What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?

What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?

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Wasting your youth on Jow Forums.

If we define "finding oneself" as a handwavy excuse for past poor choices, there is literally no male equivalent because for men, every poor choice will come with a range of life altering consequences. Take it from me, a guy who had made a few mistakes. Now it seems no matter how hard I try to work to fix it, it's always too little too late.

For women, someone will always take the fall for them, someone will always forgive them, someone will always make excuses for them, someone will always give them another chance, someone will always coddle them and take care of them. Women hardly ever feel the consequences of their actions because we, as a society, feel the compulsion to protect them like delicate flowers.

>What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?
The degen "finding yourself" or actually doing so? because if you want the degen version, then just get swole, get a good job, and get a decent-ish apartment+car/bike+haircut so you can fuck lots of tinder sluts

Buying a motorcycle and leather jacket when reaching middle age and financial stability?

I can only think of pretty tame things.

Seems like (((finding myself))) means "media says I have unlimited power and no accountability, also no creativity, so I will whore myself until I'm burned out".
Since the media only says to men that they are useless and rapists, there's not much to look for.
a fight club then?

>What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?
growing pubes. now fuck off.

>a fight club then?
It's too bad Rumblr never got off the ground.

Not really. Know plenty of women who are still single in their late thirties because they spent too long "finding themselves". Ain't nobody taking care of them.

top tier post
nice job

Gaming/being unemployed for a few years.

This. Playing video games past the age of 12 is honestly fucking pathetic.

This should be considered pedophilia and punished harshly.

getting a job and working yourself into an early grave. Welcome to adult hood.

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I wasn't just talking about relationships. In any aspect of life women are easily carried by the currents.

Is she shy/socially awkward/weird? People will still try to include her, invite her places, make her feel welcome. Did she do poorly in school or university? Someone will overlook it and hire her, mentor her, give her opportunity upon opportunity. Is she short on rent? Not a problem, just pay when you can. It's not even just their ability to have sex at will, it's that women literally live life on tutorial mode in every aspect.

They have special grants, special privileges, everything you could ever want. If if they ever fuck up, everyone always assumes they are a victim.

Finding that you can order estrogen online, and rejecting your masculinity, so you may pursue a loving relationship with a slightly awkward, hard working guy.

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the time between undergrad and law school

Sewing your oats.

women don't always have someone to take the fall for them retard that's why there are so many single moms, a dude can always reinvent himself and find a young chick to knock up and have a family at almost any age if he takes decent care of himself, a woman loses that option basically after 35, plus if she's got a kid she's stuck with betas and niggers

Cleaning your room and getting your shit together.

I worked at a law firm in between undergrad and lawschool user

>cleaning your room

Depression and alcoholism. It ain't as much fun as getting boned, but sometimes there's a rainbow on the other side.

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Spend time by yourself.
Watch early Michael Tsarion presentations.*

*I'm not putting him on a pedestal. He simply provides food for thought.

sticking your dick in ez sideways pussy

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Be an ALPHA.

when you stop doing stupid shit to impress women and manage to fuck them anyway.

You couldn't be more wrong. You know yourself the best when you've reached rock bottom.

Not having reached a contrived plastic, materialistic idea of "success"


Men instinctively find purpose and meaning in life. They also have lower expectations and understand that they have to work for any achievement they desire. They live their lives as actual adults, cutting their own path through life and being content with that.

Women don't have any of that. They really need to have a strong man in their life to give purpose meaning and direction. Which is to fulfill their biological imperative to bear children and be good mothers. If that does not happen their energy and maternal instincts are redirected into "finding myself" or worse, society destroying activities.

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You pass the bar yet? If so what kind of work do you do?

Is that an asian baby?

i know plenty of men that are like the pic you posted though.


A mid-life crisis would be the closest thing because usually it's when a man has gained some degree of wealth and realizes he's spent the past 30 years running on a hamster wheel

It's still just escapism. Men feel worthless when they don't have a purpose or a goal. Getting stoned or getting drunk is just a different game. Drinking 1.5L of cheap wine 3 nights a week in order to deal with depression isn't a great situation.

