I need a quick rundown
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hey rabbi
They think this will make people resent Palestine, but they forget something. Just like with Memri, this just makes Jow Forums like Palestine more.
Because there is no possibility *someone* else put up a “certain” flag for photo op
wow its not as if pol didn't already know hamas was jewish
Because of this post, I intend on flooding my college with pic related.
Jews, everytime I see the swastika brought up through your factions, I'm gunna print another stack of pic related and super glue them on campus.
Viva la swastika
God damn it’s been too long since the swastika has flown like that against the Jews.
nothing new.
CONFIRMED! the Jew cannot help himself. he is beyond salvation
Damn. I thought we sprayed for Nazis last week.
Palestine confirmed for Alt-Right. Leftists to support Israel soon.
trying to one up HWNDU
expect more by 4/20
sounds like the perfect idea, lol let's do it
Ive been pretty 50/50 on this subject for years
But now
Go Palestine
Its been a LONG time since that flag has been flown in anything besides a LARP context
This is godamn biblical
>genocides palestinians
"Stop trying to genocide us!! its UNUDDA SHOOAA"
fuck hamhoss
>Pro Hitler
>Anti NWO
to actually be this fucking retarded.....
please kys like your failed leader immediately, ty.
Also means the IDF are about to commit some atrocity
Pick one.
>muh based muslim!
Don't use our flags you shitskin faggots
Palestine and Hamas are on the fast track to getting obliterated by Israel
not fucking kidding, flying a swastika is a fast track to getting most of the world to hate you
>Jow Forums and muslims agree on literally everything but we still hate them for some reason
>Anti Hitler
>Pro NWO
What a fag
this is a right proper thread, this is
neck ---> rope
But Hitler is the reason we have Israel, now..
uhhhh the Jewish people stole the land of the Palestinians raping their children in the streets and strangling babies in cribs who werent jewish.
No he isn't.
>Jow Forums and muslims agree on literally everything
o-oy vey! you are p-probably a cuck! muslims are all inbred niggers that hates Europeans ! their mass inmigration has nothing to do with white countries under jew control bombing the shit out of muslim countries !
>>Jow Forums and muslims agree on literally everything
Faulty premise.
Muslims believe in killing the infidel.
Jow Forums believes in killing muslims.
>meme flag
>Jow Forums is one person
Stop gaslighting schlomo.
>burger education at its best
>Jow Forums is one person
You kikes never learn, do you?
>Jow Forums believes in killing muslims.
>not killing jews too
nice shitposting Mr.Goldberg
Don't blame me. I am using his language to respond to his idea.
i dunno
im kind of hoping that both sides wipe each other out
JIDF pls go. Try be less OTT next time eh?
we should all start attending our local BDS and Justice for Palestine clubs
Well, on that, we and the muslims agree, no?
Remember that song from Animaniacs were Yako sang the countries of the world and he mentions Palestina? It's like the Mandela Effect of geopolitics. Gas the kikes.
these evil jews need to be stopped
Muslim Nazi are truly the ultimate Nazi
we know what reverse psychology is kike. Now why don't you go back to using your norwegian proxy and posting IDF milkers? Remember to control the opposition, shmuel
Yes, I'm sure Hitler would have been pleased with the millions of non-Germanic, non-white Turks and muslims living in Germany and Europe nowadays.
Fuck off.
>photo from base of the flag
The Palestinians know hitler was right.
This reminds me. Has pol tried tracking where the “he will not divide us” flag is now?
>Hitler wasn't Jewish or part of the synagogue of Satan...
Wow, you really are that stupid...
Hitler was the NWO killing lesser jews, you retarded tool.
Muslims are semites, and are subhumans.
Your support of these savages is even more absurd than the support of "based black man".
How long until Muslims take over Europe, kill the Jews there, and invade Israel?
It's been too long.
I remember a Dutchanon saying the Muslims in his workplace openly talk about taking over and killing Lefties, and that he would "convert" so he could watch and participate killing Lefties.
Please stop doing that before I start liking Palestinians, TIA.
>tfw far left have been trying to hard to team up with ISIS, but ISIS is trying so hard to team up with far right
really maks u thonk
The world will always hate you kikes more, sorry rabbi
It's in France.
Somebody attached a flamethrower to drone and tried to burn the flag, but it was flame proof.
Just ignore Shia, he doesn't need the attention anymore.
i can still sing the whole thing from memory.
this is actually one of my proudest achievments
This guy is right, you know...
>flying a swastika is a fast track to getting most of the world to hate you
You'd be surprised.
Obvious false flag.
Israeli created Hamas as a tool to wage war against the Palestinians.
The Palestinians inhabiting Israel today are the real descendants of the ancient Israelites. They converted to Islam in the 7th century. The fake Khazar/Berber ""Jews"" presently occupying Israel have no genetic link to the Jews that lived in Palestine during Roman times.
Oy vey, I hope the ADL doesn't find out!
WTF I love Hamas now
literally a false flag lol
>changes id
>im right you know...
Youre dumb as shit kek
you know that means he wins right?
Jow Forums will never like muslum subhumans you piece of shit shill
do you notice how they both point different directions?...
I am in tears seriously. I wish I could have seen that.
Not entirely convinced that flag pole is even in gaza.
None of those people are alt-right.
"Individuals associated with the alt-lite include Mike Cernovich, Gavin McInnes, Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer."