Reminder that this autist will take your guns.
Reminder that this autist will take your guns
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tfw no one died at parkland. Check it yourself.
I don't think he could even carry some of mine
the mystery is where did they go?
You cant beat these kids, Jow Forums.
They grew up on the internet and are better at it than you.
This is now a Hoggdanoff thread
what the hell he only owns 1 blazer
Rachel Maddow?
Not if someone takes his life first
im gonna steal this idea
Hogg couldn't take a razer to shave his pubes
Watching the rise of fascism in America and the future leader of the movement.
>but it couldn't happen here
It's Happening.
He'll come for the guns, but he will only get the bullets.
Go ahead, I already stole the idea from you, and hijacked the thread in the name of the New Hoggdanoff Order.
Our patience has its limits.
I hate people like so called "hogg". Fucking freedom hating cock suckers.
Go the FUCK to the EU where you belong.
Get the FUCK out of my country.
Fucking Massachusets is god-damn dead because skinny noodle armed cock suckers like him.
Fuck him.
Fuck his family.
Fuck his future.
It's Bognadoff you retard
shit I mean Bogdanoff
It's a hard name
The name is Hoggdanoff, bud.
no he wont reminder cops and military vets fucking support the second a id say only a quater at the most would support taking away guns ALSO
you fucking idiot
They went into witness protection.
No he won't silly libtard faggot.
Reminder that we will go to civil war and kill millions
no they got blown away by an ar
do a shop of her picturing Jow Forums shitposts about her
What if David Hogg wore a yarmulke?
talk talk talk talk
What guns? I haven't seen any guns.
No guns here.
This faggot will never succeed
David Hogg tweeted that this shooting is making an impact on his game, and girls are going back to not knowing who he is, And wonders how many classmates would have to die to boost him back to celebrity status
it's actually more autistic to be afraid that a teenage drama queen whose 15 minutes of fame are almost over has the power to take your guns.
Settle down champ, word on the street is the only sexy time young Hoggs has been getting since becoming the face of the #NeverAgain movement is from the anchors on CNN, who according to reliable sources gave him the gift of AIDS, which is nothing to make fun of.
how do you know
>not realizing that Boss Hogg has become with the Bogdanoff and has formed a new, more powerful entity entirely
The only things he takes are black cocks up his ass.
It’s me, Gill Faison
this my favorite. it just need some kind of fake looking huffpost article to go with it
Epa should be demolsihed.
Peanut butter was invented by a black man, we need to ban blacks.
simply banning assault peanut butter would be a good first step
Makes sense. After all, Hogg is a veteran of sixteen snorted trojan condoms (unlubricated) and three industrial count tide pod containers.
No, he will send someone like this to take your guns.
Too late a canoe accident sent them to bottom of a class V rapid.
Daily reminder: If ATF attacks your home, you're entitled to one counterattack on the ATF building
Reminder that I took down a Emma Gonzales bot account on Instagram the other day. It was glorious
Florida is a Russian mafia state. Almost all the kids there have ties to the globalist kikes. Jeff Kasky is tied to the Russo-Jewish child-trafficking racket which was recently banned by Putin.
So can your memelab give us actual proof and not be a bunch of larpers for 5 minutes?
Vid related, video about Kasky's former Russian employee scamming people through adoptions and a fucked up situation where Kasky is mediating for it pretending he was scammed, when he's actually a part of the scam.
If so, God's work.
Source here
pic related
Jeff has new video exploiting his autistic son. Al these families suck dick, especially the Pollacks and Oliver's
Better version
Also on Putin's US-Russian adoption bans
>How Russian Adoptions Became a Controversial Topic
>The controversy over a meeting involving members of the Trump campaign and Russian officials continues to grow. But one aspect of it may seem curious to people who don’t follow Russian politics: the idea that the meeting centered on adoptions.
>On Monday, the Washington Post reported that President Trump “personally dictated” the statement in which his son Donald Trump Jr. said that the June 2016 meeting was mostly about “the adoption of Russian children”—a claim that was subsequently undercut by the release of emails that set it up.