Personal story
>finish grad school
>get fellowship with startup nonprofit
>not good money, but good cause
>realize its just nigger bullshit 24/7
>nonprofit startup means never any equity and always shitty pay
>quit because working investment banker hours for less than taco bell pay
>be unemployed
>suck as finding work
>do bullshit odd jobs
>fuck linkedin
>drink heavily
>drink more heavily
>eventually get job offer out of state
>move and now things are pretty good

For me, "finding myself" was being an alcoholic and depressed faggot shit posting here. I hated myself and everyone around me. Eventually it worked out, but it would have been lots more fun if were a drunk roastie slut.

>For me, "finding myself" was being an alcoholic and depressed faggot shit posting here. I hated myself and everyone around me. Eventually it worked out, but it would have been lots more fun if were a drunk roastie slut.
Yeah I learned a lot about myself during my "lost year," which was pretty much drinking and thinking about suicide constantly. I didn't have any fun, I hardly ever left my room I was so ashamed of myself.

Male version of "finding oneself" depends on the generation.
Silent Generation: Go to war, come back with bad memories, ride Harleys and Indian motorcycles until eventually settling down.
Boomers: travel around doing drugs and having sex and then after all that bluster about not being like their parent, go and get married to someone they knew and fucked for a week or less, try to make it work only so long that kid end up in the picture and get royally fucked over, then "find themselves" again in the 80s via worship of the mighty dollar.
Generation X: You find yourself by finding out there is no hope and everything your parents told you was a lie, and then go off doing something you like but makes little or no money. Then you end up in some 9-5 job anyway trying to have a family, end up divorce-raped, and then you find yourself again, realizing you were a cuck the whole time and having nothing left but shitpoasting and waiting for civilization to collapse so you can get your revenge.
Millenials: You find yourself by experimenting with sucking cock and taking estrogen and either end up killing yourself or become an SJW freak. You might have an epiphany as the heliicopter above you gets smaller.
Gen Z: Many already have found that everybody older than them needs to suffer and starve if they are going to get anyway in life.

Going to war.

Male "finding yourself" is all Wojacks and dark thoughts

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And not everybody makes it. But the ones that do are better for it

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Getting a masters in a useful field of study and making 6 figs while single in your late 20s early 30s, saving money, occasionally splurging on whatver you want, taking vacations, buying that cool car, and slaying pussy 7-10 years younger than you on the reg.

>Degree in network administration
>8 years military
>living with a roomate
>Can pick locks
>Firearms Expery
>Electronics Craftsman
>Working for 11.50 an hour listening to whiny liberals bitch about their internet.
>Drink Heavily
>Get stoned as often as possible
>To poor to move
>Crippled by medical debt due to getting shot in the shin during a home invasion.
>Constantly watched by the cops for killing the son of a bitch who shot me. Still paying court fees.
>Would shoot that shit bag in the face all over again if I could.

a man still has to work to make a better life for himself, or even totally change his personality.

women can just suck bigdaddy government dick when they get in trouble.
like said it's not just romance.
women have training wheels and constant guardians and caretakers watching them every step they make.

what percentage of homeless people are women?

So, things are on the up?

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75% accurate. However if a girl who is not super attractive has a kid with a deadbeat most likely no guy is going to clean up the mess. If a woman takes too long to find herself and she can't have children then no guy is going to want her. And of course HIV.

>Drinking 1.5L of cheap wine 3 nights a week in order to deal with depression isn't a great situation.
You’re not watching me, are you?

>room is clean
>still have no contact with other humans

>if she's got a kid she's stuck with betas and niggers
>betas and niggers

Taking dicks to the ass???

7/10 decent post

I disagree with the anti-female rhetoric but you hit the nail on the head with the culture our society propagates

>Has a need for human contact

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everything about that photo looks japanese to me except the girl on the TV

>people unironically believe this and parrot it 24/7

>state enforced HRT & transitioning for betas/manlets, when?

>b-but men!

