I would like to hear pols thoughts on what happened a day or two ago

I would like to hear pols thoughts on what happened a day or two ago

A man was point a shiny metal object at people like a gun and he pointed it at group of police officers and he got shot dead. The object turned out to be a pipe. BLM thought it verifies as clean ground for a shitty protest

Well? ( pic related)

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This is disgusting. A black man can't even point an object at police without getting shot. When will the oppression end?

Stupid fucking thing to do, of course they're going to shoot. I don't like cops but if you aim something that looks like a gun at cops, you're expecting to die.

I want to know what all these slide threads are trying to hide

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Kek, I thought he was just holding it and the cops were trigger happy. Of course a nigger does something fucking retarded as this and of course niggers get butthurt about him getting shot. Fuck niggers.

Point a gun or any thing that resembles a gun at a cop and got shot? Yep, that will happen. Play stupid games and get stupid prizes.

If it was a fruit pie I would have shot the nigger.

Not only does it resemble one it actually could be one in other situations even if it’s clearly a pipe. OPs pic looks like a zip gun. Really hard to distinguish between the 2 if you’re law enforcement and considering he was waving around like an idiot it’s no wonder why he was made good

If any retard points anything that resembles a gun to a police officer, it deserves everything that happens ot them.


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what if he never got shot

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Haha. I caught that subject [it] switch. Good job, macanudo user.

He should have been shot sooner by an armed civilian for the good of the neighborhood.

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I don't even talk to the cops unless I absolutely have to. Usually I don't see them, they don't see me and that's the way it was always supposed to be. I sure as fuck wouldn't point anything at them, not in a million years. Especially in America of all places.

Didn't know the guy personally, so I don't know what was going on through his mind, but it seems like he fucked up big time. Sad, but it is what it is.

Watch the video it's obvious , he was looking for suicide by cop.

this. he dindu nuffin. BLM!

New Yorker here, people think this is one of the few times where there's a public story but the police didn't do anything wrong. The decedent clearly had issues and if it was a white guy they would have been shot too.

> if it was a white guy they would have been shot too.

Maybe not. White people aren't as prone to violence, and police know that.

>White people aren't as prone to violence, and police know that
Wouldn't know about that... There's literally a training video (or rather: real footage that's being used for training purposes nowadays) used by the cops in America with some deranged white old guy just stopping his car in front of the cop's, casually taking a gun (I think it was a rifle of some sorts) out, stepping out and shooting at the cop multiple times. Imagine stopping some old guy or an old biddy for speeding and expecting to give them a ticket for speeding as usual only to get murdered in cold blood... So while I hate that the cops in America are so trigger happy in general, I can see why they're trigger happy. It's because there's a lot of crazy motherfuckers out there and it's just a sliiiightly easier for said crazies to be packing heat in the US. So you end up with paranoid cops who'll probably be insane by the time they've reached retirement age. Weird system, because it keeps feeding itself like that.

If I didn't already know that's a shower head I would have thought it was a gun at least from that picture.

that looks a lot different than the pipe they show on the ground

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The real redpill is to not look at what they have in their hands, but to look at the color of their skin.

Use that to decide to shoot or not.

He dindu nuffin

Eh. No black people are more prone to violence. Here in America. They're responsible for over 50% of violent crime and they're 13% of the population. Think about that for a second. Such a tiny fraction of the population. It means their violence is overwhelming. And black people still go to jail more than whites.

He knew what he was doing.

He was threatening the lives of random people even if he didnt really have a gun.

He was imitating that he had one and he pointed it.

Two to the chest, two to the head

I would have punched him before the police arrived if he jabbed that at me.

fucken B A S E D Germs

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