/ibs/ - Shitrat vs Alt Hip Stream


Mary Sue Quiz Edition

The test works for most of canons.
If your answer to the following questions is "YES" add yourself the points.

1. Does your character have unnatural hair color? (dyed hair does not count) +2

2. Did your characters hair/eyes changed color over time on their own? +4

3. Does your character have any super/unnatural powers? +2
If it's a conon where many character have powers, are your character's stronger then most of the others'?

4. Does your character have two or more people romantically interested in them? +2

5. Does you character have love interests in two or more people? +1

6. Your character's past is:
a) Tragic, treumatic +3
b) Mysterious, unknown +4
c) Regular +0

7. Was your character technically dead and then it managed to come back to life? +5

8. Does your OC become the main character of the canon once it's there? +6

9. Can your character fight down the stronger enemies? +4

10. Does your character have it's own nemesis or somebody powerful after them? +4

11. Did your character kill anyone? +1

12. Did your character saved somebody's life? +1

13. Does your character have unnatural features? (Like cat tail, animal ears, some claws or such) +1 point for every feature

14. Is your character a mix of races? (Vampire, mutant, werewolf, fairy etc.) +1 point for every race

15. Does two (or more) organizations fight to get your OC jon them? +3

I may think of more questions later.


0-10 You'd rather treavel to the moon and back again than create a Mary Sue on purpose
11-20 Your OC is an interesting character with no overdose
21-30 Your OC is acceptable, but maybe you could fix some things
31-40+ Too bad. You created a Mary Sue, face it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Holy fuck the lefties won, IBS BTFO

what do liberals stand to gain if one were to concede race is irrelevant? i don't even understand the point of these debates. whether race is genetic or social doesn't change its relevance to members within a society/global context. it's still important and part of the lived experience. the "elite" in society have pushed social construct forever and it did not change race relations (is this term even acceptable anymore if you concede the argument, despite it's heavy usage to describe society?). this is literally just wanking and an obfuscation tactic of leftists to keep right-wingers in circular arguments.

Aydin-sama, say hello to your Brazilian fans.

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What is this thread even? Irritable bowel syndrome?

she said she avoids/ibs/ generals because they are containment threads ;_;

>some white people sometimes do dumb things. duh

Sean is the best debater yet. I hope he doesn't get discouraged from appearing on these streams due to the low iq opposition.

Andy is gay

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Oh yeah

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Enjoy your ban :v)

people said beatrix from FF9 was a mary sue but according to this shes a technical 13 pointer and not a mary sue.

Wher are the MODS when we need them?

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Reminder that the alt-right are fundamentally retarded and the only option to cure them of their mental degradation is to kill every single one of them.

Man, infinity-bros broke the desticucks.

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you are mentally ill user

who is david Sherrat?

He just switches IP. Not banning him makes it easier to filter this fag.

What I'm doing is completely healthy. My goal is to get Andy to correctively rape his gf to prevent JF from fucking her which would lead to doubld-murder suicide. It's tricky to understand but im playing 5D chess from combing for a month mushrooms and marijuana which turned me into a timelord

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soiboi Anglo (of course) who thinks he is a master troll of "nazis."
>switching IP
probably not even that. just sitting there on his phone full of scat porn enabling/disabling airplane mode over and over.

This is sherat

Attached: 1491292793_1511.scathd.com.jpg (720x480, 39K)

It is a leaf. Maybe, a shareblue activist?

Nah, you're just really obvious. You pretty much exclusively use images you get from these threads.

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He takes their bait every time.

>David doesn't know about inelastic supply

It's always funny when they think their point hasn't already been considered.

>did your character kill anyone
I don't get this one.
How would yes or no factor you into being anymore of a Sue?
If they are the best most professional killer in the land, with no consequences only admiration, then you have a case.

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>soiboi Anglo (of course) who thinks he is a master troll of "nazis."
Holy shit, he is triggered. He picks a fight with JF.

I can't wait until the sandniggers rape your island off the map.

Alt hype needs to learn not to go off on tangents and get distracted.

I do not give a shit about JF's personal life.

This Leaf is on a fucking mission.


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Shitrat needs live ruination for slandering JF as a rapist

that sucked ass how do leftists have such little curiosity yet such strong beliefs

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why's that m8

I missed most of the stream. How was it?

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Honestly he seems like a pretty shit person irl and hilariously cringy but he's a good host and counter balance to andy so I don't care.

This is his biggest issue. Sean needs to intervene when this happens.

Do not listen to him. He is likely a nigger.

So shitrat has no arguments against AltHype and attacking him personally.

These people have no arguments but slander.

We don't care if she was a scat fetishist. What we care is that she lost.

he's ramping it up

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Ok? Still all infinity chan hand me downs.


>ignores all points for the entire debate
>calls his opponents rapists and pedophiles

The Left, ladies and gentlemen.

If AltHype is a pedophile than report him to the police. Aparently David has "evidence".

do you think he did it? he is a homosecsual after all

This is the whole reason they engaged in this debate. They knew they were going to get btfo'd any just wanted a platform to smear them at the end without providing evidence.


I had never even heard of this until now.

wait is he gay

Yeah maybe, homos are known to fuck 14 year olds. They don't really care about age and since it was several years ago so Ryan was probably in his early 20s or something.

A early 20s homo banging some 14 year old homo doesn't seem too far fetched.

You're a dead scab on our race. Sink into the ocean like Atlantis,

I loved Andy this debate, his interjections were the best

It is not uncommon for gays to sleep with minors, buy I am not sure it just seems like slander from losers.

he says he isn't anymore whatever that means

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>muh proud white race


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Sorry for tbe delay

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i'm not at this point yet, but i'm looking forward to JF getting more involved. not surprising that a lib winds up making ad homs when losing the argument. although i must confess, watching this stream already has me wanting to crush the skulls of the tranny freak and shitrat. hopefully a mudslime ends their fate sooner.

Be nice you fucking piece of shit.

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Ahahahaha shill leaf BTFO.

I just listened to five minutes of this. Jesus Christ, how can any self-respecting adult man enjoy this shit? The only people I can imagine enjoying this are bitchy women and adolescents.


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You can't stop us, leaf.


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I won't believe anything David said until there is serious evidence.

How is this David connected with the Kraut affair?

Reminder that Warski got BTFO by Dick.

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Gore porn is needed to break in the newfags. You are doing us a service.

the final part of the debate is Sherratt calling JF a rapist and then mentions that he has evidence that Ryan is a pedophile then he quickly leaves

i cant stand ryan that dirty faggot, but shitrat is just one of kikyest kike that i've had the displeasure of observing debate

yeah me neither

he seemed prepared for it though and it looked like he even had papers with him which he was about to show

Are you some subscriber of David?

Sherratt needs put back in his box, he's been trying to spin some shitty 'evidence' to ruin alt right people for years.
He thinks trying to ruin peoples lives on twitter with his lies has no consequence and is morally right because 'they are nahtsees'

need that pic of kraut getting his dick nailed pleas

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he's the one whispering in krauts ear which sent him after the alt right

>Anonymous (ID: GfJepg9Z) 04/06/18(Fri)20:17:37 No.167033958▶
>File: half a baby.jpg (58 KB, 894x548)
>58 KB
Lots of pilpul
Shitlibs knew nothing
Sherratt ends debate by calling Alt-Hype a pedo

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i just always want these people to have their lives ended by their PoC "allies." like that homofaggot in the UK who bitched about "islamophobia" then got a nailbomb to the face.

Ryan challenged Sherratt's beliefs a couple times when asserting that inner cities are poor because they're black, that London's murder rate is high because of the blacks, and that American blacks were better off in the US than in Africa. Those things legitimately bounced off David's brain, but he is unable to challenge his own beliefs or re-examine them

I checked the Ryan kiwi thread and there is nothing there about it. I really doubt there is anything to this otherwise it would already been known.

Cancer? Aids? Sage?


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'tired, has to go to bed now' David is already sperging out on twitter. sad!

what's your reason for shitbombing this thread

Here is the Youtube channel of the chick who was with Sharat. She apparently debunks race realism

because his side lost

Are canadians jews? They seem to have a fixation on feces and shit....

He doesn't like that IBS is successful

He finally gave up on trying to subvert Jow Forums, and is now resorting to brute force. That won't work either.

>She apparently debunks race realism

He doesn't know anything about the topic.