Fuck off with your useless anecdotes.

watching porn every day

That's great boy.
>my old ass
>done never "picked up" or dated girls, because my first (only) gf at 15y.o. (both of us) was a childhood friend
>both of us come from rural, large, vast property owning families
>I worked as a pizza delivery driver to Class A driver to diesel mechanic; ending up semi-retiring at 31y.o., to become a part-time cook at uncle's bbq pit eatery and invest a good amount of my savings with family in properties/portfolios
>I also grow/sell cannabis since age 17, continuing now, at age 49
>that first gf ended up being my wife and now, a grandma of 3 grandkids
>most of our large family has saved and pooled so much funds for 30+ years, because most of our properties was paid off back in the 70s, so most are living in various houses/cottages in 10+ acre properties (just paying bills and property taxes)
>most of us has never paid rent or had a mortgage
>we take some vacations to the big cities (about a dozen times throughout the year)
>we are still a tad survivalist (grow and hunt more than half of our annual sustenance consumption), are frugal, spend a lot of time outdoors and get bliss off hunting; to end the day in a large campfire with our guitars, hitting the joint/sipping the flask
Bless your heart, user.


I'm not trying to sound like some turbo emo or anything but god damn the shit i've tried to do so far in life just hasn't worked out. Reading shit like this about how people retire in their 30s seems impossible to me. I've had so many "off years" so much stress from family, life etc. I've heard about how some people have rough starts in life and it gets better but god damn, it has never stopped since childhood.

I just want to be happy

go cry more little faggot bitch lmao i'm so laffin

except it offends my nofap sensibilities

living the dream, user. hope to see you someday at the party

yellow tail?

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My advantage was my family, that owned property before I was born, so many of us (about 17 nuclear/extended/in-laws around my age) were able to save and pool a shit ton of funds for years (decades). Me and my lady lived with 5 other family members, living in a 2bdr house with 2 cottages (sitting on 5 acres) for 6 years. The household income was a lot and we lived there rent-free.

I HATE the many young folks now don't have the foundation of paid off, family owned property, while also having at least $80k saved up for them by family to gift them when they hit 18. I also detest of kicking out young adults to "become independent". We have 9 units (family owned property with 7+ people living in them rent-free [longed paid off property]) across 3 States, with each unit pulling a combined household income of at least $250k each. This has been happening since 1972, continuing now and expanding (new progeny being born, accumulating more in-laws). We will try to keep up this Family Prosperity Tradition indefinitely and not rely on (((pensions))).

We were meant to live as and support the clan.

It's ok user, just tend your own garden and be on the look out for opportunities. Everybody's family is fucked in its own unique way. You can be a good boy. The retire in your 30s thing in really uncommon and mostly a meme.

maybe one day things will work out, but its something I gotta do on my own

going out with your best lads for a weekend in Vegas where everything goes; alcohol, gambling, prostitutes, etc... just become the degenerate you've always wanted.

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You literally proved the point of the person you were replying to with that last sentence. Good job.

> Has 9y Pee
What the fuck
Also that's funny coming from a citizen of a nation that essentially made e-sports a viable career.

>What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?

Going to Southeast Asia to party and bang hot Asian babes.


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Realizing you'll kill yourself unless things magically turn around

that's photoshop.

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Getting a job.

>What's the male version of (((finding myself)))?


>Be American
> Etc

But if he doesn't sell enough books, how will he pay for all his anti depressants? Oh right, he'll get us to pay for them with our taxes.

That's a great setup to ensure that people can start families in time and to put the right amount of social pressure on the children to not become anti social failures. I'd try to carbon copy that straight up if I had a family.

producing enough sperm for bukkake parties


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fucking brutal

i got to thailand a lot and have a lot of degenerate sex with the girls down there

Glad you're okay. Stay up

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Brought a motorbike

Spending money on yourself instead of giving it to a woman.

Lucky bazztard

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I can’t beleive I’m about to say this. Fpbp.

aaaaaaaaaand now I want to kill my family.

basically was a neet for 1.5 years, and I honestly can say I've grown much over that time period as I was constantly reading stuff. pretty happy with the person i turned out to be

women ARE delicate flowers
attitudes like yours are literally part of the problem