Do you think that a California is trying to deliberately get people to leave? Maybe so they can redevelop the state?

Do you think that a California is trying to deliberately get people to leave? Maybe so they can redevelop the state?

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yes, no

No liberals don’t play 4D chess like that. When they decriminalized infecting others with aids on purpose they honestly thought that it would make California a more attractive place to live

>trying to deliberately get white people to leave
it doesn't matter
white births only make up 20% of births in CA
white people aren't having kids in CA

No, it will be like all the countries whites were kicked out of. Now they want whites back.
Cali is a shithole state now.

The plan is to give the state back to Mexico..

This. I used to live there and a lot of people honestly think the AIDS blood donor stuff is no big deal, that criminals are the true victims and crime victims are the oppressors, white privilege, whatever.

A few like Soros and Zuckerberg are master manipulators, but the average liberal is really just
incredibly dumb.

Except that the Mexicans in California don’t want to live in Mexico. They can’t rent-seek off whitey if Cali goes back to Mexico, beanhead.

hopefully. way too many fuckers in this godforsaken hellscape

No. The people who are leaving are the rich white people. The people coming are dumb welfare leeches.

The south western US will become another country. Good riddance.

>average liberal is really just
>incredibly dumb.
I wouldn’t say that. It takes some actual brain power to rationalize and actually believe such ridiculous bullshit. Niggers, spics and Jews buy into anti-white things because they hate whitey,

Shitty White people rationalize that self-genocide is a net positive because it will somehow uplift low-IQ people of shit color. You actually have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to get to this point. Lower-IQ whites will take their own side.

north cal seems pretty nice

I suppose you could say they are so smart they are stupid. (Like how Hilary said she was too smart to win.) True, they are very creative for dreaming up reasons why a doctor in the ER injecting you with literal AIDS is beneficial to social justice.

But anyone dumb enough to eagerly accept an injection of literal AIDS surely cannot be that smart.

nice try, Juan

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I think so.

I think they are trying to disperse the population into other states so they help turn those States blue.

Actually that's partially false. The majority of the people leaving are the poor to middle class white people that can't afford to live there anymore. The amount of rich whites in California has actually stayed more or less the same.

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Mexicans would just end up leaving again

It seems that way, I got out of there a few years ago. Everything was so expensive and shitty quality.

The commies want to keep getting re-elected. They get gibs from the feds. Once the gibs dry up, they have no plan.

Please, stop leaving California. All the tech faggots are moving to Nashville and ruining what is left of the shitty city. Every time I have to go there it is worse than before, more homeless loitering around. Why did Nashville have to become to tech hub of the south and not Atlanta or Memphis or some nigger shit hole.

This was a pretty good twitter thread about the madness of California legislation and why people support it:

threadreaderapp . com/thread/982416390668914689.html

Interesting. Thanks

East TN user here, I avoid Nashville like the fucking plague for this reason.

Nashville user here. Can confirm it's getting shittier. My go-to gas station has homeless niggers hanging around out front all day.

Yes, pic related is goal

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The last people to leave are the poor. Poor cant afford to move, also they arent abandoning a career.

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How does CA tech people -> homeless loitering

No. There is so much money pouring into CA from China and Wall St that the state gov can afford to alienate the middle class and small business owners.

I'm stuck here for at least a year but I'm trying to get the fuck out.

Do NOT let California secede, it sets an ugly precedent and there's still a ton of Trump supporters here.
Trump needs to stop pussyfooting around and take out the rogue leadership in this state and immediately mass deport all the illegals, most of which will flee at full speed back to Mexico the moment they realize the free ride is over.
What remains will be a bunch of armed republicans and a bunch of cowed unarmed hivedwelling soyboys. Oh yeah and niggers but they'll probably be too busy looting and killing each other to do anything.

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Trying to gerrymander the electoral college got us into Civil War 1 if im not mistaken.

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Sort yourself out calianon. I think america could use a little balkanization.

>give state back to mexico
nothing left in 5 years