Israel Guns Down More Protesters. Nearly 300 wounded or Killed

Seven Palestinians were killed by Israeli army gunfire, Gaza's Health Ministry said, in resumed clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli forces along the Israel-Gaza border for the second consecutive Friday of mass protests. According to the Health Ministry, 1070 Palestinian protesters have been wounded, 293 of whom by Israeli military gunfire. Twenty-five of those wounded by gunfire are in critical condition. Some 442 protesters have been evacuated to hospitals in Gaza, with more being treated at the scene – mainly for smoke inhalation. Demonstrators have set fire to hundreds of tires along the border fence with the aim of preventing Israeli forces from identifying and wounding the protesters through the thick black smoke. As a result, this day of protest is being called "Tire Day."

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Israel needs to level disgusting Gaza to the ground already and build some sweet beachfront condos

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الموت لكندا

kike begone

>muslims dying

based israel

butthurt sandnigger detected

Now watch the kikes flood the thread shilling for Israel. JIDF is back even though they never left.

Leafkike is here as usual

Attached: nasimabc15.png (1276x654, 685K)

Good. I hope they kill more. I hope they kill them all, desu. I can hate Jews and still hope for the total eradication of all muzzgroids everywhere.

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Semites shooting Semites is friendly-fire.



Ah yes, these are certainly unbiased news sources that definitely aren't in the business of pushing any kind of narrative or propaganda.

The hell is this?
Look like some Bahai religious scripture praising Nasim.

>everybody wins

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judeo christains cilling judeo christains... what esle is new?

Who the fuck else is going to report on this? Our media is almost completely controlled.

Don't call them protesters as if they are humans.

There's nothing to report on if it is complete bullshit. All it is is Mudshit propaganda, the IDF is not gunning down "wounded people" and women and children, they're killing literal fucking terrorists trying to bomb them and shit. I hate kikes as much as anyone else but don't expect me to cry over a bunch of Hezbollah ragheads getting ventilated by the IDF.

The Palis should all get an ass beating for getting uppity when they know they are worthless shits

Even people in the swamps of Vietnam create something....the palis only plan for violence and live off charity

Here nigger

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glass the entire Middle East

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> All it is is Mudshit propaganda, the IDF is not gunning down "wounded people" and women and children
Good goy.

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>I hate kikes as much as anyone else
Extreme doubt

they kill millions of innocent muslim and christian civilians in the middle east then have the cheek to say kill all mudslimes

kike detected

That's my waifu!

why the hell would anyone sane bother evaccing over 400 muslims to a hospital? Just let them die already.

flag checks out.

About time. Back to business as usual.

Holy hell. If this shit happened in the US the whole world would be calling for Trumps head on a pike. But no, we gotta protect those defenseless Jews, am I right fellow goyim?

Just kill yourself already

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just let go

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