>Controls the world
>Has the most beautiful women
>There nepotism can bring you anything you desire as long as you join them
Jews are by far the master race, white people are just mad cuz they are mongrel nigger scompared to jews
>Controls the world
>Has the most beautiful women
>There nepotism can bring you anything you desire as long as you join them
Jews are by far the master race, white people are just mad cuz they are mongrel nigger scompared to jews
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*inhales all available oxygen*
wtf I love Yahweh now!
What Jewish beauty!
+ they are smarter than the average white person and act better.
What? You really have a strange misunderstanding of jews
They're definitely the most successful, but I wish they wouldn't try so hard to actually destroy the world.
A lot of them are lawyers and politicians to. They played by the white mans rules, as a minority, and won.
Destroy =/= control. Why would they destroy the thing they basicly own?
*kills inocents*
Into the trash hell you go, go take a shower
This is a retarded statement. Comparing a single ethnicity with "white" a racial category composed of several ethnicities isn't analogous. It doesn't even include all ethnic jews (sephardic jews etc).
More a more analogous comparison would be something like white Episcopalians, who actually outperform Jews on g-factor tests, including IQ and ACT etc. Secondly, there are more genius whites than total Jews.
Fine then. Whites are way more criminal than African Americans in the US, cuz there are way more white criminals than black criminals. Oh, and do Episcopalians run the world?
Jews need to make up their mind- is it a conspiracy or is it a coincidence? Dumbfucks.
kill all kikes
> become jewish
> get sweet connections
> become goyim once more
> you jewed the jew/
>Jews are by far the master race, white people are just mad cuz they are mongrel nigger scompared to jews
I agree.
Nasim was more pure than any of those skanks.
kys, goy trash
Who's paying for this new influx of turbokike forum sliding and consensus cracking? Do your Jewish masters know that they aren't getting any return on investment from hiring you to argue with Nazis on the internet? Shouldn't you be out murdering innocent people for the glorious Communist revolution that's right around the corner?
I don't know how you expect anyone to actually believe anything pro-kike on this board. Someone fire the psychologist because he isn't doing his goddamn job.
0/10 kys
Lol, firstly I'm half Arab, the enemy of the jew, yet smart enough to see who has the upper hand and played their cards right. Secondly jews owned the white man on capitalism, they are master tradesmen, and clearly aren't interested in removing it. Thirdly pathetic Nazis should take note from the superior jews about how to create and run and ethnostate.
>jews arent arabs
>israel is an ethnostate
Ethnostate but it has Arabs in it? Enemies of the Jews or just Jews? Are you the psychologist?
Please, elaborate on how wasting money on pointlessness is "owning capitalism" too, before you kys.
There are Arab jews (I'm not one), and ethno states don't have to be 100% pure + it's divided anyways.
To you everything they would do would probably be seen as "wasting" money. I don't care about that. They clearly now how to earn and create wealth. They are great innovators of technology too.
Best Piggu
scarjo looked like a nasty kike until she got surgery to look more goyish
I figured this out ages ago at this current moment I'm trying to find a jewish gf so that my children have access to the tribes benefits. I know there are a tonne of jews here we have aq high population like america but no one seems to go about flaunting their jewishness so it's hard to tell who is a jew. But oh well I am gonna keep trying maybe I will visit a synagogue and try to network there. Why must it be so difficult for a goy to find a jewish partner? I know it's not impossible though.
The jew is a fucking leech who wouldnt be shit without white people. Just like every other race on this planet.
>Has the most beautiful women
Both oven dodgers.
beautiful men too.
Are those flies on her stomach? That face too, urrfff.
Heals makeup and fake tits go a long way. But not really.
muh vagina!
wrong jewess my dude
>Make up masks
Females make themselves ugly by trying too hard
I'm pretty sure it's Kat
No they don’t because they’re not an inbred nepotistic pack of rats
try online or jdate, harder to date jews here bc there mix less without the goyim unlike american jews
They grow a lot of corn out there in Israel?
first of all, the jews only control america and israel
secondly, jews spend untold millions on surgery trying to make themselves look more european
thirdly, i wouldnt even stick my dick in half the women in that picture
and no, joining the jews wont make you successful and besides you wouldnt be allowed to join
Shlomo is a real Jewish name, not just a stereotype. =) Shlomet is the female version. She's my favorite Israeli model.
>here's some hollywood kikes with xx amount of surgeries to their name
no thanks
In the end it will speak for itself...
don't stare at this picture for too long
>my value system revolves around the posession of w*men
she's cute
>There nepotism can bring you anything you desire as long as you join them
But can it bring me their elimination off the face of the planet?
stupid goy
There's not much of her really.
They don't want to destroy, they want to enslave.
Oh FUCK! Muh DICK! I wanna snog that slophog, oh SHIT!
retarded meme, the place shown in the second picture is not even jewish, it belongs to the Bahai religion which is a Persian religion
lol also look at the Forrest in the back not exactly a tropical climate.
So...Jews should be sent to space?
do 1/4 jews from the father's side really count?
Attractive women among your ranks doesn't excuse institutionalized scumbaggery and supremacism in regard to the rest of mankind
dude I work in a building thats 50% Jews and the top ten hottest girls that attend there only 1 is Jewish...really pathetic if you ask me
Actually they're about this smart
fuck off tranny lover
>he hasnt read the talmud or he's a new himself
You're glowing, schlomo
Shlomit is so beautiful and in a very Israeli way. This is a girl to go to war for
>they are mad cuz they are mongrel nigger
I loved danish bants
look at those lip injections
Let's not forget this handsome motherfucker. Also the smartest leader of any nation, MIT graduate motherfuckers. Badass Arab killer too
How about this; I go to war on that pussy, and you take it off of our friendship tab, Shlomo.
Someone took the time out of their one and only life to make this. Holy fuck, you could take any ethnic sub-group say Slavs and make a 10x bigger info graphic of expulsions. .
I think I'm gonna jerk off to that Johannson whore