>Even if they were discussed at the meeting, Russian adoptions might seem like a niche topic for a presidential campaign to engage in, but they are actually at the center of a geopolitical storm that dates back to the end of the Cold War—one that has lately been used by the Russian government to fight back against U.S. sanctions.
>Log Sixx
Jeff Kasky is a motherfucker profiting off this and exploiting his kids, forcing him to write retarded letters.
That fucker cannot get away with this, he closed his One World Adoption Service the day after it got exposed. Been busted 10+ times for shit like fraud, child-trafficking, falsifying documents, etc. and also friends with Silsby
This article is shit btw.
The bans are actually about pedogate
Reminder you leftists still have to come and remove everyone of them you pussy
third reich had gun control too ya fuckin cuckboi
It would be cool if that guy (You) provided some proof. I'm open minded to hearing any Redpill, no matter how loopy it sounds. But there's got to be some substance, something more than a nice little story. Also, he brought up Hogg getting all or most of the flak, well Hogg has the biggest mouth. There may have been manipulation going on causing the internet mob to attack him, but it's more believable that he's just an annoying twerp. Calling for boycotts over a, barely, mean tweet than saying her apology wasn't good enough, then calling for her to apologize to LeBron James. No, he brought that shit on himself. I'm not saying it was right to go after him, but the internet is a nasty place so it didn't surprise me.
you mean try
It's not me though, I found it while searching for Kasky info
He was explaining it to a normie, he's got Hogg all wrong but the Russian adoption parts is legit. Look at the video, Kasky's operating his trafficking from Russia (and worldwide) into Florida.
anyone know what this place is.
I've already read about Kasky, I know. But he's going on about the Russian mafia without providing a shred of evidence. Sounds interesting though.
OP here.
You guys keep acting tough but you won't do shit about this aside from fap to your waifus.
Rise up.
why anthony borges look like he is dying of advanced aids cancer #StoriesUntold
He's not going to take anything from anybody. He expects more capable people to do his bidding. He is dumb enough to think that the police and the military share his views. All he is doing is contributing to a schism that more intelligent and experienced people can exploit. There's already a secession bill introduced in the South Carolina legislature due to his gun grabbing rhetoric.
Oh I did a bit of background research and it seems legit. Tampa Bay Times in Florida used to be called St Petersburg (Russia) Times, no joke. Check Wiki.
Also this:
>South Florida is 'open territory' for organized crime
> And the gangsters of yore have been joined by rivals from Russia, Israel and South America. But the culture of greed and violence has remained constant.
pic related
this kid fits with the theme
KEK he looks slavish
Maybe he's adopted too?
How many of these Parkland kids are adopted?
Post it? And proof on pollacks?
>sees name
Ah nevermind didn't see it
But yeah I guess he's Russian
Looks like he met with Eminem - who Q is dropping the bom on apparently
when I look up his parents to make sure it was a real person, I notice they dont even live in florida. His dad doesn't even have Florida listed on intelius. all these parents and other characters are connected to NJ, NY & PA
the pollacks and some other families. They are just really suspicious. Like Meadow Pollack is from Skippack, PA but her dad never live there. He is another one with NY, NJ ties. it very strange & she does have friends who are fom PA.
also the borges family. Look how much money they getting so far. It is insane. That is not normal.
Yeah I thought it was crazy to get almost a million
Kasky lived in NY too, also worked at Hollywood at one point.
Hogg also worked for Broward Teen News, on WBEC-TV (, literally a TV station. It seems legit that he was doing reporting stuff before the false flag, but these media connections are suspicious as fuck.
Look up "Broward Teen News" on YouTube and you'll see a fuckton of MKUltra type videos, especially for MSD.
I bet if you went down the list of victims you would see they are all from either Valenzuela, NY/NJ or PA
This is Hogg doing a report on "Overpopulation as Stoneman Douglas":
This is a Music Video from MSD students, they all seem abnormal but maybe it's just me:
Also the owner of Becon.TV is connected to NBC.
Are you actually shitting on a kid that was shot?
The whole thing was a set up, it's plausible that the victims are in on it. Cruz was either framed or in on it too, regardless the MSM is hiding something as they have not explained why the SWAT team was there before the shooting occurred.