on the darker side. I have never seen a real Sven with such dark features. There's nothing you can do about your nonwhiteness. Just move on and don't rape or otherwise pollute the Swedish gene pool and you'll be cool by us.
Christopher Lewis
youd think someone as white as you would know the difference between jealousy and envy
Nolan Robinson
Shit you are retarded you little cunt. My ancestors have been here for millions of years. I bet you are a nigger meanwhile
Gavin Collins
>Show me your DNA test I never submitted my DNA to an ancestry service and don't plan to. Aside from the obvious privacy/security concerns of rendering your genome to a private organization. If you're even a little bit familiar with genetics you should know why those ancestry tests are absolute nonsense. >Sweden has never experienced historical migration/miscongeneration A lot of your royalty had black hair due to French royal intermarriage. Read your own history en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Swedish_monarchs
Charles Gray
This. The desire to be white is understandable, but it's just cringe when non-whites get so upset about what they are. It's like the Americans getting upset over the mutt meme; or Mediterraneans using 'snow nigger' meme.
Historical miscegenation has occurred all over the world. Almost no modern population is an accurate reflection of the historical population which resided on those lands. It may very well bay that there is blood lines on the British isles which are whiter than those of modern Scandinavia.
Carter Smith
>No white features in portrait >What is his phenotype? Human, using the definition mentioned above. This is also why I mentioned the "Swedish" identity is either tied to the country, or culture. To be Swedish is not the same as to be White
Angel Ross
Aiden Reed
Your flag is literally the worlwide meme for ultra cuckdom, good luck trying to convince ANYBODY that they are jealous of you
Jayden Hernandez
You sound like a blonde guy who is angry that being blonde doesn't make you White
Why do you want to be white so badly? Ask yourself this. If it's because you personally believe whites to be superior. Then why do you risk muddying their blood lines by loosening the definition of what it means to be white? Sure doing so means you can pretend you're now white, but it also means you're helping to kill off the last remaining whites left around the world by blurring the lines. Encouraging the intermixing. You're self delusion only helps destroy the thing you aspire to be.
>skin pigmentation turns whiter as you go farther away from the equator >pathetic NEET trying to find meaning in life >attach themselves to Great Aryans even though nordic cucks aren't even considered Aryan
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaahahhaahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhheahhahahaahhahahaha holy fuck dude, you can't even keep your country from becoming degenerate and you call yourself Aryan?
Brandon Roberts
You can't even keep your PM out of a man's arse
A hairy chest is an Aryan trait. Get some testosterone faggot
I am the Whitest there is. I can't deny what I am.
>Skin pigmentation is caused by environmental influence hypothesis Anyone espousing such a thing really has no idea about biology. Modern populations with fair traits exist in tropical/desert regions and can retain their characteristics until interbreeding with another group. Likewise those with darker traits can exist in tundra areas and retain their traits. Science is not magic, you don't just place something in a certain environment and it changes on it's own. >I am the whitest there is Based upon what you've shown of yourself, that is demonstrably false though. If you admire whites, then there are still ways you can assist them without trying to wear their skin as your own.